Machine translation from Viki

This is an example how the Viki “Commercial Bot” works. They have disabled the comments (very wisely!)

We are talking about dramas, so the system must be more advanced… or not? A monster, anyway, and very dull.
If they think it may REALLY works on Romance Languages, well… it shows they don’t know Romance Languages AT ALL, not to mention the machine’s lack of emotions:

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But I don’t think you can find dramas subbed in French on another platform else than Viki, or am I wrong ?

Yes you can, usually it’s from fansub though ^^

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Then, it’s not legal. So, Viki has no competitor with French subtitles. Why using a robot ? I agree with @sonmachinima regarding the English subtitles which are the subject of a speed race between the different platforms.

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It is obvious what they are doing. As they mentioned before, they are trying to use the Viki community to improve their bot. They have already won a lot with our subtitles, now they want to win with our teaching. Only seeing the subtitles suggested in Spanish can we see the very poor quality of their translations.

It is not only a lack of respect for the volunteers that we have spent so many hours growing their site, it is also an abuse.

Today is French, how much remains to be the next? We must not allow it.

I support the French community.


There is French subs on Netfix too. Even if I’ll never watch them because I saw some things just… How can paid translators translate like that?
I saw things like “Bonjour, miel” so “Hello, honey” (not honey like" darling" but “honey” the food whereas we can see the woman is talking to her husband).
This example is not on a drama but still, it’s paid translators who did it, they’re supposed to be “professionals”.
I had other examples but don’t remember all of them. It’s not all series which are badly subtitled but when you see this you don’t really want to keep watching with these subs.


I’ve always had the feeling that Viki controls even that, there are dramas where you can add more likes and others where Viki doesn’t let you the real-time for doing that

Hiya, just here to say I’m with all of you beautiful people. I just signed the petition. We’re a family here. Viki can get booped in the butt.

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I’m shocked and sad and terrified, what will happen to our languages if a machine will provide translations. I consider this action of Viki to implement this terrible vikibot an insult to our work dedication and to our languages I do not want to see a translation made by a machine, it is horrible especially in Romanian. No machine can handle the Romanian. So they use as for so many years for free and now they do not have a minimum courtesy to inform us not to mention asking our opinion. I hope that someday another site like Viki was before will be created. Viki deserves to be left behind with no translators and no subscribers. No one will pay to see stupid translations made by a machine


I can’t sleep because of that mess ! I’m disgusted ! I hope that Viki will turn back.


I am a Romanian translator, an active volunteer on Viki since 2012, I’ve lost, by deleting my account, thousand of my translations. Over time I encountered many changes and problems on this site I was disappointed, sad and hurt, and wanted to leave, now I am even insulted by that. ( The ONLY thing that keeps me here is this community of wonderful people.) How can you add a machine to replace our work? I asure you that a machine will never ever been able to provide a good translation in Romanian. On the other hand, French is a noble language, the language of diplomats, are you sure that your machine can replace the human work? I will say NO to your vikibot! But, I’m even more disappointed knowing that our efforts are in vain, (like was with Viki pass for all volunteers), you people will do what you want and disregard us


same with the Romanian translation on Netflix :slight_smile:

what do you mean? I haven’t been on Viki for that long.^^

a few weeks ago we ask, in the same way, for unrestricted access for all volunteers, I’m not sure about the result, but I’m tent to believe that we failed as we will do with this issue, Viki and Rakuten has no respect for us

Which shows were these?

@lutra said the same thing. Means it’s a must :smiley:

I actually think that the suggested translation and bot are the same program, just two different outputs, one passive, the other active.

GT and bot might not fall into the same category. Bot is the propriety of Rakuten and using it within Rakuten doesn’t break any copywrites. The quality of translation is, of course, a vompletely different story.


I just gathered here all the threads about the vikbot, by writing a reply to them so that they would come to the top again.
We should categorize and list, from those threads, all the examples where the vikibot has over-written already done subs, to prove that their claims of it only helping the subs still undone is false!


I am just a normal viewer if I was half as talented and generous as the people who allow me to enjoy so much great content I would consider my life well spent. I am currently studying Korean, Chinese and German language as a beginner., one day who knows, but will they need translators any more with a bot. these great people give up there time so generously to allow the rest of us to enjoy these dramas ect Vikki should at least show them the respect they deserve I fully support the French team good luck too you all hope this issue gets sorted out for you all. has Vikki considered that many viewers are so loyal to the site purely because of the deep feeling of community that is fostered. Bots can never replace real people and will never have the same depth of feeling and understanding of the nuances of language and can never show the dedication feeling nd hard work of the communities . My French is poor but here goes…
soutien pour l’équipe français bonne chance à vous tous.


It shocked me, too, that at the beginning of this thread, volunteers gave so many examples for when the bot was used when the French team was active and up to speed!
“little to no activity for the last few months pertaining to French subtitles” This is simply incorrect. They’re not even trying.

Was kind of read by Viki and this is a sentence used a lot by Viki

We’ll do our very best to provide you with an update soon.

No update since then June 27th.

But found this

I’m a QC Trainee/QC/Gold QC. Do volunteers get access to Viki Pass Plus content?



  • 2 days ago
  • Updated

2 days ago
Why is it that every edit we make to a post can be read and updates of Viki won’t let you know the prior versions?
I am tired of this kind of “double standard”.


Even I am new as volunteer, I think this is inadmissible. Never ever a bot will be better than a human being. Human touch is a need in translation. Not all people understand English, less Chinese or Koreean or…they need us because they love this site.