Fortune-telling in Kdramas

Unlike Baba Yaga – the definitive example of a badass witch :broom: who doesn’t need to prove herself in a man’s world because she uses her own intelligence and power to reign over them anyway – a fortune-teller :crystal_ball: is a fraud and a jokester, playing with things that no mere mortal should. This bizarre and obscure “occupation” isn’t even regulated or recognised by anyone. Fortune-tellers don’t pay taxes, either. They do, however, rob humans of their free-will. After all:

It’s not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.

In Kdramas, however, we learn that fortune-telling is rather popular. Young girls share their desire to meet someone, while politicians share secrets of state. Sadly, these things happen in the real world too. And it’s not just in Korea. It’s an epidemic, I tell you, an epidemic :fearful: Sure, some fortune-tellers get arrested for not declaring their illicit income, but after they make bail, it’s back into the proverbial tent of fortune-reading, tricking naïve and gullible people. :circus_tent:

The supernatural is fascinating, and I do admire those who have the knowledge to understand such things, but spouting out nonsense just to make a quick buck is not cool at all.

PS: By the way, if you wish to learn more about Baba Yaga, please check-out this awesome site dedicated to Eastern European folklore:

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I have seen some scenes of the TAROT card readings while watching K-dramas, and most were very accurate. I have to search the drama that actually gave accurate readings.

In regards to politician in K dramas they always consult the Shamans which are portrayed as hungry money and deceitful, which they are somewhat, in my opinion.

I believe in Astrology and read the TAROT cards, too. Anything like that, as long as you use it for the good of others, and never to steal from others, has its profits and rewards I’ll check your link later on bc I have an appointment to go to.

You always have interesting subjects here in discussion.

PS Remembered this 2 only

kill me heal me episode 13

Cunning Single lady (don’t remember what episode)

I saw a documentary on NFX about a rich man who was devoted to this shaman and kept giving him money, and at one point the man was so exhausted but had to continue to give money during the ritual and the bigger the dollar amount he gave, the crazier the shaman would get and start another ritual to get more money but the guy did had a very successful business so I don’t know what to believe there.

Although I believe that if our faith (in something) is very strong, miracles/things can really happen

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Are you talking about real Tarot card reading or things in dramas as part of the story?

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A little bit of both. Those scenes do draw inspiration from the real world, in that even presidents were accused of colluding with these shamans and fortune-tellers.
Personally, I believe in free-will. I also believe in the supernatural, but only those with actual power and knowledge of such things – like the badass witch that is Baba Yaga – should handle them.



I really loved ‘‘Vasilisa the beautiful’’

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I’m so glad you did. Not many know about all these wonderful Eastern European folk tales, which really is a shame.

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You bet it is bc it was something joyful and different to read.

Although I have to admit I felt a touch of Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel, in there. I just love the way it was changed to make it a European Folk tale with the different themes involved in the story. The ending was the best part bc she overcame adversity with her mother’s love, caring and protection.

I hope others go on the link and read it, too
 A crazy idea came through my head that they could do a fantasy K-drama with Vasilisa story. It would be interesting to watch, too. Do you know if they have a movie version of Vasilia folk tale story?

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I think I watched several Eastern European tales in my childhood from DEFA. DEFA made such great tale movies, much better than hollywood atmosphere-wise and for me the Chinese dramas have a similar cool atmosphere just that they are for adults.

I thought Baba Yaga is well known at least in Europe^^

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I’m so glad you did. Umm
 If you don’t mind Foreign Black&White movies, Yes, there is one. It has English subs, so don’t worry.

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Yes, she is known, but unless Disney/Pixar adapts the source material into a live action or animated movie, I’m afraid Baba Yaga will never receive the proper recognition that she rightfully deserves.

THANKS! I will look into it later on. another appointment to go to today. so later on I’ll check it out .:slight_smile:

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I never saw any dramas that took place in today’s era that included fortune-telling. Could you name some titles that do have this aspect in their story?

I only saw some fantasy/historical dramas with star readers and prophecies.

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I only watch modern-day Kdramas, and it’s featured in nearly all of them. It could be just a minor scene, like in Radiant which I’ve just finished and wholeheartedly recommend. Or it could be the actual plot, as it’s the case with Lovely Horribly, another wonderful drama. It’s always treated normally, so I suppose it’s just part of the culture.


This 1939 movie is not even close to the story I read about: Vasilisa the Beautiful. I stopped halfway bc I didn’t like it. Sorry
 but thanks anyway. If you find a new version just let me know. I tried looking for a more updated version with no luck.

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That’s alright. These Eastern European folk tales just aren’t properly promoted. You’ll discover it’s the same with the food and the traditional songs and clothes and just culture in general. It really is a shame.
 Eventually, I’ll just have to animate it myself. :movie_camera::clapper:

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That’s a great idea! Especially if the only version available is the 1939 one, since you’ll be a new creator of this wonderful folklore story. Make sure you post here for everyone’s enjoyment although it seems it won’t be too easy task. to do since there are so many characters involved.

