Hi! I’m looking for a swedish moderator to give me projects to work on. I have some K-dramas I want to translate that I have notices doesnt have sedish subtitles. “Brewing love”, “Knight flower” & “Are you human too?”. These haven’t got any swedish modertors so someone have to start and I can help to contribute. I hope to hear from you soon. Best regards.
Instead of waiting for others to contact you, I suggest you contact them yourself.
First you will need to gain experience (contribution points). To start as a subtitler, you will probably have to work on dramas which already have Swedish moderators.
After a few months of good translating work you might be ready to take on a project as a Swedish Moderator.
Here are a few Swedish Moderators you can contact:
Thank you for answering and for your guidance. I have actually tried to contact a few but they are not answering as quick as I want . But I have one project ongoing so I can raise my contribution points and my goal is to be a Swedish moderator as you suggested. I know I can go to each show and find Swedish moderators. But Is there another way to find them? How did you fins so many at once? I’m a rookie but I learn new things every day here on Viki. And I got into discord but I really don’t know if it is a good thing. I haven’t found it useful yet. Anyway, thank you for sendind me those contacts.
Best regards.
Kolla vilka svenska mods som är aktiva är mitt bästa tips, bozoli kommer med väldigt bra tips ovan. Jag tar personligen inte på mig en serie eller film bara för en nykomling, om det inte är någonting jag verkligen vill jobba med. Lägg gärna till en länk till din profil samt test “klipp” du gjort.
Allt gott!
Okej, jag förstår. Skrev till alla ovanstående precis. Dig med :). Men bra tips. Tack!
By the way, I’m here to stay!
Men jag förstår varför man kanske inte vill dela med någon ny.
Tror du missförstod mig, jag välkomnar alltid nya. Jag brukar se till att nya får en chans och vill inte gärna bli missförstådd. Ska kolla mina meddelanden.
I always try to invite people and let’s be honest those that bozoli listed are the same…
Actually, I found them on discord
- In the server you go into “roles” (section on the left).
- Find the Swedish flag.
- Hover with your mouse pointer over the flag until a bubble with users shows up
- Click on the bubble to list all users who identified themselves as Swedish contributors.
- Copy the first name (one in bold).
- Go to your viki profile
- Paste the name instead of your own and click enter.
So it’s not super easy, but easy enough. If Viki bothered to make an updated contributor database, this would help us a lot. In the meantime we have to go the long way.
Ah, sorry. Jag läste ditt svar igen och jag tror jag fattar vad du menar nu. Du börjar inte en helt ny show för att dela med en nykomling. Är det så du menar?
Ja, jag har suttit med filmer som passar tonåringar/unga vuxna och kan således bara tänka mig att ta på mig någonting kort som låter intressant som mod. Jag har ju inte brist på saker att göra på Viki (är även segger och sensei inom det).
Wow bozoli! Thank you for a detailed instruction.
Härligt. Jag vet att segger är segmenterare men vad är sensei? Kan du förresten skriva till mig på messages istället? Jag skrev till dig där. Vet inte om du har sett det?
Here are some. You should visit their profile page (it will be Watch K-Dramas, Korean Shows & Chinese Dramas | Rakuten Viki (replace “username” with the real username) and send a message. Don’t send to too many at once, because what if you find yourself with five projects you cannot manage? (And if will be rude to say no since you’re the one who asked)
butterhawk (Linnea Lilleøien-Schützen) Last active August 2024 (Checked Jan 2025)
johanna_lonnberg Last active April 2024 (checked in January 2025).
biibeautiful (Anna)
svansen (Lois).
silentremake (Lena)
angelzlove1(Malak Abdalhafiz)
weilinn_88 (Linn Weinestad)
Thank you Irmar!