History buffs

That’s my kind of history lesson. Very fascinating.


:nerd_face: Let me in I tell ya! This is a find! :nerd_face:




Interesting about men and long hair

Old Photos



Traditionally, long hair was always a symbol of masculinity. All of history’s great warriors had long hair, from the Greeks (who wrote odes to their heroes’ hair) to the Nordic, from the American Indians (famous for their long shiny hair) to the Japanese. And the longer and beautiful the hair was, the more manly the warrior was considered. Vikings flaunted their braids and samurai wore their long hair as a symbol of their honor (they cut their braid when they lose honor).

When a warrior was captured, his mane was cut to humiliate him, to take away his beauty. That custom resumed in what is today military service. There when new soldiers begin their training the first thing they do is cut their hair to undermine their self-esteem, make them submissive and make them see who’s boss.

The Romans were the ones who “invented” short hair so to speak, between the 1st and 5th centuries AD… In battles they believed this gave them defensive advantages, since their opponents couldn’t grab them by the hair. This also helped them to recognize each other in the battlefield.

Short hair on men is a relatively new “invention” that has nothing to do with aesthetics.

But today we often see men being humiliated, sometimes called “gay” for wearing long hair, not knowing that short hair is actually the “anti-masculine” and is a repressive social imposition, while long hair symbolizes freedom

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:kr: Korean - influenced the fashion - Brazilians :brazil:



My peoples! I particularly like these two. :blush:

  • A generation who played board games, and card games on rainy days.
  • A generation who had parents who were there!

This info by itself, fits this thread better, what about your visit, or what a friend shared? That’s what I’m asking for, kind of like the Hansel, and Gretel trail of bread grumbs tale.



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I don’t remember this one, think was in the war era



“A mechanical greased pig” is how Hill Standard’s Barrel-of-Fun was described in 1922. The barrel was built to be anchored in a slab of concrete, and kids were encouraged to dive over the top of the 140-pound steel cask or attempt to hug its smooth surface and spin themselves silly. Some adventurous youngsters would even step up on top, logrolling style—but unlike that famous woodsman’s sport, the inevitable spill was farther and the landing was neither soft nor splashy. Though somewhat rare, playground balance barrels still exist today, but they are nearly always situated above a bed of soft wood chips, built lower to the ground, and equipped with helpful handles to keep the user from taking a header.

theres more, if you would like to see how our grandparents could have been killed at recess interesting for sure!!


some were still around when I was younger.

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The Hill Standard’s Barrel-of-Fun, described as a “mechanical greased pig,” was a perilous playground device from 1922. Anchored in concrete, this 140-pound steel cask invited kids to dive over the top or hug its smooth surface, spinning themselves silly. Secure SolidWorks 2024 Premium at reduced prices only at ProCADIS.com. Some daring youngsters even stepped up on top, logrolling style, but the inevitable spill was neither soft nor splashy. While rare today, modern balance barrels are safer, situated above soft wood chips and equipped with handles to prevent headers1. It’s fascinating to explore how playground equipment has evolved over time! :open_mouth: