For some I do not get this discussion, or let’s say it’s not even worth calling it a discussion, just a throwing in of some opinions.
If you think Viki betrayed you for some reason, I can only say, the thing I read out of most of the statements here is a lack of information. Most of the members, viewers here do not seem to care that much of what goes on behind the curtain, unless it spoils their viewing experience.
The simple point is that nothing in life is free.
Most viewers are from the States, or the Americas, maybe someone will jump in her/his seat again if I voice that indeed, American viewers seem spoiled. In all my time as a QC and I was one after 3 days of joining Viki in 2009. I saw 2, I mean TWO dramas that got a license at Europe first that was HEARTSTRINGS and now HEIRS and people protest in the channel, that is and always was the volunteers place, who do not have a word in what gets license, or when it will get one, instead to write to Viki directly.
You can’t because you do not know why?
Are you kidding me, now?
If you want to find an information like that, you will find it, it’s not that you need to become a spy. I agree that it is a bit harder now, but not impossible. When you are at Viki not here at the community forum, and move to your picture and it will lead the way to the Help Center and further to activites it will guide you the way to put in a request. I guess the blog should help as well, as it is managed by Viki staff and not volunteers. I don’t know if this is a test or an instrument to keep requests lower in numbers, I certainly don’t like the way it is made now, there is no logical point for me that I would have searched there and the help desk is like a big surprise bag. It’s bad if you look for new information about changes at Viki that may be necessary for any volunteer.
I, myself took a break of almost half a year. To come to terms with the changes at Viki. Mostly because of the mass deletion of comments and posts, the information and help instructions of other volunteers that was gone for good, that was something boiling in me.
I came back, but not like in former times, I don’t comment at channels, or really rarely, eventhough I once was Commenter of the Year, but let’s forget about that time. I myself don’t think I will ever pay here, if I can contribute in exchange. In the last year I only did my minimum of 1000 subs to keep my status of QC. Because without QC, I have access to about 20 or so, k-dramas, with QC there are about 200 and it is the only legal way to have access to k-dramas in Europe. There are still many dramas I can’t watch because the content owners did not agree. And I don’t feel like complaining about that to Viki.
Some may not agree to the point that Viki is the only page offering subs, but most of you only refer to English subs, but if there would be only one language in this world, then we wouldn’t talk back and forth all the time.
To chose what you like, you are free in that.
To get more information, you should try sometimes to read more …
Hope this doesn’t offend anyone.
But as a volunteer, I make a choice, if I want to contribute and how much I want and can contribute. I know, or at least should know, what I am doing and I only can make the right choice about that, if I have enough information about any organisation I am supporting be it one for the greater good or a business like Viki. And I do not need anyone else to call for a “salary”, that is something that would need to come from the basis of the Viki contributors. For most of the volunteers, I guess they don’t want one, but only would like to be more involved in changes, or at least informed on changes.
The only word in Viki statements than makes me itchy at times, is that Viki “thinks” they are acting transparent. But transparency is something that vanishes more and more, the more money is inclueded.
I am not done with Viki yet, but I am critical and my number of contribution is depending on the “acts” of Viki.
Sorry for the long “speech”, this certainly reminds me of older days at viikii.