I'm done with Viki

@irmar I am sure teams would find a way to help eachother out, since some team members are here and there … At least there would be an instrument, where you wouldn’t need to change the website.
In prior years, we didn’t have discussions nor team notes, but I admit at some point the technical support was more alert, but not always and it depended on the time.

What I still miss are the topic notes that were added on ones profile, that was just a great option. For constant help of grammar notes and translating options.


I don’t even know what this was, as it was no longer there when I joined.

@lutra yes I also miss the time where you could leave comments at someone’s profile. It was very handy on birthdays or to thank someone for something… you can still use PM’s for that but having it on profiles was nice too.


@dudie I didn’t mean the “open post box”. I am sorry that I can’t even show a screen shot, but at that time I didn’t take one of my profile. On the top left corner you could open topics and write in there, for example your own dictionairy … Or your favorite dramas … Of course the larger the number of viki subscribers the more volume it took, so one day it got canceled.

Can someone enlighten me?

Or why can’t viki just say what the deal is with the new Viki Pass Plus, but always seem in dire need to confuse … at least me?

My QC says 152 days to complete, let’s call it my mission …

Viki Global TV sends me an email - my standard pass started at 12th July and is due again at 12th September, so in a month, let’s say 30 days.

Dear Viki I know, we shouldn’t voice anything like that at a place like this, but for me it always seems that your 3rd step comes first. And I don’t get why?

First information that the Viki Pass will change … in 2 days.
One day later, more or less the information, that Viki Pass will be gone in 30 days, and not 152 days like my profile shows …

I know, I learned at Viki to not lose my cool …

So, I will just wait two more days to see what is inside the “surprise egg”. I just wished Viki would have waited 2 days as well to just bring all the information all together on Monday.

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Look at your Viki Pass Settings and you will notice, that your Viki Pass is “paid” monthly by Viki. Usually you don’t get a notification, that’s all.

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I agree with @somejuwels, you have always been “renewed” or payed the VP on a monthly basis.

Briefly, renewing your QC status once entitles you to six monthly renewals of your VP Standard.

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