Wandering around the web and found some interesting articles about Viki, why not share them
I wanted to update on this post (https://discussions.viki.com/t/viki-or-vs-dramafever-polls-a-peek-in-viewers-opinion/12502) but I thought that it might have gone off topic because it’s not really about viewers’ opinion, polls and only Viki and Dramafever etc… even though some recurrent points are mentioned here and there.
The title of this post explains it all, I guess
DramaFever vs Viki vs Hulu Plus: Korean Streaming Services Compared
Source: Review from Knoji website published on Jan 17, 2017
Extract about Viki (you can read the whole comparison with other platforms clicking on the Knoji link above)
"Viki is also usually right at the top of people’s lists for Korean video streaming. Apparently, there are sometimes some issues with subtitling on Viki shows, but viewers appreciate their price point and other perks.
-Update Speed
-Mobile Compatibility
-Free Trial (1 week)
Viki has fast uploads and subbing, partly because their subtitles are done by the community. It’s crowdsourced, which helps with speed and accuracy. They also have a cheaper option than other services in terms of ad-free experience. People praise Viki for their compatibility too, with the services often working well on mobile. It’s worth noting that the speed is often reserved for Viki Pass subscribers. When you click on some of the videos, it tells you that you can only access it if you’re a member, or if you sign up for the free trial and that everyone else has to wait a few weeks to watch the free episodes. There are certainly complaints about the translation quality sometimes, however. Some of the reviewers in the Android store also have some issues with using the Chromecast feature through the service as well, apparently.
[…] If you’re instead looking for speed and staying up to date with the most recent television shows in Korea that are coming out right now, then you’ll want Viki instead. The paid version of Viki gets them out nearly right away, whereas otherwise, you’ll have to wait a few extra weeks to watch them."
"Viki has pricing available at $5 a month per so, just like the standard pricing for DramaFever. It’s the same type of deal as DramaFever with removing ads for the cost. You can also pay yearly if you want in order to save money and get the cost down to $50. This means that Viki is going to be one of the better options if you want to get Korean streaming without ads. The official name is a “Viki Pass.”
[…] Overall, Viki is going to come in as the cheapest option available as well as the fastest for getting streaming Korean episodes that just came out in many circumstances since it’s $50 per year."
“Viki reviewers favor it because of their fast uploading and subtitling practices. In particular, reviewers mention that they end up with subtitles faster than what DramaFever puts out. This means that it’s often an excellent choice for people who are addicted to a particular show and need to make sure that they get their new episode fix as soon as possible. The community sources for subtitles assure that they can spit out new translations for Korean episodes in English quickly. Other reviews include a 4 out of 5 review from Cnet, the same from Google Play, a high 4.5 out of 5 from iTunes, and a high 4.5 out of 5 from Tap Smart as well. It’s worth noting that the Android app is updated frequently, and new features are coming out all the time there, including optimizations and bug fixes. Reviews on the Android site talk about how convenient the site is in terms of allowing quick access to Korean streaming videos.”
“Overall, reviewers are fairly positive about all the potential services, with emphasis focused on particular options based on what you’re watching for.
[…] On the other hand, if what you want is to get your Korean shows and get them now, you will like Viki, provided they have the particular show you’re looking for. It could be a good idea to stick with them once you know they have what you want.”