Hi guys,
I’ve been having difficulties with a CM lately, and that’s got me thinking about what constitutes a good or bad CM.
Is it normal for a CM to be unfamiliar the original drama language? My current CM subtitles but she’s not good at English or Chinese. Or does the job scope of a CM only include recruiting and managing the CW?
I joined the channel when half the episodes were subbed. Apparently, it’s been left uncompleted for a long time and some fans have been waiting for a year. And yet the CM is not active on the page. She’ll tell me to leave a certain episode to her, which she’ll complete when she returns to Viki in a week because of personal reasons. She disappeared for much longer and thanks to the “Recent Contributions” tab, I’ve learned that she’s been working on other projects. And to my horror, she’s been starting new fan channels and signing herself up for more licensed ones in the past few months.
As an English Moderator herself, she doesn’t even stick to the standardized terminology which is so important to Historical Chinese dramas. It confuses the other language subbers.
I must point out that minus her, I am the only active english subber on this channel. Viewers are frustrated and I don’t blame them.
I hate when viewers pull the responsibility card on us to sub faster because we’ve volunteered for a project, but shouldn’t there be some responsibility to commit to a manageable number of channels?
I can’t quite decide if what she’s doing is wrong or if I’m just making a big deal of nothing. I’ve worked with other CMs before, and this is so different from my past experiences. What do you guys think?