Channel Manager Qualifications


They are talking about this one, it wasn’t as good as the series in my opinion. Love O2O (Movie) | Watch with English Subtitles & More | Viki


Too many to count, with new rules it’s impossible to catch something big if your not expected level… And lately I had like… Fxxxx… again… and yeah same people… So i think soon I will go to big and long vacation.


And we should take the word “level” here with a grain of salt. All shows that just happen to come from any place other than South Korea or Mainland China have now been degraded to low level. And even if we ever had the right level, we have probably lost it by now since they set an expiration date to our experience.
I don’t even know if Viki intentionally created “experienced” and “inexperienced” CMs by their biased selection process of the past 2 years or if these new rules are just a way to justify continuing with the favoritism.

I might join you…


And who should we ask, which level we are (when we are unsure), when the Viki staff not answer to mails.
Hm… mh… let’s see what this rule will bring… even most of us know the answer.


I think they did what I spoke with my friends, genre cm’s. Big Chinese dramas are level 4, but no everyone can be cm, and for new person is almost impossible.


What is “gender cm’s”?

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You know those who got for example big Chinese dramas with many episodes vwill constantly get them, … Etc…maybe maybe if they kindly agree they will become other person mentor but I doubt it, since their community language will come first. So this close inner gender circle for others to develop higher level. And everything will go round and round. My friend call it case of clean gloves, because now we can’t complain since rules are the cm is about to get a show basing on a requirement level


not really. i got one, then by luck (cause the cm wasn´t there anymore) a second and after this I never got a chinese drama again. the last one was from 2018 or so.

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But you got cm because of inactive cm so it doesn’t count, I mention the new channels will always go to same level. And basic on what’s I see when cm is added I’m right.


The situation hasn’t improved much. The fact that you can’t be CM of more than one show at the same time anymore is now causing serial CMs to break their agreements with those they had chosen as team member just because they are afraid not to get a new show fast enough for their taste. It’s just sickening how some people can betray others, just to feed their addiction. And an addiction it is if you do anything to get your fix no matter whom you hurt in the process.


Nothing changes same people get cm, and now to got cm you don’t need to even aplly, if you high enough ln ranking you can literally write to Viki staff in dm to give you the show and add your friends, and immediately you two pop out as cms. So yeah, new rules gods to trash bin since nothing changes, and those rules only are like a veil for staff to not have to explain that they are constantly giving cms to same people. This community changed a lots at first I was happy here, but now I think it’s time to move on.


Exactly! Those new rules are an excuse, not a clarification and certainly not an improvement. It’s just an updated way of going on doing the same thing. If anything, it made things more complicated instead of less… for the shunned ones, that is. For the serials, life om Viki became even greater as they now get rewarded for taking on people who otherwise wouldn’t become a CM and thereby increase their special status even further. Now tell me what admirable special skills those people have that we don’t. Obviously, it’s not even about that. Either Viki likes you, or they don’t. No amount of time and energy put in by us, nor any sincerity from our side, not even actual experience, skills, and talent are ever going to change that. It’s sick.


I don’t know… On my end I definitely felt improvement. I got 2 projects as a CM since the launch of new rules. I only had 2 previously in my 10 years of volunteering :woman_shrugging:


I wish the improvement was there for everyone who needed it. It only happens on a tiny scale, though. For the most part, it’s still the same people. I guess you were lucky.


Indeed! I agree with every point that you brought.

It’s even worse saying this out of loud, but IT IS THE TRUTH. I won’t even tell you guys about a situation that happened to me this last weekend involving the CM position… what a sick game though.

With all due respect… you see this 'cause you got 2 projects (for now) just to make you (instantly) happy. You gonna see that this won’t make it for any longer. And I do understand your point 'cause in you place, I’d be and do the same, period.

May I say it again? Should we stop our hands and prevent further disappointments? Monopoly is gaining space every day that we come here to complain; I feel like this has been the reality for such a long time. And I’m not even being too mean, it’s the fact. (I don’t have a clue about the last chance I had to help in a channel as a subber)
Such a loss…

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I think now it’s not abut how you manage channel previously, good or bad. It’s about people who got it often, and if they are willing to take you as co-cm to developed, or you will be stuck. Still I have cm’s friends who are on level 4 and 5, yet they didn’t get a cm in months, even if they don’t have anything to do right now, while others got one after another. So because of that, rules sucks. And sometimes co-cm is only there to be, and old cm is making all the work, so it’s like a veil for others to not brag that this cm got it again. I just lost hope. And since now you can ask for channel on private message, I think we need to take it as new normal, and just made subs, since nothing will change, even if we scream out loud about it, even if we made countless posts, this will remain this same. Not to hate anyone, but it’s just the way it is and will be.

Do you think that started only now?

Nope I know it didn’t. But at some point I had a hope it’ll change. It didn’t. Now for one specific genre there are constantly same people, like circle, going round and round. So I’m just watching it with popcorn and enjoy laughing, when I see same old people once again. As for staff I think they just prefers to ignore it, and be blind on others complain. Only rainbow and unicorns. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: