Disappearing segments

Well…the appearance is that it is yes, possibly a contributing factor. Certainly the timing looks rather convincing. The fact that the contributions were directly affected - and being tallied up to vet for that first badge - also looks like a very convincing argument.

Are the contests for the badges the sole source? Likely, the answer is no. But the additional server loads - it is not known how much additional storage demands for all the collection files, etc, would be an added contributor, x the number of volunteers who participate. The effort to review all the profiles…and decide if the conditions were met also…may be there, yes.

The variance in video upload schedules and other factors say that there has been a good deal of effort by Kristie and the IT boffins to deal with some issues that may underlie the painful symptoms and outbreaks of novel and nasty new vikibugs. Continuing problems every time the spinner is changed, or a new fan channel to be bid on by CM’s is put into the malevolent Project Finder…well…yes…you can forget even typing a PM sometimes at that point. Mysteriously watching one’s work here appear and disappear? sigh.

I think…if this continues…my advice to my Teams and about work in progress…may change considerably. The most recent experience of trying to find a workaround and help people fight the tide really has given me some considerable thinking this morning that next time, if the leading edge of the black hole of the month’s event horizon appears to be looming ahead of my Team…I may stop trying to find workarounds…and simply post the notice I ended up putting up yesterday, informing fans we are having some difficulties and bear with us. Sigh.

And advise my Team to just well, wait it out. Stop fighting it, as we cannot tell where we are in the process of the event itself. This morning, it is still not clear if we’re out of the woods.

If this is a marathon…and indeed linked to the badge contests in a rather unfortunate way…we do ourselves no service by sprinting to exhaustion two badges in.

May the overlords reconsider this badge contest and give more consideration to the hard-working VOLUNTEERS from around the world. :slight_smile:

Crunchy Dieter Donut just for you, Denisse :slight_smile:
We are Mei Daxia. We choose to do the most difficult dramas well. :slight_smile:

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I had the same issue so I tried logging out and back in again. Then the badge appeared.

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i just ignor the red warning for refresh and i can sub

I’d say that for collections, they only need to store the image of your cover and the blurb.
When you add a show into a collection(this is what I’d think happens) they automatically assign a number to the drama you added. For example, Grand Prince with a number of 34. Everyone who adds Grand Price to their collection, the database only needs to find 34. By finding 34, the database already has the image of the drama, name and link there. All it needs to do is find that data and put it in. This way, I wouldn’t think you need so much processing power.

I now have the same problems with subbing. After two segments, the page asks to refresh and the video also continues while I"m subbing. I cannot pause it.


You mean pause when you click on :pause_button: at the left bottom of the video?
Do you mean you begin to subtitle an empty segment and it still goes on and on / or you can’t pause a “refresh” segment when you go back to a “refresh” segment to correct it?

(I can’t pause/replay a “refresh segment” to correct it or to add more words, it’s like broken, I have to subtitle each segment correctly in 1 go (or if I got it wrong, I copy paste the wrong sentence, correct it elsewhere and copy paste it back to Viki segment but it asks a little more time).

Which animal is it? The panda badge for collections?
How creating collections are linked to volunteering tools (subtitling), there’s nothing to count?
Did we have volunteering tools problems with the doggie badge too? I don’t remember having subtitling problems in February :confused:

@piranna Yes, once I start subbing the video does not pause and I cannot refresh the page. If I do, it will still be there or the ‘please refresh’ message comes back again. In one video I was subbing and in another one I was editing.

Which drama is it? Maybe, someone in the team can take a look (or if they have the same problem)?

I don’t have this kind of bug, so maybe, better to file a ticket to Viki or to add more comments to the Bug post.
Anna is telling me that you have to refresh it?

Another way but asks more time:
If you really want to subtitle/edit it this week, you can download the English subs, copy paste it in a doc or in a google sheet (black letters for English) and subtitle/edit it in the document just the line below (in another color and including coding such as <br>), then copy paste each colored translation in segment timer in your language? Or copy paste through Subtitle Editor.

Ps: complicate to translate without hearing or seeing the video, so you can divide the screen in 2 (on Windows, windows icon (or Fn)+ left arrow or right arrow) with the English subs doc on a side and the Sub Editor or segment timer on the other side if you need to replay a scene.

