CM's not adding themselves as Moderators / Abusers

After much discussion with some people from my community, we felt that this should be spoken about. It seems like many people are keeping silent about this issue.

Many people who are added as CM’s do not add themselves as moderators when they are the ones moderating X language. What’s even more shameless is that although they don’t add themselves in the team or the English cover page and leave their language empty, when you check the cover page in their language, they add themselves as the moderator. CMs should be transparent with what they do. As someone in my community said, “[i]f you have the guts to add yourself as moderator, accept that you have one less space and give the opportunity to someone else.”

This is also considering the fact that these same people add themselves as All Language Mods or get other people to appear as the moderator, when in reality they are the ones leading the team.
This happened in 2 series I was part of. After someone complained that X was added as an all language mod, although they were the A language mod, they added another person as moderator and I saw how X was the one leading the team behind the scenes. As soon as the series was completed, X was added as the A moderator.

That’s without mentioning people with 10+ accounts and those who take projects and do less than the bare minimum in their documents. Subbers and editors have to basically blindly translate.


Also, I would like to say there is no complaints about adding himself as Language Mod but this is about CMs who take the Mod Language without being transparent.


Hell yes! While there are a lot of skillful and talented people wishing to be a mod and being rejected, there are others just taking as much as they want and even more than what they should. This is disappointing.


It seems to me that you spoke for all the people who are always waiting for an opportunity with the many projects that the platform offers, it is horrible to see that they choose themselves as moderators but do not fulfill their role just to have more space for other projects. They should be ashamed to do all that.

The community knows which are the talented people who deserve more recognition and more opportunities.


Yes, it’s important to highlight that. There is no issue if you’re a CM and add yourself as the language moderator. The issue is when you’re not transparent and do not add yourself even though you’re the moderator.


Isn’t it supposed to be like this? if you are going to moderate the team in Spanish you must put on the role.


I understand that what we do is voluntary but I find it a bit crass that some people in the community block other people from being able to mod a language by take it for themselves without actually being honest about it. Don’t we all deserve a chance to be mods here?


Well said! :clap:

I saw this happened many times, and it’s not right, specially because is a must to have empty spaces for request a new project… How is posssible that some people not only make the request, they even get new projects with more than 5 projects ongoing???.. they put themselves as editors or so… when they are moderators by fact.

Why is this happening?


I would like to know if the same thing happens in other language communities or only in the Spanish one.


I saw someone get added as an editor while there wasn’t a moderator = they were a moderator.


Unfortunately, I’ve seen this happen way too many times. Last time someone was reported for that, viki just slapped their wrist, and warned them to not do it again. There’s no surprise they keep doing it. What’s worse is that some people defended that person and blamed the poor contributor who reported the situation.


That’s the point, why there is no punishment about this issue? Even when you report someone actually that people find a way to get a Channel when they have more than 5 channels and it is more annoying because some CMs allow this behavior… I therefore want to express my regret towards this attitude and hopefully CMs could think carefully when they made a choice and Viki Staff should pay attention to this urgent matter.



Looks like we got a room for this again. Awesome!!
So here’s the thing, in the Portuguese Community it happens a lot! Like… maybe I’m overreacting and bad-mouthed, but… I’m sorry, it’s pretty ridiculous to see this; and again VIKI does nothing. (Put up a show and keep going buddy!!).
I know a Moderator who just, right now, has up to 9 projects (approximately); and when I mean 9 projects it’s because the person just care about finishing translating and… **** the edition thing, literally! (This person is CM and Moderator, like… :woman_shrugging:) I’m soooo pissed off. There’s nothing wrong on being CM and Moderator as long as you make it public to everyone. Anyway… As if being a Moderator does not have the edition duty, you know? I, for example, have 2 projects which I decided to take on and do the best for it. It’s completely translated but the edition part is screwed and I’m taking this so serious that I do not plan to leave it alone, so I’m giving my best!
The point is, when you decide to take a Moderation you must be available for all those things that come up and not just slip out from this! When the CM takes moderation it’s literally saying: “I take CM’s responsibility and I also take Moderator’s”, so you must expect that this person is up to all those rules that we, when part of the team, are.
Do not just try to cheat on us! If you’re not willing to give you 1 slot for this project, then just do not put on the cover page that you’re leading the way on a language team, and please… do the job for good, which I mean… complete this before deciding to go to another journey. At the end of the day, you, QC Gold, has 5 slots don’t be selfish. It’s equality, darling.
And it’s even sadder when you try to say it out of loud or try to warn the person about it and get a big slap on your face, so what’s the point of being helpful at all? Or when you get some comments like… “I’m here for soooo many years already, you think I don’t know how to do this?” Anyway I want an explanation for this situation, not just this but many others that we’re still on the dark lol😆.


But more should be expected from the CMs, however they always choose the same moderators who commit such barbarity.


My God, that’s worse than I thought. 9 projects without editing? don’t the viewers complain about that? how horrible!


Yeah, I know people like that too…
Accepting google translators into a team, then not editing anything and telling the CM, that everything is okay XD


I don’t understand and have never understood the point of hoarding moderator positions. Viki sets new rules for the community and people keep finding ways around them. The only solution now would be to count the CM position as a moderator position.


But as CM you don’t have to be Mod for your language…
But it’s right to do so, if you moderate a certain drama Into your language and not someone else, or as editor, when clearly everyone can tell you are the Mod


I agree. You don’t have to moderate your language if you’re a CM. However, if you do it, you should add yourself under that role.


I’ve reported the same person several times as they’ve done it several times, and never got any reply from Viki. I really find it disheartening, as it’s a blatant violation of the rules and yet, they are given CM roles even when they have been reported.