Learning Korean :)

You are right! I’ve fixed it! :slight_smile:

It sure is. Sadly, my spelling is getting worse and worse…both in Korean AND English! :frowning:


Same here. My eyesight isn’t as good and fingers don’t work as well, either.:worried:


yeah, that’s what I wanted to say :sweat_smile:

what’s 정? and do I have to put 도 after ‘one year’ too, since I already put it after 나?

whups I interchanged the words for ‘speak’ and ‘understand’ :grimacing:

감사합니다, 선생님들!


Thank you. I’m comfortable with reading and understanding Korean, but I need more practice actually using it. When I talk to my Korean friend, I mostly use short sentences, so this is definitely challenging


고맙습니다! :grinning: I appreciate the corrections! Helps me learn. I’m happy to know it’s not that bad. Lately, I’m trying to remember irregular verbs and how to conjugate them.

나씨가 덥다? – 날씨가 더워요
한국어가 어려워요? 아나요, 쉬워요. :sunglasses:

I listen to a TON of YouTube videos and kdramas so I can learn to understand everyday speech. But I don’t have anyone to practice speaking with. I don’t have a smart phone so I can’t do Kakao talk. Even so, I don’t think my accent is too bad. They don’t offer Korean at the University here otherwise, I’d be in class. :sunglasses: (It’s just down the street. No excuse to be late for class.) :smile: It’s funny, I worked there for 24 years and I lived about 25 miles out and HATED driving in winter. Black ice and drifts. Now I live less than a mile away and I am retired. lol But I don’t want to go back and work in the dungeon. I rather enjoy sunlight! For some reason, they just LOVE to keep computer people in the sub basement where we only have Microsoft windows.

hmm. Maybe I’ll go bug them to see if they’ll offer Korean… Probably not - I don’t expect success. They only offer Mandarin, Japanese, Arabic, Spanish, French, Russian and German . They used to have Gaelic (which I took) but budget cuts dropped that one.

정도 is “about”

Or you could have said 나도 한국말 일년동안 배우고 있어요 (I’ve been learning Korean for a year), but it doesn’t sound as fluid/natural in Korean. That’s why I changed it to “about a year.”


thank you :grin: does 정도 work for things other than years too? like could I say 나는 그것을 다섯번정도 헸어. (I did that about five times?)


Yep, you can use it for that sentence. Btw, it should be 했어 instead of 헸어. You can also use 정도 for measurement. For example, 설탕 두 스푼 정도 넣고 (put about 2 spoons of sugar, then…).


can u pls teach me Korean

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Eu também estou aprendendo coreano, eu estou estudando com o Talk to me in Korean, eu já tinha começado com um outro site onde tive algumas noções básicas .

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Muito bem!
Muy bien!
Very good!

Receber! :raising_hand_woman:t5:‍♀
Bienvenidos! :raising_hand_woman:t5:‍♀
Welcome! :raising_hand_woman:t5:‍♀

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Hello again!
I’m having a hard time with spelling. Are there any rules about when to use “ㅐ” and “ㅔ”? According to romanization, they are “ae” and “e” respectively, but when I hear it in spoken language, both sound almost the same.

Also, is there an easy way to remember how to create syllables? Or do I just have to know what the root word is?
“안자” and “앉아” since I know the former means “I won’t sleep,” I choose the latter. But what if I don’t know?
Like “많이” and “마니” or “사라” and “살아”

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From what I can hear, I think ㅔ sounds a bit like the first e in ‘every’ and ㅐ sounds slightly like ‘ay’ in day, but the pronunciation is shorter than the English sound ‘ay’.


How should one translate 내 사람? It literally means ‘my person’ and that doesn’t make a lot of sense in English, does it?
I thought to translate it to ‘my loved one’ , but I remembered sometimes the king also says this about his servants so it doesn’t fit.

‘the one on my side’, ‘the one who is loyal to me’, ‘the one who supports me’, ‘the one who belongs to me’, are these all good explanations of 내 사람?


Going off the literal meaning, the context, and subject of the conversation will dictate the best explanation. It’s best to be flexible, instead of pinning :round_pushpin:one explanation.


I’ve watched quite a few historical dramas with that and they all translate it to “my person.” It’s weird at first, but then I got used to it. I feel like it conveys the meaning best, without being derogatory. “The one who is loyal to me” is quite long.


@leerla73, @vivi_1485

By now I’m also used to seeing ‘my person’, but what it actually means is still vague to me when I start thinking about it. It’s good that I can be flexible about it at long as I know the different meanings it can have.

Another problem is with the word 내 여자 (my woman) . You see, in Dutch the word ‘vrouw’ can be translated as ‘woman’ and as ‘wife’. We differentiate by putting the word ‘mijn’ (my) to indicate we are talking about the woman we’re married to. So we can’t directly translate 내 여자 to ‘mijn vrouw’, because the Dutch viewers will think the man is talking about his wife.
Actually, despite watching a lot of k-drama’s it’s still not very clear to me what they mean when they call someone their 여자 or 남자 and how to properly translate it.
The same problem exist for 내 남자. ‘Man’ translates to man or husband.


“My woman” and “My man” mean “He/She belongs to me.” In all the instances I’ve seen it being used, it’s when the two are in a romantic relationship. So you could translate it to “He/She belongs to me.”
Though a little of the meaning gets lost, you could translate it to “my girlfriend/boyfriend/whatever relationship they have.”

The two instances that popped up in my mind are from Touch Your Heart and Tomorrow With You.
TYH: The psychopath weirdo breaks into FL’s house and tries to assault her. ML pulls him off, punches him, and says “Get your hands off my woman.”

In another scene, ML’s friend sets him up on a blind date without ML’s permission and FL comes in and tells the date “I’m sorry, but he’s my man.” [they’re dating here]

TWY: Main couple faces a lot of hardships and ML’s mentor tells him to break up with her or something. He’s crying, and he’s also angry when he says “Do you think I can’t protect my woman?!” [they’re married here]

All this gives the meaning of “I am his and he is mine,” when two people are in a serious relationship. However, if an ML is just referring to his secretary or assistant, he’d say “My person.” No romantic relationship is implied.

I also think that the word “my” is used to denote protection or responsibility. In most of these instances, the person is taking responsibility or stating that the woman/person is under his protection. Thus, it’s the equivalent of “You mess with him/her, you mess with me. What concerns them concerns me.”
I wonder if I’m making any sense :sweat_smile:

“My person” is for “person who belongs to me” or “person who works for/is supposed to be loyal to me.” In sageuks, the king’s servants and concubines are “his people.”

these are all good explanations.


@ajumma2, and @choitrio Your experienced point of view please, and thanks.


ㅔ is like ‘eh’ (“darker”) sound and ㅐ is like ‘ae’ (“brighter”) sound. But when we say it fast in words, they sound pretty much the same.