Done with viki

i know right, if we are paying, we should be able to watch dramas regardless of the region!!!

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I agree with @Wafaahs

I also noticed that most complainers have zero contributions on Viki. That’s fine, your own choice and I don’t tell you to contribute but then don’t complain you have to pay. Viki doesn’t force you to pay, they give you two options:

  1. Pay for VikiPass
  2. Be A QC and get VikiPass for FREE

I don’t wanna know how much money it costs to keep this site running and a license for a series costs a fortune too.
About paying and then see everything, no other site has that option, why? Becuase they need to keep to the rules the content provider gives. If they say “US only and QC” Viki can’t make it “US only, QC and VikiPass owners” if they would do that no content owner would work with Viki again because they didn’t stick to the rules. They might even get sued and need to pay a fine, there goes the money that could have been used on a license.

I work on Viki because I like to help out so I can watch my favorite series subbed and I find it only fair that QC’s get a VikiPass for free. And Viki is the best site out there in my opinion, no other sites like this has a system like this that allows me to watch almost everything while being from Europe. Yes I think people from the US are spoiled at that point, they have so many options next to Viki and most content on Viki does have a US license. For Europe Viki is the ONLY option to watch legal, a license for Europe is still kind of rare, not to mention if it’s an on air series like Heirs.
That’s also why I started to contribute soon after I joined and I had my QC status within 2-3 days I think. What are those 3 days if I now can enjoy so much more on Viki?

Ohh and you don’t order a big mac at burger king and I find it disrespectful towards every QC to mention sites here which offers illegal content stolen from us. We worked hours to have things subbed, they stole it within a few seconds and now people here say hey go there? How rude.


I don’t mind. I think you can probably have HD for everyone & have other incentives to get people pay for a Viki Pass but I understand that a website needs money to maintain itself. My only problem is that there are SO MANY ads on each video. Kinda like 3 every 10 minutes? Why can’t there 2-3 ads spread out? Is there a legal reason?

When dramas are an hour long that becomes very grating sitting through the ads (some that don’t load and cause you to restart) and trying to keep your interest with all those interruptions. Being a QC is an option, yes, but also keep in mind not everyone has time for it–it’s work and a job and a responsibility after all, so I wouldn’t be mad at anyone who doesn’t choose or feel like they can take that on. People have to stop all the time when life gets in the way; it’s hard. Also, $4 a month isn’t bad but this, too, is not an option for everyone so I also wouldn’t be mad if emotions are running high.

Meet half-way, guys. Understand each other, lol.


@Dudie Yep people from the US are too spoiled i guess.
Being from the middle east i am really grateful to viki, and i adore it and i thank them veryyyy much for this opportunity, i would have never been able to watch korean/taiwanese dramas without it, so i will always volunteer, and i love doing it. And i guess there is a bit of loyalty too.
But i don’t want to hear someone referring to me as stupid for doing that, because i am receiving much more from viki than what i am giving, the way i see it at least.
and as you said dudie 2-3 days are nothing compared to all the shows viki provide.
So it would be so appreciated if people stopped criticizing, everyone is free to do what they want just don’t criticize.

@canxi you don’t have to do like 1000 subs/segs per day to be considered as volunteer and become a QC, you can do like 20-30 segs/subs a day and it wouldn’t take 20-30 mns of your time i don’t think that is much, you are going to watch stuff anyways and that is way more time consuming.
But, If you don’t want that don’t complain, buying a cable subscription to see those shows would cost way more than $4 a month feel free to do that, if it is actually available.
Don’t come blaming viki for wanting a fee for the quality of videos while you yourself are not willing to do a thing to help out, seriously why should viki bother giving away free stuff to people who in the end won’t appreciate it?

But, I wasn’t complaining
did you read my whole comment? The only thing I dislike is the amount of advertisements. I don’t mind the fee, but as I said, it’s not an option for everyone just as a cable subscription isn’t, so why get mad if someone got upset most likely because of that reason? Now, you are just turning people into enemies. It’s like you picked certain things out of my comment that you didn’t like but didn’t read anything


it wasn’t you i was referring to lol i was just talking in general, how this discussion topic is absurd.

@canxi The great thing about Viki is you can help out when you want and when you have time.
Yes for popular series it’s important you have time on certain days/times but for older series it isn’t that way.

When I’m not in the mood to seg or have other plans then I don’t seg. My real life is more important then Viki and always comes first.


hummm 3000 subs
 isn’t too hard??? i would not say so.
i contributed to viki when i had time (a long time ago)
 and translation takes a certain amount of time
 so no, it’s not easy

afterall discussion it’s a place to share our point of view
 anyone is impolite or incorrect, so i think changing our feeling it’s the best way to progress!

viki without their creators will surely doesn’t exist
 they struggle to create viikii at the begining , it’s was a big challenge: provide for free videos from differents countries, and make people from all around the world contribute to translate (download,segment
) and share their culture and feeling about it! I was totally amazed by this project: no other site on the web provide this kind of flexibility to contribute freely; and by this community of devotee (that is what make me join this adventure)

and it’s all the contributors and the viewers (see some good drama/soaps with a low adience in VIKI are barely translate!) that make the SUCCES of VIKI 

i’m also disappointing by this new system
 not by the fact that there are ads, but the way they force you to see them
 every time you move the curser in a video, you lose 25s of your time!!! what the hell??? even youtube is not that rude!!
and there quite space where they can add advertising (banners and videos) without hinder our viewing!!
i don’t understand this new policy and really i don’t recognize at all what was VIIKII at first! (a few years ago i don’t understand why a moderator (that i forgot the name) was septic when viikii became viki, and the way that all will change and not necessarily for the best
 i understand now why!!!)


