Irrelevant Timed Comments

You need an irrelevant timed comment?
I was cleaning up (and am still cleaning right now) episode 1 of a drama, and for some odd reason, for the first time I saw a type of comment that were more prevalent than date-country comments. What was that?
Viewers were exhanging their IG accounts. :woman_facepalming:


2030 - A happily married couple is being interviewed:

  • So where did you meet?
  • On the Viki Dating App!

Yup, saw a lot of those too. Also snapchat for some reason :expressionless:


That was pretty cool :rofl::rofl:. There was even a number, I guess it was an Indian number.


“We met in the TCs…almost every drama I watched, he was there too, it’s destiny, FATE :joy: when the OTP’s heart started beating, mine did too!”


Just want to know what @lc means in the timed comments. I know it is like a response to previous timed comments, but what the L and C stands for?

it’s Last Comment…people trying to pin their comment over all the others on that time stamp

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What? No.
You’re right that it means “@Last Comment” “@Last Commenter” in the sense that they are replying to who they think is the last comment (but in the meanwhile others may have come in-between, as this is not a live chat, and comments get continuously added).
But it has nothing to do with trying to get one’s comment to show over others. It’s just an answer to someone.
Yes, some try to put their comment over another one, espeially when trying to hide a spoiler or a vulgarity. It may work for a bit, but not always. In fact, nobody has control over which comment is shown among the ones on the same time stamp.

As an editor who regularly goes through timed comments, I can tell you that there are sometimes dozens of comments on the exact same time stamp. Especially on the first twenty seconds of a drama, when everybody feels the need to write “Wow”, “Finally”, “So ready for this”, “I’m excited”, “Let’s start”, 'Hi guys", “Love X actor”, “Hope this is good”, “Watching for the first time”, “Watching from … on … at …” (with geolocation, date and time), etc. Including “Shut up y’all” and “How do I turn off those timed comments?”

Now, how Viki decides on which of them will be actually shown, I have never understood. It’s a mysterious algorhythm.


oh, thanks for the info…someone asked that question on TCs and someone else answered that so I thought that was true till now :sweat_smile:


I thought what you said about it was true till now. :rofl:


That is why instead of @lc I put the name they have as users or begin by repeating part of what they said in myTC to them:

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Mysterious indeed. My first TC was in ‘reply’ to a question on some confusion with what was going on plot wise, I know it’s not live chat but I thought it might help someone watching in future and added the comment thinking it would slot it in where I paused it, expecting it to show in full then the next comment in full (they were close together) only to find I had inadvertently blotted out the next persons comment. Ooopssies! What a way to find out that was how it dealt with conflicts. Yeah, I think I’ll make that the first and last TC from me… :laughing:

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I was watching Hwarang and as expected, the viewers didn’t disappointed in shouting “Tae, Tae, Tae” in each episode (although now, I am not watching with TCs for this sole reason). There was a scene in an early episode where the main lead is made to drink a medicine in unconscious state and at that time stamp, there was a comment chokes, dies, that was a good comment and the only good comment that I remember from the series until I switched TCs off. The next day when I continued that episode and decided to have a look at that comment again, the comment was gone, instead, there was a Spanish comment shouting “Tae, blah blah blah” (a very long one though)

I used to think that the TCs work on first come first serve basis, reserving the time stamp for the earliest comment but it seems that’s not the case either.

I am thinking to clean up the comments around new year from Hwarang, that’s going to be a humongous task.


its definitely the other way round–isn’t that how nice viewers block out spoilers?

Forgive me, but I am a newbie. I saw this discussion and I hoped to find a link to the rules for timed comments. Is there such an item? If so, can one of you point me in that direction. I have been making some timed comments, but I want to be sure I am not offending anyone, as I tend to be a bit flippant. Any help you can provide is appreciated.


Here is the one for timed comments

And this one is for comments section


I agree entirely! It’s such a big issue that I would honestly spend my own time going through and deleting the obnoxious and insensitive comments that they always post. Like you mentioned I do think that having a warning display before you start a new drama about how to use or not use timed comments would be a helpful disclaimer/reminder for views. Short and sweet and using a tally system to keep track of multiple offenses. If the offenses were at a certain level then they would be banned from using timed comments altogether, but I think banning Viki’s service is already a consequence?


OKAYY it is time to STOP XD That is way too much

So I know this is an old topic, but I don’t see a need to start a new one for my question.

Does anyone know why emojis in the timed comments seem to be contagious? The TCs are going along fine and as soon as one person uses 4 to 5+ emojis it’s like it’s open season. Or is that my imagination?


:joy::joy::joy: this happens during kiss scenes or other romantic scenes. Some people want to express themselves with emojis and other might just want to add a TC. There’s also a kind of urge to just add five more emojis because everyone is doing it :joy: I can’t explain it, but there are lots of instances where one person starts a trend and everyone just follows along.

I remember watching a drama where some boring scenes were going on and someone wrote that she was pregnant. Everyone was congratulating them for the next five minutes :joy:

There’s also one where someone wrote “I wonder if any of the actors are reading these TCs?” and for the next minutes everyone was identifying themselves as one of the actors.

The funniest was a drama (The Girl Who Sees Smells?) where the whole TCs were filled with everyone creating a huge plan to kill the villain because the main characters were taking too long :joy: