It’s too difficult. Can you give us another clue?
The third drama is still not named. 🙂
I really thought I made it a give away with the second picture. So, the second picture is in every episodes outtro, called the Pretentious Moments, or Hour. It’s in the T e n c e n t Video zone, and a Latest Release.
I found it!
Haha! Yes you did!
% Correct!✓
I really enjoyed Royal Rumours! A big thanks to the V-Team, Psst! Guess What I Heard? who put it in a language we all can enjoy!
Here’s a link, I didn’t even know existed, when I picked the first picture.
The vikicommunity came up with a quiz you might all enjoy. The second quote gives my score.
If you scored, place your score in the opened thread of the quote below.
!Guess the drama by seeing the picture.It's really fun - #106 by maria_lavendula_77
@maria_lavendula_77’s post is still not guessed. Can we have an hint?
Thanks for the hint! Maybe it’ll help someone who knows,
I’m clueless.
Guess this drama? All four pictures are from the same show.
Sometimes things are “legend”…
Immortal samsara Immortal Samsara | China Continental | Drama | Watch with English Subtitles & More ✔️
Nope! Let’s try again!
True. . . still, there are pronounced, and subtle differences.
It’s not easy to guess as there are so many fantasy that have similar things in them.
I’m lost, I’m lost! lol
No you’re not, the answer is already in this thread too, just different pictures.
Also, this show just aired it’s last episode, here on Viki.
Anyone care to give your guess?
maria_lavendula_77’s last picture post is still up for a guess too.
I think it is
I seems familiar to something I watched recently.
Is it Love like the Galaxy?
Yes, it is!
Yes it’s The Legend of Hao Lan (the first project I was a Swedish subtitler on).