Looking for Korean print translators

@KimYunmi I think I would be comfortable being main translator as long as I’m not working, say, 20 pages straight, and if the proofing process (people editing the English translations again) you were mentioning still stands.
All that said, I’m pretty stoked for this project!

@dongbangb2uty Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind. I do want a bunch of spot translators, etc. I’ll also be working on the pilot project as well. (Just not quite proficient.)

@MrsDearTV The German project I have my eye on is called: “Zwölf Männer hat das Jahr” by Martina Paura was made into a Korean drama. =P Also isn’t about how Germany lost WWII which seems to be the rest of the West’s preoccupation with Germany (that and fantasy books). Still, has to be after the bugs are worked out. It’s not likely to be imported for that (stupid) reason.

@KimYunmi I heard of the drama Twelve Men in a Year, but never watched it. I had no clue that it’s based on a German book, although it has almost the same title. I haven’t read the book yet, but it sounds interesting. So, if you need someone for a German project in the future, I’d love to help you.

I like the idea but I wonder something, how will you deal with the copyright the author has? Do you buy a license so it can be translated into English legally or do you do this the illegal way like how they scanlate manga sometimes? I mean it would be a waste if someone spends days on the translation and then there comes the law and everything has to be deleted or you get sued. I didn’t read the whole topic but do you also plan to have beta/proof readers?

I think the intent is to start off with works in the public domain, wherein the copyright has expired. And as the site/project develops, there may be opportunities to work out some kind of licensing for new books and whatnot.

@KimYunmi Just PM me when you want to start or something, because for some reason I don’t get notifications from these discussions… :smile:

@dudie scircus is correct. We’ll start with public domain and expand to licensed books once we have the funds. Also start with shorter projects and well-known classics, particularly ones that tie in to both universities and dramas. I respect authors and their ability to make money for themselves and their families. So I’m hoping we can build up enough to do it legally.

The website landing page is up: http://www.polyglit.com

If you’d like to see more details, I’ve posted http://www.polyglit.com/index2.html

It lists the business plan, pitch, the dollar amount needed for the project and the desired booklist I’ve been compiling. (Feel free to add to that list). I’m open to additional suggestions as well. I just ask that you read the whole thing before pitching an idea. =P Saves time.

I’m working on the non-programming parts of the website while I gather the last main translator and the sponsors for the book project.

The website will be free for translation teams. So you won’t get ads, etc.

@KimYunmi thank you for explaining it. I ddn’t know there was such thing about public domain and such. I was curious about the "“Zwölf Männer hat das Jahr” by Martina Paura and I saw they have a Dutch version of it 477 pages. That would be huge project. Didn’t know there was a drama based on a German book.

How about sonagi (shower) by Hwang Sun Won? It’s a Korean classic. :smiley:

@Dudie We’re going to break up the projects into smaller ones.

Zwölf Männer hat das Jahr isn’t in public domain yet, so by the time we get there the website’s issues should be smoothed out. The upside is that the English will be shorter than the German if I’m to believe the translation legends going around.

We’re going to do public domain and shorter projects, hopefully until the whole website is running smoothly and then push for longer projects. Moon and Sun, itself is also not public domain, and is 2 books!! I really want to read that one.

@dongbangb2uty Thank you! I’ll add it to the list. Not public domain yet, but I’ll definitely add it.

Korea it’s death of the author+50 years? Something like that. It’s either 50 or 70–wikipedia was unclear. I’m going to ask a international rights lawyer. (friend of a friend)

I’ve got 15 pages of Hong Gil Dong to type up to go. The software is going to ask people to translate by sentence… like viki does, but Hong Gil Dong’s sentences are really long. I’ll post up the raw version soon, so that the translators can get a sense of it while the funds are being collected, and the programming is going to be done. Programming will take a month. We’ll probably launch in spring or summer with luck.

Yeah, I also read somewhere that for a bunch of places, including Korea, it’s death+50. But you’ve got people to ask about that :3

You mention funds a bit; how’s the project funding happening, btw?

