Done with viki

I agree with your statement. I understand that some may be upset that the ads have increased, but viki needs the revenue. It costs a lot of money to keep this site running and to get licenses for the dramas. I think many mean well when they say the segmenters, subbers , and others are being cheated. But, that’s the whole point we are volunteers and can leave at anytime. I personally don’t have a problem if the owners and creators of viki make a profit and there is also a need for computer programmers, and legal services too. I think it also looks good for viki’s fiancial profile too. Many businesses look at that and maybe the content providers do too. Plus they need capital to keep up with competition and changes. I don’t understand when people complain about the poor volunteers and then state they will watch it on another site that copies subs from us and other sites that obtained the license legally. Many like viki not just for the drama, but for the interactions. When a drama is new it’s like we’re watching it all together. There are also games and we get to post pics and have fun. I’m not saying I never get upset and at first was surprised by the increase in adds and even about the sale, but that’s just the real world. Also, viki gives people several options. You can watch with commercials,pay for the pass or become a QC. Sorry for the rant. Fighting to all the viki volunteers! Luv ya!


That’s exactly what I said… So even if they are saying to go elsewhere to others it shouldn’t matter because we’ve probably already come to our own decision on what to do.[quote=“scircus, post:63, topic:467”]
And back off topic again, but you have to be of a minority of people I’ve come across that only watch dramas sometimes. It’s always been ‘not interested’ or more or less ’ obsessed’ XD
Yes, I think that’s why there is some hostility in this thread. When it comes to someone’s obsession they can become pretty aggressive (and I mean this about both sides). If I have spare time I prefer reading (obsessing over) manga; I’m counting the days till the HnR release in Japan (~3). I was thinking about picking up dramas again, but after this…probably not.

Just like Wafaahs likes to keep pointing out (yet is also being contradictory…), nothing is free. Although it’s cliché to say, time is money. So volunteers aren’t getting the pass really free. But this is fine, since you mentioned as a volunteer you weren’t expecting anything anyways. I just wanted to point out it’s not necessarily free, but I guess that’s just picking at semantics.

I think others may have just been wondering the feelings of the volunteers. Isn’t it okay to ask? If someone asks you, “How are you?” do you normally say, “You don’t know me! How is that any of your business?! Are you insulting me by saying I look sick?!!! I’m human; I don’t expect to look flawless! Hmph!” That could be funny/scary, but I hope not.

As a manga reader, I know that scanalation teams (that also volunteer their time) usually hate aggregator sites, so I make sure to avoid those sites because of that. This gives a better explanation (there’s pictures too) of what I’m talking about :
< And I think it’s why people are wondering if volunteers think it’s unfair. That’s all :\ (Edit: this sentence wasn’t included in the original post; I think because of the arrow so maybe a space helps)

People keep saying volunteer if you want the pass for “free,” but what I find interesting is that the volunteers (that keep mentioning how non-volunteers are the only ones complaining) in this thread are also the ones who keep bringing up nationality in a negative way. Wow, you really are making the idea of volunteering alluring. I really want to spend my spare time with someone who is going to judge me based on where I’m from. Yep, because I also choose to work with people who like to judge me based on my skin color. So fun~ (¬_¬)/ Thanks for the warm welcome.
Since Viki has shows (and viewers) from different countries, I thought this would help to promote multicultural understanding (or at least tolerance). I guess not for everyone.
I thought what would keep me here was the community. But if this is the community…
I’d rather not make negative assumptions about a whole community like those users do for a nation, so I’ll wait to see how things are once the pass has been around for an extended time & maybe some of the animosity has dissipated. :\


Very true.
And from the standpoint of a contributor, I guess I just find it a bit aggravating that there are people who more or less disregard and ignore what I’m saying to keep pushing their point. And it bothers me because, in my mind, I spend a lot of time here and I (think I) understand how some things work better than they do.

Of course. But for me, a lot of statements seemed more presumptuous than inquisitive.

Maybe I haven’t been keeping up with the thread, but I only really recall one case of the nationality thing. And maybe it’s just a matter of interpretation, but even as an American, I do feel American viewers come off as having a rather entitled air. Of course, I don’t mean to say all or even most American viewers are that way - it just so happens that the majority of recent complaints about availability have come from, well, American viewers.