Je vois que tu as traduit en français, il y a 1 an donc je te rĂ©ponds en français, Tu as dĂ©jĂ  fait 2000 sous-titres environ, il ne t’en reste donc que 1000 Ă  faire et ainsi tu seras QC et auras tous les avantage des QC (en particulier plus de pub du tout !) on est toujours en manque de traducteurs un peu partout, n’hĂ©site donc pas Ă  recommencer Ă  traduire, il y a plein de drama ou tu seras bien accueilli !


pas de souci, je comprend plus que ne parle (et Ă©cris) anglais, donc tout me va!!!

en ce moment je n’ai plus beaucoup de temps Ă  moi pour traduire convenablement et surtout rĂ©gulierement! je reprendrai plutard car l’experience Ă©tait plutot sympa (meme si c’est un projet oĂč j’ai partiellemt participĂ©, et qui maintenant n’est plus disponible
 dommage car cette sĂ©rie indienne Ă©tait vraimt gĂ©niale!! bien plus que certains de nos dramas corĂ©ens!!)

je sais que cette mesure (vikipass) est faite pour prĂ©viligier ceux qui contribuent Ă  viki de maniere active
 mais je continue Ă  penser que QC ou pas, ca reste un matraquage de publicitĂ© inexpliqué  et que progressivement viki se transforme (le changement c’est maintenant!! =) ) et dĂ©vie un peu de ses principes premiers: nous faire partager des cultures venues d’ailleurs par des gens qui viennent d’ailleurs, avec un acces assez libre et confortable. Du moins c’est comme ça que j’ai dĂ©couvert viki, c’est ce qui m’a touchĂ©, et poussĂ© Ă  y participer!

et tout ça existe et surtout persiste à mon sens parce que tout est basé sur le désir du partage, le volontariat et la gratuité.

enfin bon, c’est ce que je pense! en tout cas, ca fait plaisir de recevoir un message sur un ton aussi gentil
 je te souhaite une agrĂ©able journĂ©e et peut etre Ă  une prochaine fois sur un prochain projet!!!

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Ce sera avec plaisir ! Bonne journée à toi aussi !

Exactly! If I have to pay now, I want more benefits than HD and ad free. I’m not going to pay for benefits that I’ve already had for free for years now due to AdBlock. I used this site for a while before I even decided to make an account a few years back so I could leave timed comments. I might as well just become a QC
 which I’m not really interested in because I lack the talent it takes to sub & seg

Also, why is Viki charging us when volunteer seggers & subbers do most of the work for free?
I highly doubt Viki is going to start paying the hundreds of people who contribute.
I understand that other sites have people on their staff to run the site and write subtitles so they must make a profit, but Viki doesn’t do any of the video work besides uploading the vids

My loyalty meter dropped a few levels. Bum logic, Viki, bum logic.

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I mostly get what you’re trying to say, but I don’t think you’re looking at it from a regular viewer’s point of view.
Not everybody is equal. Some people are just bad at things. I’m horrible at segment timing and you can only do subbing if you know a foreign language well enough. Do you have any idea how many people are out there who only know their mother tongue? I know a little Korean but not nearly enough to be a subber. And honestly, if I knew Korean better I wouldn’t be in need of subtitles, now would I?
I’m a great editor, but they usually only need one of those per drama and that position usually goes to the same few people over and over again. From the viewpoint of other users, the team sometimes looks like an exclusive club. Becoming a QC is intimidating when you’re unsure of your ability to be of any help. The teams would just be annoyed with me if I tried to help and then accidentally messed something up. It’s not quite as easy as you think. If we all became QCs, Viki would get too crowded.
Also, Viki only gives you worldwide access if you’re a QC, not if you buy a pass. I get worldwide, HD, and ad free if I pay at DF, plus DF has access to shows that Viki does not. If I’m going to pay I would choose the better deal.
I’ve been loyal to Viki for years because of it’s unique environment. I watched shows on here long before I ever decided to make a user account. Now it feels like a cheap version of DF and I’m sickened by it.
Sorry if you don’t understand that.


