How do you "Minister" or give help to others? Or Has Someone Helped You? Especially during this hard time!

So this past week a lot was said about Ministering! I don’t think that I am always the BEST at it. I try. My ministering might not be the same as yours. My favorite way is to just be “with” someone or take them something like a casserole. Is that more in my comfort zone- Probably.

Recently I have been sitting and working with a friend to help her STUDY. I have learned so much about what she is studying - I could probably take the class. We spend time together laughing and cutting up but also making sure that she studies and gets down what she needs to do. As fellow ADHD club members, we have to keep each other on track. We worked from 7:30 pm to 11 pm last night.

We laughed so HARD last night and spent time together but STILL she made or WE made a “A” again on her TEST!

How do you feel like you best minister to others?! Sometimes it is just the Little Things!💕


just being there, listen, console, friendship, fellowship a helping hand, helping others, give that kind word they need, yeah we aren’t to hug, but JUST being there is the key,

someone is hurting, be that friend they need, me? I so much want someone to talk to me, yes this senior person really feeling it now. BUT instead of me wallowing, feeling sorry for myself, I help someone, spread a little love, cheer and so on t

hats why I like to come on this discussion so much, it gets me out of ME! may not be much to y’all but it means a lot to me, listening to you, from the movies you watch, that scooomi thing and all, it lifts my spirits. thats a ministry in itself and I love it! so what ever you do it in love & kindness


I agree I think meeting people through these discussions and also the fact that I found kdrama and South Korea and all these wonderful actor, singers, dancers, which I think is a beautiful culture. I think it actually has enriched my life. Ok that sounds silly but I am better for it.

Listening is the best medicine and LAUGHTER - I love to LAUGH

Girl, I love to TALK so ANyTIme!


I hear you loud & clear! and thank you, I love to laugh too




Yes! I think giving someone your time, your ears to listen and your shoulder to cry on is one of the best gifts ever :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: When you are in a good place, sharing the love with someone who needs it. So many of my friends keep saying they’re depressed and unable to cope or concentrate…I try my best to listen and cheer them on. A lot of people don’t want you to ‘fix’ everything or tell them how to do things better, they just want someone to listen. “Weep with those who weep and laugh with those who laugh” something like that?

Not silly at all…I think I smile more and laugh more because of my silly romcommy kdramas with not very clever plots but full to the brim with warmth and love. I learned that being genuine is way better than trying to act cool. 2020 really changed my life…I found God and k-dramas, how could I be more blessed? :smile: The world needs joy right now and I’m happy to share mine! Discussions is such a cheerful place, I’m so glad to have found you all.


The world needs joy right now and I’m happy to share mine! Discussions is such a cheerful place, I’m so glad to have found you all.

that is so true! thanks y’all f\or sharing.




Having friendships with you guys - makes new roots - and grows new trees!




if we all could just do a good deed to or for someone that would be a good thing






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Before the pandemic starts I used to help pregnant women who wanted to have their children but were facing different kinds of troubles (financial, family support…).
I think that it takes me out of my bubble because I grew up surrounded by love from my parents and my siblings and I think that I need to share that love that I received.
After the pandemic starts I help some people by listening, sharing a video call, even sharing some of my groceries in some cases.
But something that was really shocking was that I have to go to therapy. I wasn’t used to be lonely despite I live alone, but I always went to visit my parents or my siblings.
So, the whole story haha just to say that I learn that I need someone to listen to me too, and it’s a kind of chain where you help others when they need to and somehow you receive the help you need in the right moment.



I always loved this from the bible; It is by giving that we shall receive.

We give love, we’ll receive love.

WE share our food and it will be provided for us.

The many blessings we receive in life; is when we bless others.

In my country we have this custom that we bless our children, grandchildren even strangers we are talking to, instead of saying goodbye, we say ‘‘God Bless You’’. My kids when we text, call, they always say; Bendicion…and I respond Dios te bendiga. Translated is like this my kids say: Bless me; I respond; God Bless You.

One day, my now almost 44 yr old daughter and I, before she went to work, we had an argument and she left without saying; Bendicion. I was hurt but more bc that was in my mind her protection for the day until she got home. About an hour later she calls and says mom bendicion and I told her God bless you and immediately asked her if she was Okay. She responded I will be now bc you blessed me, if I don’t have your blessing my day is horrible.

She felt it was her shield for whatever she had to encounter at her job or during the day, and she wanted that armour with her. I felt so special and was so thankful of a tradition that to this day is very strong and no matter how old we are, we always ask for our blessing…


My parents have this custom too and it’s really important to me to receive their blessings.


I love this - And Blessing Someone Daily is the Best Thing EVER - I will start doing this Thank you!


I’m glad and you’ll see how by blessing others; you will also be blessed.

Where are you from?
I know in Mexico parents bless their children (young or old), but they go even further bc they make the sign of the cross to their son/daughter. forehead. I love to see them doing that, and I know my kids won’t allow me to go that far lol.

My grandkids born and raised here know only one word in Spanish; BENDICION bc my daughter makes them ask me the bendicion when they see me or when we talk/text on the phone.


Many Many people in the South say it to total strangers! Be Blessed is very popular here!