I remember once there was a big discussion on this but it was in a channel. We just have to get over it. Were here for the fun of volunteering. I know some people put viki in their resume,If it was me and they say things, I’d just get a letter for proof from the CEO. I guess thats the only way we can say its ours or even get credit.
I doubt Viki volunteers rip subs off Dramafever, although the other way round wouldn’t surprise me. May of the drama sites just embed Viki videos or just copy of the subs.
The only way will probably be to have some watermark on the video itself showing it was subbed on Viki.
It’s stated in the community guidelines that copying subs from other sites is forbidden.
Months ago a user was caught stealing subs from an other site because her subs didn’t match the segments I made at all and someone else noticed they where taken from that other site mentioned before.
She had all her subs removed and her account suspended if I’m not mistaken.
I doubt it really happens either way. But to be honest, given the number of users on Viki and the fact that anyone can jump in to sub, it’s more likely that someone takes from DF to Viki - not that I’m saying this happens.
Viki doesn’t encode the subs into the video though. It’s a sub stream overlaid on the video - the way soft subs work, if you’re familiar with that (subs and video are two files), or like how other streaming sites have captioning options. So watermarking the video doesn’t really protect the subs.
@Niennavalar I don’t know that there’s really a way to stop it. I mean, adding more credits would just irritate everyone, and it’s not hard to cut them out. I thought maybe it might just be a liability thing - if Viki’s name shows up, it’s easier to get into legal issues or whatever. But I don’t really know.
I was referring to the 3rd party sites, like good drama and others, not Viki or DF.
480p and lower qualities are fine with me… anything higher would take forever to load with my internet speed. Even if I had access to 720p I wouldn’t use it.
My thoughts on the matter:
I get what I pay for. Since I did not pay for anything then I have no reason to complain.It’s amazing that I get to watch english-subbed korean dramas for FREE.
I actually enjoy watching the korean commercials especially when I recognize the actor/actress. Still waiting for Lee Seung Gi’s refrigirator CF. lol
Making derogatory statements that encompasses a whole country (or race or religion or whatever) is always asking for trouble.
Subbing seems to be a fun activity but I would not want to take on that kind of responsibility. A melodrama might turn into a comedy if I was subbing. lol
Even with all of Viki’s shortcomings, they have one thing I haven’t found in other sites… Timed Comments… Seriously, the TCs are sometimes more interesting than the drama.
LOL I did the same thing with Dramafever. I too complained about the poor editing and translations to no avail! There are a lot of mistakes on the dramas there. Some of them can be entertaining–especially the overused, outdated idioms, expressions, pop language etc.
i use softsub viki rip ( because i watch 1080p drama , so i need torrent )
and where i find my torrent, every rip have credit to viki … nothing removed
this is just a big rumor that there are people who remove credit
don’t make viki ripper evil people
, we are respectful of the work , and you need to understand there are some people who want watch drama on HD not poor 480p lagging streaming
the possibility to download softsub need to stay
Also , there are people who would like to download their OWN subtitle
So, credits or not, you are one stealing Viki subs. Maybe you don’t remove the credits but many do. Do you ask Viki for permission? I have provided documentation to Viki many times showing people like you that do remove the credits, and I guarantee that I could go online right now and find numerous examples. I did it again a few weeks ago.
and so because there are a minority of people who remove credit we should make viki a closed minded communauty ?
no ways fansub , is by fan for fan
we should watch 480p drama ?
no way there are 1080p raw
we even can’t download our own sub !
Yup, I’ve checked 1 k-drama on gooddrama. The subs matched back-to-back but where there is credit on Viki, it’s not there on gooddrama.
If people want to watch HD, how about volunteering on Viki instead of just taking the work without doing anything?
The subs should stay here on Viki. It’s by viki community, for viki community.
you know that a 1080p drama could be like 4go per episode ?
go watch that in streaming …
if there are torrent, it’s for a good reason
and i don’t talk about uploading the video on youtube … would take too much time furthermore , youtube re encode the video so there will be a lose in quality
if you find someone who remove credit just go ask him to put the credit back then
edit :
how about volunteering on Viki instead of just taking the work without doing anything?
oh and i’m sorry but because raw is not always the same so we sometime need to do a lot of resync , so without do anything is fast to say
I just reported this moron to Viki. Let them deal with it. They have his email and ip address.
so sad to be so closed minded ^^
What is this “our subs” crap. In a year you have contributed exactly 7 subs. Obviously you just joined to get access like the other thieves. What gives you the right to steal the subs produced by the Viki volunteers? They were produced by the volunteers for the use of Viki. If you are so right, why don’t you ask permission from Viki? What kind of excuse do you use when you rip off music online?
What is sad are the pathetic individuals like you that think you are entitled because of the anonymity on-line that you can just take whatever you want. It is people like you that are responsible for many sites being closed down due to the theft.
why i don’t contribute ? because we can’t download our OWN sub
that’s the reason !
i already contribute yes but not on viki ^^ i prefer use aegisub
and we even can’t upload our work with aegisub on viki …
furthermore i steal nothing , because you still have the sub “steal” something mean the other people don’t have what have been steal
that’s not steal , it’s sharing guys , calm and learn
Yeah I guess you are contributing to them the subs you steal from Viki volunteers. You do what you want with them and be sure they have your real name so when they get shut down too maybe someone will come knocking on your door. I’m done with you punk!
lol you are funny ^^
oh and does viki asked to the drama team befor had the episode on viki ?
why should it be different for sub ?
as i said it’s not steal because you still have it , we call that “sharing”
you learned a news words today