Done with viki

You don’t make any sense. Does your mother know you are playing on the computer again. All on-air dramas on Viki are now licensed from the owner of the rights. Something you obviously know nothing about.


I can’t beleive i just read this lol.
Seriously? Close minded?
Compared to people like the very active QCs here on viki (ie we use Viki every single day to sub/edit/segment/ moderate~~~ I spend around 6 hours per day at least working here for example and that is when i am not active) you think you who just rip off the subs and try to sync it to the raw video are doing some effort? I don’t think so ^^… That’s totally stealing
And wtf?? Viki buys the lisence from the “drama team” as you called them… they get the videos directly from the providers in a totally legal way… you cannot compare that to stealing our subs which is totally illegal…
And then again we do get HD on viki for a little work that might take you the same time as “syncing viki sub” to raw videos… and sometimes there is programs that lets you download the HD video with subs directly from viki so…


viki don’t buy license, most video are from youtube, uploaded by fan lol

what it will change to your life if i use softsub to watch it on 1080p raw ? nothing
so what’s the problem finnaly ?

Once again you are just wrong. Try shaving that mustache. it must be interfering with your brain. I’m planning on visiting France pretty soon. Maybe we can meet up!

Bellechaume, that’s the one up north in the Burgundy area right? Why do you use photos of a little girl as your avatar?


Seriously? How does youtube get the on-air dramas videos? Cause as far as i know… as fast as these are uploaded (not in hd of course) they get deleted because of the owner rights…


try to make a channel, you will see this i moderator channel who upload episode :wink:

Boy or whatever just leave Viki if you don´t like it … Nobody needs you.
And the one who is close minded is you not her. If we compare how much time she spend in her free time to make it possible that ppl like you can watch dramas. I have so much respect for lacruiser or wafaa and all the other guys here on viki.
I can´t believe that there are ppl who don´t respect the work of us Subbers, Segmenters, Managers and Moderators who are working in their freetime for hours. Seriously for nothing and we don´t need anything for that. If there are ppl who are happy about our hard work and respect that, it´s enough.
So you think stealing subs is something good? Lol sorry but you sound like a little kid seriously.
I think you should go and sleep I think it´s time.This is the best for you and for us
Thank you


i never said i don’t respect fansub work …
this is why me i always keep credits about viki on viki softsub

Ah bon?
So you can also provide us with the new episodes(on-air dramas) videos within less an hour from them being on tv in their coutries and in hd? (and i put them on youtube “legally for fan channels”)
Si oui alors je te félicite et je n’aurai plus rien à dire…


Je crois que tu ne fais peut-être pas la différence entre un fan channel hébergé sur youtube et dont les vidéos peuvent être supprimés à tout moment et tous les sous-titres perdus et ceux qui sont légalement sur viki et dont les sous-titres seront toujours protégés et qui n’appartiennent pas seulement aux traducteurs mais aussi à viki ce qui est normal puisqu’ils nous fournissent des vidéos que nous aurons toujours la possibilité d’utiliser et qui ne seront pas effacés.
Donc les prendre et les mettre ailleurs est du vol.


ok il y a peut etre une partie des video qui vienne de viki
mais pour les sous titre, ça ne dérange personne et je met les credit donc bref ^^

T’as demandé permission avant de le faire ?
Si ça ne dérangeait personne, il y aurait eu sur Viki l’option de le faire…
Et franchement, je ne vois pas pourquoi les non-QCs auraient accès à cette option si elle existait…

Mais de toute façon ce que tu fais est du vol qui dérange ceux qui contribuent vraiment sur ce cite ^^

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Je ne voi pas en quoi sa peut deranger qu’il soit vue ici ou alleur tant qu’il ya les credit
Mais bon on a pas la même vision des choses de toute façon

Interesting little debate going on.
Sort of wanted to throw my opinion in, though I’m a bit wary because I suspect I will garner some hate. But I might as well, while the topic is relevant.

I understand the disdain shown to people who rip subs from Viki and DF and the like. And in a discussion regarding reposting the subs without credits and/or making profit from said reposts, I’d be angry.

But my mindset is one I’ve picked up from other fansub groups/persons I’ve come across. I take no issue in the sharing of subs; I personally like subbing in part b/c I get to share in the enjoyment of a great series with others who may not have the chance otherwise. The more people that get to see it, the better. (It’s just that one line of credit that I’d like kept in for all the work that gets put in.)

Maybe it’s more of a sensitive topic when it comes to licensed dramas, because there’s all this legal stuff around it. I won’t say anything on the morals of taking those subs… Just, licensed stuff only ever seems like it gets licensed for the Americas, and Europe every once in a while. Sure, you can bring up the discussion about getting QC status, but I’d argue not everyone has the time or even desire to help out. I don’t necessarily think that means they shouldn’t ever get the chance to watch these awesome shows.

But I tend to work on fan channels more often - licensed channels I’d enjoy often get filled up by the time I find them, other shows I like don’t get licenses, etc - so here’s my short blip about them. Streaming on fan channels is a pain sometimes. There are issues with ads, video quality, other technical stuff…? Videos are often split up for ease of uploading or subbing. Given the opportunity, wouldn’t I rather download and watch a nice, full HD episode of the show? Well, yes.

I’m sure people won’t all agree with me… Though I hope I don’t go on any hate lists, b/c I quite like helping out on Viki.
I could sub on my own or try to join other fansub groups, but it’d be slower. Probably less fun. And I really like Viki’s subbing interface; the timer, at least, is nice to look at and easy to use.

I also want to pose a question that sort of ties in to the discussion.
Despite disliking the idea of other people ripping your subs and sharing them (mind you, so long as no one’s profiting or removing credits), would you want to be able to save a copy of the subs you’ve worked on?


You are right, I don’t agree with you at all. You give YOUR work to anyone you want.

What do you mean no one is profiting? All of the channels where they show up are there for only one thing, a profit!

I would have no desire to save the subs. That is not his issue as he has done no work here.

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He’s not a little kid. He’s a 20-something atheist Capricorn living in northern France with a mustache and scraggly chin hair.


I also do not agree with you at all…

I don’t live in neither the US or Europe… so basically when i first got here there was probably around 5 lisenced dramas that were worth watching that i could access and that’s it…

I come from a place where life is too difficult and you learn that in life you don’t get anything for free… well it’s the same here… so that is probably why i don’t and wouldn’t appreciate that people rip off my hard work… i contribute on viki for viki and not to see my work everywhere else or i would have done that somewhere else…

And well… i don’t see the difference between those who steal the subs and put them on some other site or stealing them for personal use… it’s like stealing money to give to your parents/boss/whoever or to keep for yourself… does it really matter if we credit the owner?

As for my subs… personally i never thought about wanting a copy of my work i never needed them or ever will… but i know a few people who seemed interested in that…


How do you know him? ;p

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He was easy to find this evening online.

I wasn’t talking about only him, I was commenting on the subject in general.

I also made a distinction between those who take the subs and upload them to profit and those who take the subs simply for sharing purposes. At least in my mind, there should be a distinction between the two.