How do you use Viki's tools?

Hello guys :slight_smile:
I’ve been wondering how different teams and languages are organizing themselves and interact with each other.
Viki offers the team discussion, team notes and the chatting tool, but I know for the teams I worked before, we didn’t use any of these and relied on outside tools like Google Doc and KakaoTalk.
The tools on Viki seemed more designated for the English team.
So now I’m curious if this is just happening within the German teams and if other languages are similar or how they organize themselves.
And then, is anyone actively using the chatting function? This seems the least helpful in my eyes since I seldomely translate with others at the same time, but maybe segmenters and english subbers have different experiences.

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I use PN’s too. Sometimes even during subbing/when someone subs and needs help. I like the PN system. It’s easy to use and you’ll see the messages when you are on VIKI, so it’s almost like a chat, just with little delay.

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I use everything - except for the chatter.
The Team Discussion is most useful to the English team but traditionally the Spanish team has been using it as well to coordinate who gets the parts.
Other Language teams use, as you said, outside tools (I use Google spreadsheets).
But the Team Discussion is very useful to all of us when we want to communicate with the English team to elucidate some question, some unclear sub or let them know of a mistake.
I know many Italian teams use Facebook groups. I find this the least useful. First of all they are linear, vertical, and previous questions/answers get lost, you have to go down, down, to find them, so all the info cannot be easily accessed in one place. Whereas Google spreadsheets, with their various tabs, help you organize everything neatly and find it within seconds. Secondly, Facebook constantly lures you away from working and follow the siren of a notification, a message, a new post, like or dislike by a friend, so that from one thing to another you realize you’ve completely wasted a whole hour without even knowing how it happened. Ugh!
The Google spreadsheets done by French teams are real works of art, and I’ve been inspired by them while devising my own system.

Team Notes are useful but unless you can create good links within them, they may be difficult to navigate to instantly find what you need.


I used the tools Viki offered in the past. You could make posts with tables.
In tables, we would put the names/titles that were used.
And in another we would note who addressed whom how and if it changed from which scene/episode.
Special corners for a drama dictionary words you might not use daily but were used in the specific drama.
Under the post you could put comments and there was a lot of movement going on, if someone was searching for a word etc. …
I miss this kind of option and don’t like that we need to place these things outside Viki now.

I remember that we actively used the comments at Viki for one drama, because this option was not up that long. Comments were split by language and for German, that was like a secret hide out it was so much fun that we regularly “met” to translate, that was a nice change and once in a while a viewer would come the way and left a thank you comment.

Now the information about the translation guidelines of a moderator are at one place and the communication happens on another one … I think it is a loss for the community spirit. I wished we could bring the liveliness back to Viki, because the activities were not only visible in the posts but in the channels too.

Team notes are good for one team, maybe two, a third one would need to scroll till … So it’s nice it is there you can look up English team’s notes for reference, but that pretty much is it.

Chat function, is more confusing, then helpful. For a little number of people okay, if it’s more than 10 …

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