The nightmare continues on all fronts at the moment - and the worst place is to be changing a segment or a subtitle right now. you get red box errors reboots, errors piled on errors, refresh this, and you can’t just find your spot without scrolling or searching.

I’ve got workarounds piled on workarounds. It’s taking forever to do ANYTHING.

The number of VOLUNTEER HOURS WASTED are growing every day this is going on.

If there’s an empty segment (not 100% subbed) and you want to correct a “refresh segment” but the video doesn’t pause, you can tap Tab to go directly to an empty segment that doesn’t bug yet until you fill it with a subtitle.
On an empty segment, the video pauses normally at the end of the segment and you can return to previous segments by scrolling or searching.

If it’s not subbing but editing in English, it’s not common but the editor can add empty segments at “useful” timing so you don’t have to scroll down a lot when you tap Tab (like 1 empty segment each 2 min or after a scene). But don’t forget to write the empty segments timing somewhere and erase them after editing.

(To edit in other languages, it’s better not to add segments if at the same time someone subtitles it by mistake)

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I also received the same bug and came to the same conclusion. Last month I experienced the bug in which all the contributions I did were gone and couldn’t acces my projects. And this time I get different messages ‘servers down’, ‘needs to be segmented’, etc. Luckily I can segment, but subbing is a nightmare.

Several students in the NSSA Sandbox are also experience this problem, so I did the same as @deadliftdiva_548 said - to wait it out till the server gets back to normal. I really hope this won’t happen every month. :cry:

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same issue with Only Side by Side With You.

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The same issue is back! At least on 3 of my projects I get the error messages, “refresh” “can’t be saved” and “no segments”.


True story. The bug is back, and it’s annoying… Worked on 3 dramas, got bored, I’m gonna call it a day until later this evening, when my On Air episode comes out. I think it will be a little bit of a nightmare, but we’ll see…^^

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The bug is also back for me :’(
I got the badge yesterday and with that I got the bug again.
The badges are cursed :sweat:
Let’s hope they fix it soon

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Ugh, for subtitling:
just saw that when you want to correct a subtitle that has “Please refresh” in red, you can’t. Like it’s not saving the corrected version and let the old version.
So I’m subtitling the part without trying to correct a previous subtitle.
If I have to correct a subtitle:
Once I finished translating the part, I refresh, readproof the entire part:
there’s no “Please refresh” when you correct a subtitle and check that your corrections are “saved” in green.

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That…is if you make ONE CHANGE ONLY. guess again for the editor. There is no safe harbor in either tool. Both constantly demand refresh or force the refresh on you by the reboot message. Ignore it enough and you get the segments DISAPPEARING.

The bug is formidable and quite dragon-like. Smaug would envy his reach and influence!

Untouchable Apple-Fritter Lovers

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I met Smaug he actualy was very nice.

One change? Scratching my head :confused:, I don’t know, it’s working for me:

I’m here now:

If I want to correct the first sub in red: I refresh, no boot message, and when I correct, nothing appears in red:

After refreshing, here’s the screen (% is the same, nothing’s red, everything is saved)

After correcting (test, test, test), here’s the screen (it’s saved in green when I go to next subtitle):

Anna is telling me that she manages to segment on 2 dramas When we were young and Only side by side with you (on air channels).
Grand prince too, segmentation has just finished, no problem neither from this side.

For me: I was subtitling the same drama since yesterday Memories of Love, almost 3 episodes, and apart “Please, refresh”, I can subtitle it.

Maybe it’s only certain dramas??

Example: JUST NOW at Untouchable Lovers, the on air. Episode 35. New - as in fresh lines, not editing.

Sub editor. 14 lines entered total. 7 refreshes, INCLUDING one where the SUB editor came up with the SEGMENTING DISAPPEARED ERROR and the entire thing had to be reloaded TWICE. That’s just to put the start OST and the title and ep number on it. okay? And we’re still finishing the last section of that episode in segmenting too!

Sigh…perhaps the bug is seeking out all of mine. Complaints from all Teams working at present - or having halted due to frustration in a couple of cases for the moment.

I’d like to think these bugs are much more democratic than that. Give it time, and stock up on cheesecake…to sooth the frustration. :slight_smile:

Untouchable Crunchy Donuts