I think your idea is really good and I hope it works out. I could help in the future if you need someone to translate from German into English.

I read the book “Zwölf Männer hat das Jahr” and even have it at home. I haven’t watched the drama but I really liked the book,

Hi, I thought it would be better to tell you now than later, but it seems I will be unavailable for this project. I apologize for telling you so shortly after saying I would do it. I really wish you luck on your project though, it’s a great idea!

@dongbangb2uty This project is going to take a while to launch, so it’ll probably be spring or summer if I’m being realistic. You may be available then? You may not be, but I’ll still ask at that time. I do have a second main translator. I’ll be trying to get other translators and main translators too.

I’m funding it through kickstarter. The campaign isn’t up–I need to organize the contributors first. (It’s going to be about 5,000 to 6,000 dollars. Anything extra will go towards more features and trying to collect funds for a licensed book (which is expensive).)

@KimYunmi I have a suggestion for your project. Do you know the movie Punch (2011) with Yoo Ah In and Kim Yoon Seok? It’s based on the novel Wandeuk (2008) by Kim Ryeo Ryeong. As far as I know there is no English translation. It isn’t that old, so no public domain. But maybe you can add it to your list as a future project. I really liked the movie. :slight_smile:

@MrsDearTV Consider it added (revised list is up). Thank you very much for the suggestion.

I’d feel safer with a few more translators, but it might be easier to ask closer to the date of the actual translation.

I’d like more countries listed and of course works. I don’t mind short stories, though I think it’s wiser to hold off on poetry for now.

Sounds like a great project! I’ve been studying Korean for a couple years and qualified to take a few college level business courses in Korean after taking the Korean proficiency test (TOPIK) about a year ago. I’m majoring in information technology, so I’m familiar with programming and web design. I definitely still have a lot to learn in both fields, but if there’s any way I can help, I would love to!

I’m working on typing in Hong Gil Dong, but my Korean typing skills are really slow. (I’m up to Chapter 7, but have 24 more pages (12 pages front and back) to go. Whoo hoo, a whopping 4 pages a day at 6 wpm barring burn out. --;:wink: I wish I could type Korean faster…

I’m working on gathering information for the kickstarter portion of it. It’ll cost roughly about 6,000 dollars (5,000-6,000). =P I don’t have that to spare.

Definitely hoping for more translators.

The Korean can be a touch difficult in places, mostly on the verbs. 'cause it’s genuine Sageuk speak. 하니 and 그더라 shows up a lot. But since Korean hasn’t changed much in the time it’s developed, there are only a few curveball words here and there and then some hanja (with their hangeul). I’ll put up dictionaries, etc to help when it comes to time.

I’m reading it with that sageuk narrator voice in my head. ^^;;

Example from the text (Top of Chapter 7):
이후로 길동이 자호(自號)를 할민당(活貧黨)이라 하여 조선 팔도로다니며 각읍(各邑) 수령(守令)의 불의(不義)한 재물이 있으면 탈취(奪取)하고 흑 지빈 무의(至貧無依)한 자가 있으변 구제하며 백상을 침범(侵犯)지 아니하고 나라에 속한 재물은 추호(秋毫)도 범치 아니하니, 미러므로 제적이 그 의취(意趣)를 항복하다라.

Wall of hanja. (What’s before the hanja is the pronunciation, the hanja themselves are clarification of meaning)

@ChrisLion I will definitely tag you when it’s time. Are you comfortable with a translator versus spot translator role, or would you like a Main translator role?

I finished typing in Hong Gil Dong… I’m going to check it over for errors, etc. And then I will talk about funding efforts this weekend that won’t destroy the reputation of the website. with luck it’ll be up in about 2 months or so… I’ll post the kickstarter here, twitter and my website when it’s ready.

I also am thinking about Jeon Woochi as a project as well. I think that would be fun. I also found a foundry of typed up classics.

How about you translate the news in Nate or Naver, including the popular comments from Knetz.