Hello !
Last night, I found polls debating over Viki or Dramafever and wanted to share them with you.
What viewers (hypothesis that most of them are not Vikian contributors who answered, nor employees) think about Viki and Dramafever and why they prefer one over the other one.
Personally, in my quality of volunteer, I can’t participate to polls debating about Viki or Dramafever, which one is the best for viewing experience, which website I prefer to watch dramas without being biaised because I participate in Viki. So knowing myself, I would do good advertising about Viki if someone has to ask me, I won’t be impartial xd
- Here’s the poll which was done this year (June 2016) :
On this poll, 86 choose Viki and 52 choose Dramafever. It’s not really representative (40 comments) but at least, we have a little idea of what viewers think of each website.
- Another poll done last year (May 2015):
https://www.reddit.com/r/KDRAMA/comments/36j18k/viki_or_dramafever/ : 50 comments
In 1 sentence (answer in 2015) :
“That being said, like a lot of people mentioned, both Viki and DF have pros and cons, and it just depends on your preferences in how you watch and what kinds of subtitles you like. They’re both getting more exclusives, so it’s unlikely that you can watch every single show on either site.”
A summarize of advantages and disavadvantages/ Like and don’t like, viewers found on each website to base their judgment to pick their website :
Dramafever :
- Comments on Viki
- Less dramas blocked in countries than DF
- More Taiwanese/ Chinese dramas on Viki
- Viki is cheaper (except when DF do sales)
- Viki mobile app is better
- Viki have the Kdramas some viewers watch (vice-versa)
- More information on Viki
- Audio/Video bugs on DF (answer in 2015)
- DF likes to Americanize some of the phrases they translate (answer in 2015)
-Better quality subs on Viki (vice-versa, answer in 2015) :
“Viki subs seem to better translate the dialogue’s meaning, and not so much just a direct translation. I also love when there is some sort of reference that is common knowledge to Koreans, and the subbers will leave a little side note explaining it.”
-Viki on Xbox 360 (answer in 2015, coming soon on DF)
Dramafever :
- Timed wrong on Viki
- No subs sometimes on Viki
- Slower subs on Viki, slow subs if the show is not popular
- Viki doesn’t have the Kdramas some viewers watch (vice-versa)
- Better video quality on DF (answer in 2015)
-Poor quality subs in Korean, inaccuracy in Korean subs, Google Translate sometimes (answer in 2015 from a Korean speaker) :
“In general, I don’t notice glaringly obvious translation errors on DF like I do on Viki. The ones I see on Viki make me stop in my tracks and do a double take. My guess is that it’s the work of Google Translate in some cases.”
Other answer to this : “At least, if you watch them after they’ve been properly edited, they should be pretty good. (Disclaimer - I don’t know much Korean, so I’m putting trust in the Viki translators and editors when they say stuff is correct.)”
-Glitch : Spanish subs when English subs selected, commercials repeating bug ((answers in 2015)
-DF doesn’t sub songs (answer in 2015)
"I have mixed feelings with this. Sometimes the lyrics play a role in the plot and sometimes it is just background music. I like when they subbed with the first, but otherwise they are a distraction.[…]“Oh good lord yeah, when people are talking and they sub both the dialogue and the music in the background. If it isn’t playing a role in the story itself, it doesn’t need to be subbed. At least that is how I feel about it.”
Other answer : “I think it would definitely be more agreeable if they just subbed it the first time like you’re saying. Sometimes it really gets in the way of the dialogue we’re trying to read though. And sometimes the lyrics are terrible haha.”
-Less problem on Chromecast on DF (answer in 2015)