I mean, maybe it’s just because of the recent Heirs fiasco (the K-drama is one of maybe two or three that aren’t available for viewing in the Americas) and all the complaints that pop up and remain on that channel.
Without that context, maybe the statement seemed offensive. But after having seen all the comments about it, it just seemed like an observation.

This next part may offend some people? Who knows anymore. But I don’t think the divide of opinions and judgement splits across countries. I mean, we’re all from different places, but we’re here because of a common interest.
If there’s judgement going on, it’s between contributors and non-contributors. Not because either is unwelcoming, but simply because of a different mindset.

In that sense, I like reading comments like yours that reason through their opinions, even if I don’t necessarily agree.

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let’s just agree to disagree because i’m sleepy. what i say wouldn’t matter, since putting logic aside we already know what we feel about this.

True, but most people that love Korean Drama (or other dramas all over the world), don’t know this. If Gooddrama does this, that is very disrespectful and disreputable on their part. Knowing this makes me want to support Viki more. Besides I like the idea of people all over the world volunteering to make foreign dramas available to all. I first was introduced to Korean Drama through Netflix. Netflix open a whole new world of entertainment. From there I discovered Dramafever, Viki, Asian Crush, Gooddrama, Korean drama, Yodrama etc. I was not aware of streaming sites stealing from Viki. I just loved the different aspects of world cultures and interesting movies and shows. Viki, from what I am discovering, is much more fascinating because of its volunteers. This makes me want to support Viki more, and it is nice to be connected to people from all over the world.


It’s not a fight between streaming websites. It’s people that are trying to find THE good reason that proves that Viki should not have advertisements.

Did you know that even people in Korea has to see commercials on the videos? They are removed before the videos are uploaded here but they are seeing ads. We saw many k-ads on one drama I have in mind, this summer…

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hm… i don’t know about dramafever since i don’t live in america. but i’m more or less satisfied with and if i get too ticked off with the advertisements on, i also just close the tab and go over to gooddrama. simple as that.

also 480p is certainly not the best quality there is, but still pretty good when compared to other free streaming k-drama sites. that said, i read that if you contribute to (3000 subs or 2000 segments) chances are high you’ll get a lot of bonus stuff (incl. 720p) you will get from NO other site. of course, one will never know when the viki people will change the conditions and make it harder to get an approved QC status …

HULU uses Dramafever, as does Netflix.

First of all, I would rather pay than have the aggravation of advertisements. I would rather pay for content because, if in some way the people who create it get some money, then I am glad.

My biggest complaint with VIKI is there is no real place where I can see the latest updates. The front page is a jumble-up mess. Does not make any sense. I hate to have to dig around for the new episodes. Some people say there is a way, but it’s not obvious, this should be obvious. The only way I know that there is an update is if I use the iPad app. Just do the same for the computer app.

Furthermore, the more sites the better. There is plenty of room for Dramafever, Viki and Good Drama. But where did Dramaholics go, they were fast, furious and great quality. But they always seemed dodgy.

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So Viki give you a free $3.99 a month for all your hard work. WOW!! That’s great!!! /sarcasm

Meanwhile Viki CEO is counting money on his yacht.

Just a bit tired of seeing that statement. Especially when it comes from people who don’t contribute.

It’s not that I’m unaware that people are profiting and money blah blah blah… And sure, it’d be great if Viki was more transparent about all their dealings and stuff, but as it stands, it’s not unreasonable to think that Viki’s taking that money and expanding the site and its reach.

And hey. It’s volunteering. That’s clearly stated; no one’s forcing you to work, no one’s keeping you here. When you go out to volunteer, do you expect anything more than thanks? People help here because they want to share something, because they enjoy it, maybe they just need to pass some time. Having perks for volunteering isn’t mandatory, so when you get it, it’s actually really nice.


I cant stand this anymore either, seriously if you are annoyed because the volunteers dont get paid, fine, this is a free place where you can think whatever, however giving this as an excuse why viki is a bad website is tiring. All volunteers know about it, and if anybody is feeling that it is unfair, they can stop contributing… This is not an obligation, people that help with segs or subs do it because they like it.


I’m not done… but I am seriously frustrated!