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What kind of movies/dramas do they do?

I have to admit that I can’t really remember m/any newer Russian or Eastern European drama/movie because I don’t see them anywhere (like Tv station or netflix). Netflix has lots of regional shows from all over the world but I don’t think I sawa Russian show there yet.

The only Eastern European movie I can remember during past years is this one: Dragon - Love Is a Scary Tale (I really like it. I guess I will watch it again).


Why is the title Fortune telling in kdrama when we talk about Russian Eastern European tales xD?


Coincidence? lmao I was going through my Sunday’s documentaries. and came across (Prime) ‘‘Mysteries of Russia’’ and here it comes BABA YAGA it continues with; ''the History of Baba Yaga is very famous in Russia. Baba Yaga is an evil (what?) living in the dark forest. She is a body? of an old lady having (that has) and evil face and iron teeth.

Baba Yaga lives in a wooden hut consisting of chicken feets. It can walk on these legs (the hut?). The fence of the hut is made of human bones. According to the story the hut always stops with its back to the visitors and you need to say a secret phrase to open its gate.

the secret phrase is; ‘‘TURN YOUR BACK TO THE FOREST, YOUR FRONT TO ME.’’ Now, the question is, why would anyone want to enter the house of an evil? Some say the Baba knows the formula of a secret potion which can make you young again. So is this story true? it still a mystery.

It’s strange how some stories reach across the world, and touch ppl’s life differently. In my Island of Puerto Rico, no one eats/like the chicken feets bc the chicken walks in the dirt, ppl’s spit, their own excrement etc
 but I do remember my maternal side grandma and her 3 sisters simmer these chicken feets, and apply the oil from the chicken legs in their face and neck at night time ( and do some slapping here and there in their face and neck). The smell of those legs cooking at night time was a bit repulsive to me, and the thought of seeing the chicken rubbing themselves in dirt was even more disturbing to me.

Was it pure coincidence or they interpreted the Russian story of Baba Yaga’s chicken feet hut as the secret of becoming younger and that’s why they applied the fat from the chicken feets in their face?

Well, my paternal grandmother use rice water to wash her face every night (she was dark skin color, while my other grandma was extremely white), and now I imagine the rice recipe might come from Asia maybe?)

Although I never tried my maternal grandma’s chicken feets beauty secret, I did the rice recipe. The rice recipe: you put rice to soak in a glass jar more water than rice of course, and put outside the window for 3 days (it can’t be hot weather it must be cool). If the weather is too hot, they recommend you keep it 3 days in the fridge. After 3 days you strain it with a cotton strainer (we call it colador de cafĂ©), and we put this water in another jar to use as a face wash morning and night. It was also use to cure something call in my country ‘‘paño’’ I believe here in US we call it Vitiligo. It works on small vitiligo only (paño).

It’s a pity that I can no longer ask my grandmas or her sisters why they did this chicken feet-rice beauty thing recipes bc they have long left this world, and resting in peace. My own mother and aunt never did follow that beauty tip bc in their opinion it was gross and they had acne (oily) prone skin. The never thought of putting anything greasy in their face lol. But my mother always did the rice water and she looks way younger than her age (79).

I do recall my maternal grandma and her sisters having the most perfect rosy cheeks and shiny beautiful skin until very late in their life (late 70’s) That’s when they started getting deep wrinkles and looking older (they always did look younger than their actual age). I can’t say my paternal grandma use it to look younger but she did cured her ‘‘paño’’ with that, and never had acne. I also like my grandma use to get ‘‘paño’’ in Puerto Rico bc of the sun, and it would go away when she did the rice recipe for me. I don’t get ‘‘paño’’ when I came to live here in US with the sun but I get ‘‘paño’’ when I stay too long in Florida.

Fortune telling, beauty secrets,and folklore stories entwined together, and getting different interpretations all over the world. I ask myself, was this really pure coincidence?


No, I don’t think so. These things – eternal beauty, scary witches, the unknown – are common themes throughout history. They overlap, so they seem different yet familiar. Everyone tried to give meaning to them according to their own culture and part of the world.

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I wish I knew too. Even though I was born here, it’s only now as an adult that I’ve discovered these Eastern European folk tales. The Communist regime did a lot of bad by burying and refusing to acknowledge the culture and history of the people that it controlled. These stories have resurfaced, though. You can’t keep a good witch down, after all.

 I’ve drawn parallels to other mystical practices, not just Korean, so that’s why it’s confusing. Also, I’m a Capricorn, and apparently, Capricorns are good at changing topics in the middle of the conversation. :scream::sweat_smile: