Can no longer watch Viki on computer

So, it seems I’ll need to cancel my Viki subscription, since it will no longer run on browsers/computers running Windows 7. I don’t have a TV. Watching on a phone is not an option either, since the screen is too small for me to see. Thanks Viki.

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Sorry, but very rare somebody still using W7 Even in this year will be out w10. No support on them anymore and your computer out to everything and danger. So better to upgrate.


even Windows 10 is ending September 2025.
But I have an iphone 6s (2016) and it still works perfectly even with new apps… I’m shocked! Perhaps it’s the last year

The problem is I have GIGABYTES ON TOP OF GIGABYTES of digitized and reworked photos going back to the 1800’s. If I upgrade to Windows10, I also have to put out a fortune for Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign, etc., with no guarantee that the photos will upgrade. Also, as simi11 below states, Windows 11 is already here. I’m reading from other photographers/creative design people that the current Adobe package is not working with W11. So sort of caught between a rock and a hard place. The only “danger” is not being able to see videos on Viki.

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I had the same problem with my previous mac. It was so old but I couldn’t bring myself to buy a new one yet. Eventually the segmenting and subbing tools where not working anymore so I had to put that on hold. Then a while later Youtube stopped working, sites where not loading properly. So it was really time…

At that time I did borrow my dad’s laptop so I could at least renew my VikiPass untill I had saved enough money.

I was like why toss something out when it still kind of functions?! I still have it as a back up, kind off.

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The problem is, that every few month the security is updated and changed software so older apps or websites do not have that security protocol and therefore don’t work any longer like websites with only http are considered unsecure. Like iphone 5c won’t work with newer updated app, since apple stopped supporting or providing updates, it ended with only ios 13. Same with iphone 6s which strangely still works well, but ios also ended and will ev. run out of using well apps…

As you say the saved pictures on W7 have different format than todays format, because Microsoft is reading them differently and so can’t be transferred… I find it stupid and unfair but again it’s because copyrights and whatever, to protect or control owner rights and what else, face recognition and more…

The future that awaits us will make it even more controlled and komplex… Those changes also allow companies to continue selling products, it’s the light bulb cartel system…