[K-DRAMA] "Behind the White Tower" Recruiting [CLOSED]

Behind the white tower

Recruiting transcribers, translation editors, english editors, moderators for all languages (except for spanish, greek and vietnamese that we already have mods)
Send a PM to mahoula or wheelykpopeonni
no experience required, everybody is welcomed.
If your language has a moderator listed above,
please send a message to them.

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Let me know if I can help out in any way. :wink:

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I can translation edit^^

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I can translate from english to italian, let me know if i can help you.

You should contact with the italian mod if there is one and if not i can add you as one and you can create your italian team then. let me know what you think


I can translate in French! Let me know if you need someone.

Would you like to be the french moderator and recruit more people to help you?If not when i will recruit a french moderator i will let you know to communicate with him/her.

Hello Mahoula,

Yes i will be honored to be the french moderator ^^

I will make you the french moderator now then. Welcome to the team

@mahoula Thanks, it’s a pleasure !

Hi, I can translate English-Spanish. Let me know if you need some help.

Ask the spanish moderator to add you in her team and thank you for your interest

PM me if you’re looking for a eng–>french translator

contact marcelinha_gh_19. she is the french moderator

We need help in transribing the english subs into the empty segments.
Episodes 6 till end need help. We haven’t got enough transcribers.
If you are willing send me a pm.

I’d be interested in helping transcribe!

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Thank you
I will add you in the team. Before starting don’t forget to read the team notes and post in the team discussion which part you ara transcribing.

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Hello mahoula,

Are you still recruiting transcribers? If so, I would love to help out


If you would like you can help as well. I officially added you in the team since the managing tools are working now.

@mahoula Behind the White Tower is one of the best legal-medical drama ever made in any language. They really had great law and medical consultants for the drama. Great acting. One of my Korean instructors recommended it to me. At the time I could not find the series on the Internet with English subs at all so I bought the “official” DVD set.