I must have missed that, because I usually skip the “be polite, don’t post porn etc” as I thought they were the usual obvious stuff.
Update. Aaah. I found it. You probably mean this.
Well, surely it’s a fine line: what for the poster is constructive criticism for Viki might be bashing. Depending on who’s reading, LOL.
This is a selection from recent posts, by various users (it’s not important right now who wrote what), who express their frustration with viki for different matters. Would they (should they) be considered “bashing” or a precious eye-opener about how the community thinks?
[QUOTE]This is no way of treating neither volunteers nor costumers, I warmly recommand VIKI to reconsider the business practice of
the word is consideration - and it loses out in many ways these days.
I really don’t understand how Viki could think it was acceptable to do towards their users
I guess R-VIKI made a big shopping tour more quantity than quality …
I think the previous administration was better, the current administration is not getting good dramas lately and that is so annoying we’re subtitling the dramas that Viki wants not the dramas we like, it’s stupid the way the channels are created they create channels and they do not obtain the licenses of which it serves that we join them to form the equipment so that we are only like an adornment in them
I have experienced a lot of issues over the years with viki, and I can remember well, when even Razmig Howaghimian did actually made contact with the volunteers. I miss that open side of viki. Now you get a lot of “stored text” it feels impersonal and indifferant at times. Viki’s great virtue was a community that was making efforts for the page. It feels like this virtue is about to crumble.
I look forward for a transparent statement, I think it’s unfair to let us walk in dark and search for clear answers online, we saw the cards but don’t know the rules.
Sometimes I feel like I’m Viki’s distant cousin that nobody wants to talk with, but they have to invite me for the big family parties. Like I have cooties! 
There is a lot of restriction going on lately (read: ever since Viki became R Viki).
I wish Viki was more honest with us. I understand they need to be professional and keep business stuff private, but they could at least tell us what’s going on so we’re not just walking in a dark alley with no lamp. A simple message like, “Hello, volunteers! We’re sorry to inform you that ____ will be unlicensed (date)” is fine. It doesn’t have to be long; just a short message to notify us about what’s going on. There’s little to no communication between us and Viki, which makes the relationship strained. Communication is key, and I wish Viki would incorporate that more.
Viki is becoming the shadow partner that provides the slave labor.
the logo represents perfectly what viki has become : a company brought by rakuten. It’s nice to remind us that it isn’t viki anymore. For those who don’t know rakuten is also priceminister, the only thing they want is money
what “better” way to end a relationship than make the other party want to leave on their own? Other languages are all but ignored and in general volunteers have been having legitimate complaints for a while now.
it seems like Viki treats us volunteers even worse than if we were just simple paying customers (a “let them sort it between the community” thing). Too many things rely on volunteers’ extra effort. Based on previous examples of offering feedback and Viki completely ignoring it, I don’t feel heard at all. I feel ignored and my good intentions exploited.
I have invested so much time in Viki but I feel not appreciated at all. There are so many things going wrong here and I’ve felt frustrated for many months already. However, nothing seems to change for the better, instead, things seem to get only worse. I’ve lost all hope for improvement over all these months, so I’ll be gone now, bye Viki.[/QUOTE]