Looking for Korean print translators


The video that I’m going to post on Kickstarter is done. Will be posted on kickstarter on July 15th. That means that the donation should end August 15th, which means the programming will be done in September (with luck). If you’re interested in translating, let me know. If you know your schedule–given that the drama schedule so far looks grim, I’m hoping that some sageuk people can help.

Was delayed for a month because I was sick. Strep. Three weeks of it.

Also, kinda looking for a modern version of Hong Gil Dong just in case the old Modern Korean is hard to understand, though for some reason I get the majority of it (and I’m by no means an expert)… If anyone knows one that’s readable, let me know. Thanks.

Hi, I wouldn’t mind helping out. ^^

I’m not exactly native fluent, but I’ve got a pretty good command of Korean. I’m currently a freelance translator, graduated from Yonsei KLI last December and obtained a TOPIK Level 5 in April.

I’ve also done English proofreading and editing work before.

Let me know whenever this takes off!

@harudream Thanks. I’ll let you know when the programming is done.

This seems pretty interesting and I’d love to help, but my Korean is pretty beginner. I do understand English and Dutch fluently, but I’m not sure whether you need the dutch language yet. Tell me, if you do ^^

@MusicROSE Thank you for letting me know. :slight_smile: Still looking for mods, spot translators, and English editors. We’re going to use American English and then go to GB English later. =P But I think that should be easy for people to retranslate. You can do second gen translations (e.g. Korean–>English–>German) but the program will prefer those who do direct first gen translations. (e.g. Korean–>English) Third gen translations aren’t going to be allowed, though… (Korean–>English–>German–>Japanese) You can see why…

I could help as English editor. My English is pretty americanized even though I’ve been taught the GB version at school, so I’m kind of familiar with both.

@MusicROSE Thanks, I’ll let you know, when the project is open.

http://www.indiegogo.com/project/preview/5bdf8e93 is the prelim project before posting. It’ll post on July 15th. I’m working on the social networking side of things.