Some ads were okay, but seeing the same AD over and over gets silly. How many times do I need to watch a tampon ad in the same one hour drama segment. It feels more like brainwashing me to buy product than informing me about the product.

Since I found the ads so annoying, I decided I to buy the pass. I only speak one language, so I do not feel very confident helping with subbing. BUT, now I’m even MORE frustrated because 1) I have the pass, 2) I do NOT have an ad-blocker installed in chrome, and 3) videos have been failing to load for me quite frequently. If you are going to charge someone for a service, you should at least offer them a DECENT service.


Interesting that you even cut off, what should be a “feast” for you. This was the complete sentence.

I am a QC, so I get the Viki Pass on top, but there is not that much difference for me, 'cause aside from not getting adds now, I can't use HD anyway as long as I don't change my pc.

Each volunteer can decide how much time they spend contributing, for me I rarely have time, so it is around 4-6 hrs a month, that is around 1-2 subbed episodes. If you think that is too much, that’s your choice. I was longer at Viki in the older days, but it got burdensome somehow. That is why I reduced my “workload” (sarcasm???). It’s a way to keep my English fluend, since in my daily life I can’t practice the language.

Do I start to count extra money, since I save $3.99, surely not, and if you read my post, you would find out, that there is no difference in viewing for me since in Germany there is a small number of advertising, since Viki is not that popular here as it might wish to.

But it is great if you always pick only the top of somthing in life and never dig up till the bottom. Surely you would make your hands dirty that way, but still you are missing out that there is more than one or two reasons, why someone does the things he/she is doing.

Sarcasm? No I am more at the point of reality, I am no teenager that you need to explain how business is working. Anyway, will you says. WOW! That’s great!!! To people volunteering at hospitals, since the hospital directors can save money that way. WOW! Than you have to work in a party or at least in a labour union. Not? You should think about it, you might have the potential to make this world more just.

Not to annoy you double, but you should make a request/complain to Viki as here most of the time only volunteers “work”, we don’t have the means neither to help you with this problem, nor are we in reach of the technic at Viki.
So just write either go to your Profile Page at Viki not her at the Community Page. Then scroll down there is a link to the Help Center, mouse over your ID’s avatar/picture and go to my activities, there you can state your problem. It might take a while to reply. So try to be patient.

Aside from Viki there are many other places that are in need of volunteers. A friend of mine works at a animal shelter and they are always short on people. I wish I could help but it would cost me to much money on travel. If there was a animal shelter more close to home I would go there right away to offer help since I love animals. They also get money from sponsors so they can buy food and everything else the animals need. Why would I demand some of that money, if every volunteer does the animals stave to death.

Next to that I once designed shirts for a concert and during that concert I saw so many people wearing it so the artists must have seen it too. It made me feel so proud and happy to see others loving my work. Who cares I didn’t get payed or anything (the fanclub used the money from the shirts on other projects for the artists), everytime I see someone else wearing it I feel proud and think yes I made that.

Same goes for Viki, it feels good to see others loving the work I do and if every volunteer demands money then Viki has to stop to existing because all the money they could use to keep this site running and on new licenses goes to volunteers then.

Which statement from @tommyknocker? That you get paid less than 4 virtual dollars a month for your work, or that the Viki CEO is counting millions of dollars on his yacht thanks to your 4 virtual dollars of labor?

Regardless, both statements are true.


Regardless our statements are true as well and I do not care if the CEO of Viki is cruising with a yacht or driving a Lamborghini. I do not care if he lives in a villa up on a hill or a penthouse that’s worth millions.
I never was a jealous person and I will not turn into one.
I do what I like, and if I stop liking it, I will stop doing it.
It’s as simple as this.
If you don’t have anything constructive to post, then use your time in a better way, than repeating old stuff.


I actually wasn’t asking the volunteers to help me solve “my” problem. Rather I was joining other posters in expressing my frustrations with the changes that have happened at Viki over the last 6 months or so. Particularly, the increase in adds, and now the problem with videos loading on a regular basis.

I understand that on viki the pay will be only 3 or 4$ so is not much. don’t you think?
And the QCs wouldn’t have to pay.
Ok, that depend from what aria you are, if you are from Europe like me, then I will not like to pay 4$ for a few shows, If I will have access to all the shows then it ok.

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