I looking for a segmenters. Anyone interested? (Drama Hana Kimi)

I’m channel manager for the drama Hana Kimi (Taiwanese Version). And I need help with segmenters. If you are interested send me a PM or comment below.

I need segmenters for the Lakorn Holy Source too, then if you are interested, send me a PM or comment below.

Thanks!! ^^

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Hi, i’m interested to help you segmenting in any of the 2 dramas (^u^)/


Thanks for answering. =D
I sent you a private message (PM).

Thanks again. =)


I’m interested in helping out but I’m new at segmenting. Will I be able to work at my own pace? Thanks! :slight_smile:

I want to segment Hana Kimi.
Let me know if it’s still available.

Hi Alexis,
Of course. I’m gonna send you a PM.
Thanks!! ^^

keeping this post up…

if you still need help i’m interested

Hello, oh yes I need help.
I’m gonna send you a message. =D

Keeping this post up…