I would be less unhappy with viki if the ads were done in a way that wasn’t so annoying. Not only do I have to suffer through 2-3 ads of 5 minutes ++ every 5 minutes of video or so, which is way disproportionate, the ads require my clicking to get through? And there’s a timer running even though there’s no ad? Even Hulu and Dramafever are not this obnoxious
It’s possible to become a QC even if you’re not bilingual or multilingual. I only speak English. I’ve been subtitled an Australian series. Shows need to be subbed in their native language first before they’re release for translation to other languages. Also, segmenting doesn’t require knowledge of the program’s native language. I figure if I have time to view the dramas, I have time to sub them too. And I agree that becoming a QC is more worth it to someone that is a drama addict versus someone that’s just a casual viewer.
Also, I do most of my viewing on my Kindle Fire. Drama Fever’s app crashes my Kindle all the time, but Viki’s doesn’t. And some of the other drama sites don’t have an Android app available at all.
Yes, I am aware. I got my QC status from segmenting. Shows don’t need to be subbed in their original language, though I can see how it can be helpful. My point was, though, that if you’re fluent in another language, it’s very easy to translate a few episodes and bam, QC. Segmenting, on the other hand, takes a bit more practice to get “right”.
I agree. Segmenting takes some practice. I’ve been learning to segment by practicing on the Entertainment News clips. They’re short.
The better the qualities and more perks we get, the more it requires to maintain them. To give us the best service, Viki needs to have more servers. And to have more servers, they need money to pay for it. I’ve used sites that were very much free before… but started dwindling in their quality because they didn’t have enough servers to cater to the demand of product (shows).
Yes, the QC are doing this for free. And we are doing this with our own free will. We do not get paid, and we don’t mind. I use to just be a viewer as everyone else, I thought it was so annoying when a streaming site would have ads all the time. but you know what? You don’t know how hard it is to maintain a site like this, without money. Nothing can be free. You have to work for what you want. You want no ads? Pay for it or work for it. If you can’t do neither then be glad there is even a site that has free streaming with subtitles that are made within the airing date. There are sites that require an invite code to get in but Viki is a welcoming site. I understand everyone has their own point of views to express but when you express it, keep in mind how it can affect others.
p.s. take off adblock on youtube and you will see ads on ads on ads. Viki is not the only site that has sponsors. We all understand the aggravation with ads, but you do have a choice on how to change that, as I have mentioned above.
Good drama has commercials. It’s like Viki and Dramafever. It does have different dramas than both Viki and Dramafever. I saw shows that neither Viki and Dramafever don’t have like the Queen’s Classroom. Like Dramafever and Viki, you can become a premium member. However, with Viki, the website has problems upgrading when you try to get it.
The Queen’s Classroom is available on viki. The dorama version, however, is not available here.
Yes it is now, but I saw it first on Good drama. It still is not on Dramafever. There are several other streaming places as well. Some have the same dramas and movies, but they all seem to have others that are not on all of the streaming sites. That is why I have to go to different streaming sites to watch programs that I have read about and wanted to see.
I’m pretty sure the K-version of Queen’s Classroom has been available on Viki since it started airing.
And if we’re talking about the same Gooddrama, (and I have mentioned this before) you may notice the subs for that show are word for word what’s on Viki.
Also. What perks would that site have for offering a membership?
ummm as far as I know, gooddrama does not sub by their own. They just take from other website like Viki and re-uploaded it to their website, without even asking permission. They also take from dailymotion but the quality is the worst one, comparing with the ones they’ve taken from viki.
If it is true that people can become their premium member, I can’t understand why people would even want to pay that website. Might as well pay viki and keep supporting the volunteers here who have worked hard for those dramas.
I think it was an on-air drama at the time because I could watch The Queen’s Classroom with 100% english subs the next day. Goodrama ripped viki subs and uploaded it on their site.
Yeah Queens Classroom is on Viki since airing date, maybe a day after. I know because it was one of my segging projects.
I think this will be getting worse… It’s a shame, for the subbers’ work.
I guess you never thought about having more than 1 browser?
Download Adblock and you won’t see a single ad.
I’m not comfortable with Viki making profit off of the work of volunteers.
Hi @Kyouria,
you might not be comfortable with it, but as soon as Viki could make profit from its own work and the work of the volunteers, it did.
Every company’s goal in this world is to make profit. Otherwise they would lose out and vanish one day.
I have not looked at the Terms of Use for a long time and as a business grows, the list of the terms grows as well.
I know that most people at Viki “use” Viki the way they want to, or they used to in earlier days and neglect the rules of this place.
So for one there is this, what you should not do at Viki:
( ToU 6. X.) remove, modify, disable, block, obscure or otherwise impair any advertising in connection with the Site
And there is this about the contribution of the volunteers:
( ToU 7.c.) …You retain all of your ownership rights in your
Submissions. However, by submitting the Submissions to Viki, you
hereby grant Viki and its successors and assigns a worldwide,
non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, sublicenseable
and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, prepare
derivative works of, display, publish, broadcast, perform, make, use,
import, offer to sell, sell, and otherwise transfer all copyrights,
inventions, and other intellectual property rights in the Submissions
in connection with the Site and Viki’s (and its successor’s and
assign’s) business, …
And last but not least:
( ToU 17.) You affirm that you are fully able and competent to enter into the terms, conditions, obligations, affirmations, representations, and warranties set forth in these Terms, and to abide by and comply with these Terms.
I am not only marking these points for you only, I think it is necessary for anyone, when you “use” something to be fully aware of what you are doing or dealing with. There is a lot more to read there, but I only took out the points, that somehow connect with the topics talked in here.
Viki isn’t hiding those terms, I know it is a lot of stuff to read and that you might even need a dictionairy as well, but you can only talk about a “partnership”, between Viki and the volunteers, if both sides are on the same point of knowledge, at least that’s my opinion.
Mmm…480p quality rather go to another page that goes with this quality but without ads, thanks Viki for the memories and good times
Dear Viki,
I sincerely thought you guys were a great website (which at some point you were). But of course, all good things must come to an end and profits will always come first for any company. It’s time to move on to the next.
At least with hulu and dramafever, the commercials would run smoothly and switch back to the video promptly. Having the commercial freeze or coming to a black screen after suffering through 30 seconds of some stupid poptart driving in a car was one of the most frustrating things to sit through. If you’re going to make me go through that, at least assure me that I can watch my video instead of having to refresh and watch the same damn commercial over again.
In short, if you’re going to try to make a profit, at least get your shit together. Um, also, can you tell me how I can shut down my account?
I think we all agree they can do whatever they want with premium accounts and all that stuff, but if there’s no “skip” option for ads, it’s ridiculous annoying.