I don’t know how other CMs work it out, but for the very few channels where I’ve managed:
● to subbers accepted without moderator:
I give all info from the first welcoming message + a mini-guide I wrote (with the definition of “abuser” I think?) + googlesheet template they can use + nssa guidelines
This is the welcoming message:
"Thanks for your reply and welcome to the team!
A few rules to explain you:
All ep can be subtitled in “aaa language” in order.
Vocabulary, ost, characters, translation guides in team notes (4th tab in subtitle editor).
Please, note down on a document and use the same translations for songs, specific terms and names all throughout the drama.
You can write them on an googlesheet or googledocument to remember them and to copy paste the lyrics.
guidelines to help you (5-10 min to read!)
formatting (click on formatting “shortcuts”), punctuation and grammar: review your subtitles once you have finished translating a part or an episode.
please, pay attention to formal / informal speech between characters and keep the same for all the drama. Same with familiar vs. formal terms, old vs. modern words depending on the drama’s atmosphere and era.
please, don’t overwrite on another subber’s subtitles, don’t steal others’ subtitles and don’t translate in another language.
please, look up in a dictionary if you don’t know a term, but don’t use translation programs.
Feel free to ask me questions if you have any. Once you finish translating one episode, just ring my bell please 
Wishing you good luck and thank you!"
(If someone is thinking of something we could add, he is welcome).
(- Why I tell them to look at Team Notes in the welcoming message: because we made them so anyone, including new subbers, mods, editors, could use them, with all the vocabulary and songs.
Ex of our team notes:
Menu with guides, clickable:

Characters + googlesheet with these photos so they can use it for them:

All vocab by categories with the Asian/English translation:

Menu for songs, clickable:

Songs (even 5 lines in a lambda ep with the n° of ep + timing), they just have to copy all songs and translate them in one shot:

For one, I did a googlesheet with a synopsis for almost every episode and a map of characters by sects with their name/title because it was about 50 characters to remember:

The vocabulary sheet by categories, available in Team Notes so anyone could make a copy, add a column to add their translation (it is about 550 words of vocabulary, special terms throughout the drama):

This was all done during the drama was aired and during edition, so when S2 came, I just sent this sheet to new CMs.
- after sending the welcoming message to subbers without mod: they send me a message when the ep is translated.
I check what they did with Google Translation and Deepl, I can compare with other similar languages, I check they translated lyrics (some let them in English, I tell them to translate them and keep a copy to copy paste), I tell them to fill in holes until it’s 100 % subbed. I don’t accept dots or musical notes as subtitles, I tell them to translate. The reason is simple:
It is impossible we have dots or holes or music notes in English subs of dramas I managed, I have watched them all, so in other languages, they shouldn’t have them, or if they have, I will tell them to translate them and check they did so.
Once they are done, they tell me, I check again and lock the ep.
Next ep, we continue again, but they are mostly more attentive and know what we want.
- I sometimes check thanks to the cover page: all subbers without mod are written there so I click on their profile to see how the person I just recruited is translating or since how long she didn’t contribute.
I also save the cover page on a document, we never know.
- when a subber has completed all the drama; he tells me, I check once more really quickly and lock.
● to moderators: a few months after the drama is finished, I tell them a deadline to complete it.
I suggest extra time to moderators who ask for it because of personal reasons or if they are alone.
This time, the deadline is the end of summer 2020. Most dramas I had already got their 1st anniversary on Viki, so the deadline is not so strict.
I also suggest if the moderator doesn’t think he can complete it on time to stay as a subtitler or to tell me if he wants to continue as a moderator.
Some moderators decline at this step or don’t answer.
But 1 month before the deadline, I remind mods again that after this deadline, I have to change moderators.
It happens that after 1 year:
- the 1st ep or no ep is subtitled
- no edition
- no recruiting
- a few messages from subbers who couldn’t reach the mod.
- the timed comments: I had to delete for other languages as well because they didn’t do it.
- they let ep with holes (97% or 99% subbed): I message them to complete them. Most of the time it happens when we made corrections after the English release, that is why I was strict with English editors, otherwise other languages won’t make corrections.
I have watched and reviewed all the dramas I managed from ep 1 until the end. This is useful when a new subtitler without mod asks us questions about the drama, at least I know the story and have a chance to answer.
I have bothered all English editors on dramas I managed with a list of subtitles to look at.
I have moderated all the timed comments.
I have checked all the segging except 1 drama.
Once it is done, we would never take another look at it.
Since CM don’t have a board to have a general look on the channel, I had to do my own sheet for all languages with links of my last messages to them.

A list of complete languages and not complete languages.
Locked/ not locked.
Messages where they had holes in subs.
When a new subber enters, I check at what ep he can continue subtitling thanks to that sheet:

I had both problems with mods and subbers without mods, but mostly with mods.
Subbers without mods: holes, not translating lyrics, formatting.
A very few times (<5), I had to remove the subtitler because of abusing and report the profile.
Mods: they don’t moderate the channel.
Overall, I think that a great part of managing a channel is checking what people we recruited are doing, have done and that begins with watching as a viewer the drama you manage to see the quality they put into the drama.
I think it is heavy work, and I would update this list every quarter or semester.
… the only thing I haven’t done yet is checking what all mods have put, I have checked for some, but not all the team. I would probably discover interesting things, but mods should also be responsible, I can’t be behind everyone.
There are also other mods who tell us when the mod we picked is not doing his job or is doing really strange translations, I tell them I’m going to ask and if it’s something related to abusive contributions, I say you can contact Viki if you see it is necessary.
● new mods: I send them a mini-guide I wrote for moderating + nssa guidelines + ask them to recruit, do a cover page (even minimalist). The mini-guide for mods with explanation on what, where, how:
I also check their progress on the drama.
But now, I mostly don’t recruit mods for rare languages, I ask them to subtitle first and if they did at least 10 ep or half of the drama, fine, they are enough motivated.