I agree with the QCs. I enjoy helping because I want people that don’t understand korean to be able to watch dramas. I don’t feel it is wrong to become a business and start charging, it is not like you can’t watch anymore, it is just that you have to watch the adds. when we started to help, we all knew this is a volunteering job. However I do understand the complains, I am sure when they decided to have the viki pass, they knew some people wouldn’t like it, some people would stop watching and that some people wouldn’t mind paying 4 dollars to watch dramas. If u are not satisfied with the way it is now, you should totally look for something else. But what I don’t agree is create a ton if topics saying how bad viki is or that this website is like other websites
 It is a bit rude towards the people that work hard to get the license. The last couple if weeks viki got the license for most dramas airing in Korea. They are trying to improve this website and to do this they need more money.


Don’t forget. There’s also captioning . There are many series around here that need caption mostly in Korean/Chinese, but there’s also English, French, Spanish, Vietnamese, Romanian, etc.
Or you can add a channel in your own language and caption that.
And even if the video-source is gone (i.e “Jade Palace Lockheart”), you can still access the Subtitle Editor. You may ask why would you caption/subtitle a TV series that hasn’t got a video source
 well then
 I have no more alternatives.

There’s segmenting, subtitling and captioning.

I think Viki is changing, but not necessarily in a bad way. It was, from the start, based on volunteering, thus many people have or had a QC status. They didn’t get an amazing treatment up until now, because even if they had access to all series, they were translated mostly in English. The other teams had to jump in and translate into their respective languages. Thus, in a way, earning their access to those TV series.

And these problems with commercials and video quality for non-QCs should be addressed to Viki.

  • Regarding the VikiPass, there are 3 alternatives: segmenting, subtitling and captioning.
  • Regarding the poor video quality after you’ve paid the VikiPass, since I’m a QC, I don’t know. But! If you’ve paid, there should be a quality equal with QCs’ quality. So, go tell Viki! Tell them now, organize yourselves, just tell them. Maybe it’s just a beta thing, maybe they’re still working on it. Who will know if you don’t ask?

First off, for those who don’t think Viki made a huge profit from the 200 million deal, you shouldn’t be so naive. I am trying to say this in the kindest of ways.

From a non-contributor’s standpoint, what I see is this:

  1. It takes money to get the dramas. Viki saves a good amount of money by NOT having to pay for translators, segmentors and captioners.

  2. As such, it was the free work from the many hardworking volunteers to get Viki “on the map” and made it THE place go to to watch dramas. Really, what kind of business has free labor, CRUCIAL, labor to help it run? None! Even the American Red Cross and Salvation Army has to pay their workers.

  3. Hey if you are happy volunterering your time with helping Viki become a money making machine as the creators of Viki has said that it aims to become the “worldwide Hulu”, then that’s your choice.

If I was a business investor, I’d put money into Viki too. Viki’s business expense is much lower better than DF or Hulu. because Viki has super loyal volunteers willing to work free, while DF and Hulu has to pay for the translators, segmenters and captioners!

Somewhere a small group of people are making alot of money on the backs of the volunteers here at Viki. I am just saying, you guys should be rewarded ALOT more than just QC status.


you have a point however why a fixed monthly subscription? I wouldn’t mind contributing something of my choosing like a donation for the whole year. Furthermore this site was originally started so that people could access free unpolluted (Ads) content. If monthly payment was the original aim they should have made this clear from the beginning then this post would not exist. We should have seen it coming guys all these website upgrades and changes cost money. Its been fun Viki Duces.


Organize? Organize how? This site makes it very hard to tell where to direct complaints, there are no customer service options and no obvious place to report bugs. The reason I downloaded AdBlocker is because of this site and its horribly faulty commercials, the malfunctioning of which destroyed my viewing experience (and I see hasn’t improved now that I’m forced to watch ads again). Other than posting on these discussion threads I don’t see anywhere to air my grievances, and since they don’t seem to have a legitimate number of paid staff I am doubtful they will be fixed. If they’re going to start charging money for even a semi-acceptable viewing experience, they need to have paid staff that are obligated to address customer concerns. An army of volunteers is impressive and all, but let’s not kid ourselves: this site is NOT a global version of Hulu.


OK then. I see there are many people with moderate to big complaints to Viki. So:

  1. Speak amongst yourselves.
  2. Decide on a number of issues you want to forward to Viki
  3. Make a draft of that message, then ask everyone if it’s good enough and if they want to sign it.
  4. Sign as a group or in one’s name, you decide.
  5. Forward the message at the Help Center

If Viki doesn’t reply, try again with e-mails and such. You may try writing to the Admin here in the Forum Mariko

Or simple. Some e-mails from Viki staff: here


Why would you start your sentence by saying “
people from the US are too spoiled
”? How dare you?? Since you are from the Middle East, would you like to be painted with a broad brush by someone who says “people from the Middle East are______________”?

Fill in the blank with anything you desire. You know there are dozens of unsavory things that one could say about people from the Middle East. Would it apply to everyone there? No! Would it be fair? Absolutely not!!

As you said, you don’t want to hear someone refer to you as stupid for a choice you made and I don’t want to be referred to as spoiled simply because I HAPPEN to be born in the US. Take your own advice and stop criticizing AND passing unfair judgement on others.