CM's not adding themselves as Moderators / Abusers

We have a CM in the German community who likes to add herself as a German moderator for her own projects (if she has a slot free), but if she has all the slots occupied and a new drama comes along that interests her, then she removes herself as a moderator, adds someone else from her team and thus has a slot free again. I assume that she doesn’t stop moderating the drama during an ongoing project and continues to do so. If the drama goes to someone else, she adds herself back to her own project as a moderator. BUT, so that this is not noticeable, all people added to the channel after her are removed from the channel. She adds herself again and then adds all the others again. In the channel, it then looks as if nothing has happened.

After this was addressed in the German community (without mentioning her name), the About Me page was updated and the cover pages. She had forgotten to remove herself as a moderator there. I’m curious if this will stop now or if she will continue to do this.


Yeah, comparing the project’s cover page with Team tab can give you plenty of information what happened with contributor’s role.


Interestingly enough, the cover pages, specifically the cover pages in Spanish and English, is what gave the one from my community away. She leaves our language empty in the English cover page but when you check the Spanish one, she adds herself as the moderator.


All it does is to have more work, it’s really silly to do all that just because that person likes a project, to be honest it’s the weirdest thing I’ve read and seen so far.


@thaly1209 I have a ticket on the help center that is over one year old reporting a user with prints and evidence that they were in fact breaking the rules and this person got to be CM for over 5 projects after Viki’s reply that they knew and were working on it. So, they tell us that there will be consequences for breaking the rules and as far as I can see, the consequence is getting more channels than the other volunteers that actually follow the rules.


It seems like viki rewards them instead of punishing them.


Wow, that’s new to me, but I’m not in viki family nor the news on kkt and don’t take many projects anymore, so this went on without me noticing. That’s a very bad behavior and I’m so surprised to read about this happening ;(

I stumbled over this. The person is designed a Segmenter but in Team on Viki and CP is as Moderator… I’m kinda puzzled how this works…

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Specially because in doing so, you leave no room for new Mods or CMs that could potentially do a better job at it, and pay more attention to it because of all this hoarding and closeness between teams, like it would be impossible for me to enter a team that already has their chosen ones no matter how good/bad of a job I do, which is also disheartening.

I feel like a lot of the volunteers here lose sight that in the end, the important thing about volunteering is helping the community with quality subtitles/translations in our language, and well, unless you are on the top 10 or top 3… what is there to gain?

And is very sad too seeing projects that are so badly subtitled, maybe not even edited that are high visibility that put the whole community to shame, there are some reviews where they badly rank the show because of how bad the translating job was… so again, what is the point? you are not doing a good job and you are not getting paid to do it anyways… why not let others have their chance at being CM or Mod?


As a new volunteer, I am disgusted by the things I have read in my short time here at viki.


I get it. It’s because most of the time we use Discussions when we want to vent and complain about what doesn’t work, about what’s wrong. We don’t talk enough about the good parts, which are many too!


When did stumble over that? Did you check the roles on the team tab on the channel? The project contributions are bugging in the last days and not all roles are displayed correctly. One could be CM and Editor, but it will only appear as Editor on the profile.


If they are “just” moderators without any language, they are segmenters and all languages moderators, so they can open and close the episodes. For A&C segmenters very common, the segments don’t count for them and they gain at least some subtitles. Lately segmenters are not allowed to combine any segments, so they have to change the subtitles which leads to those number of subtitles.


I got curious and checked the About Me page, it’s all cleaned up :slight_smile: (got some nice screenshots before). So I’ll keep an eye on her, but I have my doubts that Viki will take action.