J-drama issues urgently with episode 4 of adult high school

Hi everyone I need the help urgently to Viki staff. That´s because the episode 4 of japanese drama Adult High School only appers with 15 minutes but really has 48:30 or more minutes. I think is a bug of Viki please help me I´m the CM of that drama .
Link of video: https://subber.viki.com/translations/1141749
This is the link of my profile. PLEASE HELP ME:
What do I do?
@mariliam @kris_o @camiille Please help

You should tag some people here. Such as…

@camiille @kris_o @mariliam

I had the issue last when someone reported another episode was at 15 minutes prior 1.08 hr
It seemed that it help to report the video directly. But you could have bad luck since it’s the weekend.
I would try this way and will report the video as well, if the issue still shows. Maybe you can motivate some people of your team or the drama fans to join in the higher the number of complaints the faster the fix for videos. (Most of the time no warranty though.)
Good luck

Better place the link of the video not your profile.

Thank you so much.

Ohh thanks.

Thanks so much for bringing this up to our attention! Will get it sorted very soon. Sorry again for the inconvenience.


Hi @dannyelita32_368,

Amy (amyk) let me know she reached out to the appropriate team to fix this video. The video will be replaced. She’ll be sure to let you know once that’s fixed!

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Viki Community Team

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Thank you so much.