Do you celebrate thanks giving or christmas?

In Germany Halloween is coming, more and more. Children are demanding ā€œtrick or treatā€ and in the last few years I have sweets at home for them.

In my region, I live in a little town near the former capital ā€œBonnā€, we have the tradition of ā€œSankt Martinā€ and kindergarten & schools hold St. Martinā€™s processions with self-made laterns. So beautiful! And after, each child will get a special kind of sweet bun, called ā€œWeckmannā€ it looks like a man. And they go from house to house, singing songs about St. Martin and the people reward them with sweets.

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Iā€™m from Germany, too :slight_smile: We celebrate not only Christmas, but the 4 weeks before. Children get an ā€œAdventskalenderā€, this is a calendar with sweets and little presents, from the 1st to 24th December. You can buy it with chocolate, open each day a door and get your reward. Some are homemade, filled with sweets or presents. Families count the days and celebrate the 4 sundays before Christmas as ā€œAdventssonntagā€ and gather for a special ā€œtea timeā€ with special christmas sweets like ginger bread, cookies and fruit or marzipan cakes.

Often families bake those Christmas Cookies together, often they have their own, old and well kept recipes. They decorate the houses and most families have a Christmas Tree.

We celebrate Christmas on 3 days. The Christmas Eve, 24.12. where some families go to church. Usually we have a delicious dinner and the families celebrate together. My family has every year oven-made goose drumsticks with potatoe dumplings and thin sliced red cabbage. We listen to christmas songs and after dinner we give each other presents. I love this peaceful atmosphere with my family.
On the first and second christmas day families celebrate together as well or just enjoy some free time. Traditional christmas dishes are gooses, ducks, turkey, sometimes deer or goar with nice side dishes. Some families keep it simple and enjoy potatoe salad with sausages.
These are homemade gingerbread cookies from last year :slight_smile:


Those look so good! I The little reindeer are so cute :slight_smile: Iā€™ll have to look for that cookie cutter for this Christmas.

I just heard about Black Friday today from my mom in Switzerland, I was laughing hard, whyā€¦
Since Im in US itā€™s all about commercial holidays that involves ā€œshoppingā€ I think itā€™s not much about tradition itself but tradition ā€œshop till your dropā€ :slight_smile: and eat and drink a lotā€¦

It starts with Valentinesā€™ Day, then Easter, Memorial Day, 4th July, Labor Day, Halloween, Thankgsgiving, Christmas and as last New Yearā€™s Eve. The stores are full of theme colored and occasion selected kitchen gadgets/paper plates, table ware, napkins, table cloths candlesā€¦ cards, deco and Special Sale for all kinds of products and even cars. Weeks before Halloween night I see X-Mas deco in storesā€¦

Now Thanksgiving is one the most important push to meet sales budgetā€¦ all stores compete for the best products and discounts, Black Friday, people used to line up 5 am in front of BestBuy an electronic storeā€¦ not sure if they still do thatā€¦ anyway then comes Monday which is Cyber Monday special sale for electronics, smart phones, donā€™t we need another new one :wink:
It seems these sales practice has been transferred to European Markets as well; business thrives when people buy stuffā€¦ but where the old stuff ends that is not so much discussedā€¦ Several years or a decade ago the Halloween custom has been transferred to Europe tooā€¦

Thanksgiving has many origins or roots, it began as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest, it is also connected to religious traditions in November, it is celebrated in various countries:

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I think I still like the Christmas traditions of Christmas carols, the smell of a pine tree, candles, clementines and many varieties of Christmas cookies (home baked). It starts with the Advent wreath lightning each Sunday a candle.
I like going to Christmas Mass, more for the choral singing, music and singing Christmas carols, not so much what they talk about. When going to church I have time to just sit and think, itā€™s kinda peaceful.
I think when you have children itā€™s more fun to celebrate Christmas as you get older the value of putting time of decorating house and tree somehow fades away. :evergreen_tree: - Fondest tradition is baking cookies with family, sometimes past midnight and retelling stories while drinking wine or schnaps :heart_eyes:
Wishing everyone a blessed holiday season :sparkles: :menorah:


@sim11 talking about Black Friday this was the best deal in years! they had a 55 inch smart TV for $298 since my car is small, I couldnā€™t buy it (a cab would cost about $150) I didnā€™t really need the TV i already have one but that was such an awesome deal. At least, I got me a Laptop since this one was falling in pieces lol I drop them a lot (Iā€™m too clumsy) I bought a digital sewing machine for only $89 dollars! A christmas (6 feet) three Original $50 dollars for $15.

Since I had rewards points, the christmas tree was free. My daughter who is feeling so much better, decorated the tree mostly by herself while i cooked dinner. this black friday was not chaotic, but pretty relaxing, ppl were nice and we chat as we waited in line to get in the store. Iā€™m looking forward to Cyber Monday for my christmas gifts shopping. Letā€™s see if it turns out great too. Wish me luck!

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I know you can find great deals if you know what you needā€¦ sometimes good deals makes you want to buy it just because itā€™s a good price, but does one really need itā€¦ I need a new laptop as well my 2012 acer screen is just hanging on one hinge the other broke I used tape but even that isnā€™t sticking to the narrow plastic screen surround
and using external keyboard since the acer chicklets just come off so easilyā€¦ had I knownā€¦ (also TG deal then) I wonā€™t get a refurbished!

Good luck finding your deal!! :four_leaf_clover: Iā€™m happy to hear your daughter is doing better :hugging:
Btw noticed how some screens have a really bad resolution on the letters, I can see the screen lines(they are cost saving screens), some are better like the iphone crispy graphic you canā€™t see that on a picture when you shopā€¦ I have to go back to walmart I saw only 1 dell and 1 hp with the great graphic and Im no fan of W10 :frowning:

Thatā€™s where I got my HP (Walmart bc Bestbuy had not one) My daughter was the one who picked the laptop so iā€™m confident is a good one (this is the first time buying a laptop there)ā€¦ I know nothing about laptops/electronics so they make all the decisions (either my son or my daughter I mean) lol

What are the odds? My laptop is hanging by the hinge too! I havenā€™t opened the new one yet bc Iā€™m doing my christmas decoration in my apartment. Iā€™m so happy my daughter is doing so much better I have the energy to look forward to this christmas.

Thanks for all the good wishes. I hope you find what you want CYBER MONDAY itā€™s a great day to save too. Make sure a second after midnight tonight Sunday, you are looking for the bargains for great products! The best of luckā€¦:slight_smile:

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its so good to see how others celebrate their holidays!! cyber Monday? oh my goodness!


Treating myself during this season, Christmas 20221210_184341

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We celebrate Christmas in Sweden itĀ“s on 24/12 not like in the USA that I have lernt from teve celebrates it on 25/12. Strangely many in Sweden watch ā€œDonal duck and his friends wish you all a merry christmasā€ (always at the same time 15:00) itĀ“s an old tradition that goes back from 1959. I donĀ“t watch it and honestly donĀ“t tell people that I donĀ“t as that would sound strange as almost everyone does it.


this year I got ME something for christmas, I subdcribed to, for the world explorer one, yeah a bit more than I spend on the USA one, but now I can go worldwide and maybe break down some brick walls I have. so Yes celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas
I also learned something from Iceland as well, really neat



Today is Lucia in Sweden and im not going to lie i watched it on teve but i found this clip on youtube that had a Swedish Lucia singing


If you post the YT link on the next line the video snippet will show instead of just the link.
You can try it to change it. Go to your post, click on the pencil icon (edit) and put enter after your sentence ā€œsingingā€ and you should see the video snippet.


Thank you so much! I didnĀ“t think about it, when I post photos it alway end up the way I want.

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A Mazelee Christmas! 2022!!


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Since I have to get my treatment tomorrow I kept it light so I made Lasagna with ground turkey meat, garlic bread, and my son wanted pork so I made a small one for him.

Although I received bad news from my 24 yr old a biopsy showed another skin cancer and we have to go to Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

BUTā€¦the car that we need so much for all of our appointments, my motor after the 100,000 miles gave up a week ago, and my loyal mechanic put another motor that is running like a baby, and DIDNā€™T CHARGE ME A PENNY!!!

So this Thanksgiving; Iā€™m so thankful that we still have people out there with a good, loving, caring heart, and they eased our pain since we have a rough road ahead of us.


Out of my heart I started singing this few phrases of a song that came into my heart as I was angry and fighting with God.


(Havenā€™t finished the song since thatā€™s all I got so far. Oddly enough; I mainly speak, pray and sing to GOD in Spanish and rarely in English).


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both, thanks giving and Christmas

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Pick your choice!

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