This has been on my mind on and off for like a few months but has intensified the two last ones : I don’t know if it’s only me or it’s a general feeling but I really find it hard to find anything. I mean any projects.
Usually either I get no responses or there are negative. I’m not blaming since it’s usually because the series are more and more to come pre-subbed so no real need to have an important team.
So I wanted to know is it just me or have y’all noticed that as well ? Because for example, I’ve been sending tons of application and nothing positive since my last project a month ago…
I looked into your profile and noticed that you didn’t fill in anything in the “About me” section. I can imagine that if you introduced yourself there in English as well as French (which seems to be your target language), people might get interested more.
Also, you didn’t do much work so far, only a couple of subs per show. Since there is no explanation in your profile as to why that is, it might give the impression that you pop up, do a bit and leave.
Also, how do you apply for your projects? The best way is to find the show you’d like to work on on Project finder, than go to the site of the show and look if there’s a French moderator (as long as you can’t/don’t want to become one yourself). If there is none, you can’t work on the show. If there is one, write them a personal message. Some people try to apply through the “Apply” button in Project finder, however that doesn’t really work well.
Hope it helps.
I started less than 2months ago. It took me a week to find the first project, then I was accepted to another, and then invited to another… I’ve reached 2900 subtitles last weekend, however, I haven’t found new projects to continue…
Also the Project Finder seems odd. During december there were no new projects at all, and suddenly this week there is an endless list of projects, the problem is that most of them are already fully translated into Spanish (I’ve checked the box for available to me, but still…)
I´m really enjoying to contribute, any advice in how to keep the momentum?
From what I understand, most shows come pre-subbed in Spanish. That means that Viki doesn’t need subtitlers for those shows anymore, only editors. I don’t know if that’s something you’d be interested in.
Oh thanks ! I will fill that “about me” section then !
As for the “project finder” I used to apply through it but never received a response. Maybe it has changed so far so I will give it another try !
Yes, I’m very interested. How can I become an editor?
Project finder doesn’t work well, in my experience. As a channel manager/moderator, you have to turn on the notifications so that you know that there is a message for you in that application, yet somehow it just doesn’t notify anyway.
I’d really recommend to look up the moderator/channel manager and apply by sending them a message.
If I were you, I’d google “Viki editor” or look at the Viki help page for some info so that you know what is suitable for you, and then I guess you’d have to look for some projects in the Finder, and contact the chief editor/channel manager there.
Oh if that’s what you recommend it’s good cuz I’ve always been applying this way, I will continue then! Plus in the project finder there is no filter for to only see upcoming shows so the search is always thorough and time consuming
Working on an on-air show means that the expectations and pace are very high. The team needs you to work fast and well in order to keep things moving forward.
Working on “older” shows means that you can take your time and do all the subtitles without being pushed to the limits, which would give you a higher credibility and would show that you are willing and able to finish what you have started. That way, it would be easier for you to land a desired project in the future.
In my opinion, volunteering for Viki isn’t different from landing a real job, it’s important to make a good first impression (by keeping your profile up-to-date, filling in the About section, writing an application where you explain why you want to work on a certain show and showing what you have to offer, and working hard and well when you land a project).
What you could also do is to contact people from within your language community. They might give you some advice, and maybe you’ll get a fun project to work on this way.
Thank you all for your comments. I will follow your advice.
I’m very happy now because yesterday I finally became a QC. Last week I got only two small segments and by twesday I reached 2997 contributions!!! Yesterday I was able to participate in several parts and so I already have more than 3500 subtitles
Since I am now available to work on more shows thanks to the Viki Pass I’ll keep the pace to gain more and more experience and soon become an editor, a Spanish moderator or even a Channel Manager.
That’s wonderful, I hope you’ll enjoy your time on Viki!