If Google Translate Is Prohibited [SOLVED]

Actually my question was not about that… But thank you anyway for taking the trouble to reply in detail. :slight_smile:

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I agree just bc people has badges in different language is not a reason to report anyone. To me, the real justified reason is when they use any kind of translator and give terrible subtitles.

@irmar… Sorry i pressed the wrong reply button it was for someone else but I guess I hit the reply to you. I don’t know why I can’t find the person who asked about the badges now lol oh my goodness better double check next time. Thanks for been so thoughtful. You know, i’m finding this Discussion section kind of really entertaining and a learning tool section also. I will come more often from now own. Good Night…:slight_smile:

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If people have multiple language badges they might be translating a drama whose source language might be Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai, etc. Then it got translated to English. And from English they translated it into their native language. They would earn a badge in the source language. I think that’s how it works. So I have segged dramas in multiple languages and have multiple language badges.


There was one drama which I wanted to contribute as a translator, but moderator in my language (Bulgarian) was one of those users who translate with Google translate. His/hers subtitles was awful. He/her does not response on my request to add me as a subtitler, does not reply at all because I wrote in Bulgarian. Maybe they think Bulgarian language is one of rarely used, but in fact here we have a lot viewers and subtitlers here in Viki. It was very annoying to read those crooked subtitles.


you should tell the cm about that moderator.
That’s really nice that there are that many Bulgarians!


That person should NOT be a mod in that language!

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