Machine translation from Viki

I mean, why make credits for a robot? We have to make credits for the engineers who made these algorithms and the translators that allowed these algorithms to be made (Which is US)

XD I liked too many messages for Viki apparently today image
That’s the first time I see that message since I’m on Viki.


There is also a limited on how much you can quote someone. I discovered that when the system automatically removed the quote…


Oh, I see. Interesting to know.

I can’t read all the comments.
However, I’m aware of all the situation with French collaborators and I want to say it isn’t acceptable!

I won’t translate anymore until you discard the idea of using bot translations!


Hi I did a message for Spanish too, do you want me to send it to you so you can share it also?


Of course, if we can do it in ALL and more language possible, it’s the best! Thank you for your help, trust and sincerity.

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I will send it in a PM then so you can add it to your main post.

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If we come across someone using automatic translations what do we do? We report him/her. Why not also report the vikibot profile as a form of our indignation?


The Vikibot takes down all the reason that made me be a volunteer. I want help people who don´t understand the native language of the shows (as me) and neither english, besides to improve my english/portuguese skill, not Vikibot´s skill. Fighting together with the french community!


The should ask Google/Youtube for help xD

(because Youtube has different option menues for machine translations and manual translations so they do not interfer with each other. I’m not watching stuff with bot translations but I did check the options some time ago because I was curious how “good” they may be. They aren’t good. Google translate for clear written sentences is mostly okay when it is a simple sentence but I think the bot translation at least on Youtube is by audio to written sub).

This post includes sarcasm.


I’m a rookie volunteer and I’ve been enjoying a lot, now I feel sad about all these stuffs, I’m not working on it because of rewards at all, I am because Asian dramas are my favorite thing, and I want to help other natives fellows to falling in love with it as well.

I feel like maybe they’re doing these things, because they want stopping give us Free Viki Pass and other stuffs, I’m not sure weather I have a point or not, but the first thing that cross my mind was it.

I support French community.


Not in Portuguese. I’m working on this drama.

:joy::joy::joy::joy: Sure! Subtitles by Vikibot

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Solidarity, French translation community!

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Hi sheli, the automatic translations aka suggested subs that are already a part of the editor in some languages (spanish for example) is not what we are talking about here, I don’t even like that tool but well… The vikibot will make subs as a subber, and the subtitles will show up right away on the screen. That’s the case that happened with many dramas talked about here.

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How does this make any sense? They’re not saving money since the subbers and editors are all volunteers, and they’re not improving quality since the machine translations are crap. A common phrase in criminal investigations is “cui bono?” Latin for “who benefits?” and I can’t see the answer here. The decision must have been made by someone who knows nothing about language or translation.
Be strong, our friends, we’re all behind you.


Experiment for machine learning software. Many companies do that and collect examples, Microsoft with translation software in Skype (I never tried it but it is written that it can work as some kind of software translation for your own video calls), Alexa collects customer dialogues too that are proved by employees (how good the software works and what people say and if the software “understands” it), Google has Youtube with different tools including “auto subbing” from audio of a video plus written auto translations for pages, FB and Instagram (Youtube strangely removed it) sometimes have an auto translate option for comments… etc.

So if a software is good enough to be accepted by users/viewers as end result they can create subtitles for any language at the moment the upload an episode. Thinking about that many things on the internet are paid via adds it’s an advantage to have something popular first without much effort (effort in this context means you need enough unpaid volunteers to sub a drama fast what is not always the case).

The reason to watch something on VIKI and not elswhere could be the moment when something is available.

(VIKI does not only cancel announced shows, they sometimes air shows at the same time like other sources and sometimes in a much slower way than other sources - I’m talking about legal sources like Netflix, official channels of TV stations on Youtube, official webpages of TV stations. One pays for add-free content but VIKI is slower than page X, what will you do as a viewer? If you are annoyed by adds, you’ll watch it on a add-free page or pay for add-free but when it takes too long and you really wanna see the next episode you may watch it elsewhere and then you may not pay for VIKI add-free anymore).

It’s speculation, but for a longterm run I could imagine that good translation software would make sense then.

(Some even let machine learning software create “art” and sell it for much money… this kind of software becomes better when it has more data and more training)

songs composed by software: this is new software 2019 song release you can hear the difference it sounds like a typical synth song, not noticeable that it is AI composed


It is true. We are working so hard and they want to replace us with a robot. This is bad just as google translation. We cannot trust it. It will never be perfect. The viki community like what they are doing, and what will they become if something else is translating for them… if we don’t do something, our community will be destroyed by this vikibot !


Yes, I know. That awful subtitle suggestion tool was imposed to the Portuguese teams as well (I don’t like it either). What I tried to say was if you are working on a channel and find someone using Google Translator, you would report that person, right? It can be applied here, they found vikibot was doing automatic translations whose qualities are bad. I know it isn’t going anywhere and the profile won’t be banned, even so, every report will be opening a ticket which will reach the staff members and show our indignation and dissatisfaction with what’s happening with our French friends.