Learning Korean :)

:sweat_smile: Whew! Okay, thank you @ajumma2 :sweat_smile: that was a bit disconcerting.


Lolll of course it isn’t true… there are no rules if you want to create your own name - even AI name generators that try to find a name that sounds like your birth name so its similar.

And even if you did it that way, that YouTube short isn’t going to reach more than a hundred people(assuming they would even remember all that lol). With that logic, everyone who is born on the same day should have the same name.


after seeing this discussion I realized that my books and pdfs could be of help to some people in the Viki community and it inspired me to share them so I created it specifically after I have seen this discussion so that I could share my resources.
Thank you for worrying about me, haha but I’m okay.


Hi :raising_hand_woman:t5:‍♀ @squishy,
Okay, good to know. . . :blush:

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In a few k-dramas I saw people talking about the word menu. Does that have the same meaning in English? It seems that in Korea a menu is synonymous with dish. Because there was a show in which someone was offered the chance to make a new menu and he ended up making a new dish. If he changed the menu as in English, wouldn’t that mean he got to decide all the meals that were served ?


The word is the same in Korean and English…

Even in English, if you say you’re changing the menu, it’s doesn’t have to mean you’re changing the entire thing. If you add one dish or remove a dish, it still counts as your having changed the menu, right? The “lineup” has been altered.


I have seen similar in some dramas. For example, some people go out to dinner together, and they say something like, “Go ahead and choose your menu” rather than using ‘meal’ or ‘dish’. I understood what they meant based on context, and I just assumed that either direct translation wasn’t possible in that instance or the two languages just use the words in slightly different ways.


‘내가 하루살이 보러온 건 아니잖아’
‘I didn’t come here to look at a mayfly’

Is this a Korean expression? I just heard it in a drama.

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That Mayfly changed in google to Haru-life.
‘I didn’t come here to see Haru-Life’
Hmmm. . .but is it possible Mayfly is the bugs we see in the month of May? :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Often called Maybugs.

Well, that is a good reason Google Translate can’t be used for Viki translations, don’t you think? :wink:

This website is way more reliable for Korean translations https://en.dict.naver.com/#/search?query=하루살이.


Definitely not! They have a loooong way to go! :rofl:
Now, what do you think about Maybugs? :wink:
Maybe expand on the context of the quote?

I mean as long as we know what insects we’re talking about… What’s in a name?

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I don’t know the context but 하루살이, in addition to “mayfly”, also refers to “a hand-to-mouth existence”, a life that has no promise of tomorrow, just like a mayfly. When you break down the word 하루살이, 하루 means “one day” and 살이 means “living” or “life” so it makes sense.


Becky lives in Seoul, Korea. :kr:

Just curious, has anyone tried using italki.com to learn to speak Korean?

Didn’t you mention this site in a post? I may remember wrong, but choitrio is asking. :blush:

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Nope, i have never visited that site :confused:

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Ah, that makes sense. I already knew 하루살이 as an insect, but didn’t know the extra meaning.
I learned this word while watching a gameshow with k-pop idols. They were playing a guess the word game and one of them was Japanese so he didn’t understand this word, so that’s why I learned it and remembered it :slight_smile: The Dutch name is eendagsvlieg (one-day-fly)


I’ve been browsing a few times on the site, but I feel too shy to contact someone :frowning:


You seem to have a good grasp of the Korean language, why not challenge yourself? As you probably know already, the best way to improve speaking skills of any foreign language is by actually practicing with a conversation partner. Just curious, would you be more willing to practice with someone you are somewhat familiar with (for instance, someone from the Viki community) than a complete stranger?