***My Love From the Star***

I saw people on soompi predicting that maybe that narration (the one he does in his library) is to a writer and he is helping make a movie or something about him and CSY :smiley:
Plus in episode # 20 he said: "that week was normal… " which leads me to believe that we will have a happy ending ^^
Fingers crossed XDDD
Gosh I can’t wait no matter what we get

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Gosh there are soooooooo many, and I said, SO MANY rumours about what and how the ending would be.
I’m just keeping my trust in Park Ji Eun writer-nim that she won’t troll us with ending that would make all hell breaks loose!!!


Okay i’m so emotional now looking back at this thread from my first post to now. Im gonna miss MLFTS !!!

I just watched the livestream and I liked the episode but I’m not sure whether it had a sad or happy ending. Ohh well in a few hours we can watch it with subs on Viki =)

Highlight to show the message above =)


Let’s WAIT a little before sharing impressionss okay?

I made it white since I’m not sure it’s a spoiler.

It was one hour like 5miniute. I just turn off TV after Last EP. CHY(JJH) great actress.

Sorry to spoil it. I would give the last DMJ’s word…my presents…

“Long times ago, there was one rabbit who had found the way to home…”

this drama makes me go crazy. serious. just watched ep 20 and now I’m sitting here pushing the “refresh” button … I mean I know, it will take some time until it will be here and until the subs are ready … but I have the feeling I have to do something to shorten the waiting time …

for the time being, just think about the funny things. it will make our hearts feel light.

(I know it’s not completly just funny, but her dancing made me laugh at first)

JJH dancing scean make weep me, beacuse she dancing with a crying, smile on her face. very impressive scean to me.

The last DMJ words??
You mean the last of the episode or b4 they break apart??? x.x
Ahhhhh I am so scared right noww!!!

I mean, the last of whole EP…^^);;;

Ouu that’s a relief :smiley:
I can still hope for my happy ending :smiley:

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Common, you’r waiting would not be disappointed. hmmm… give one more hint…in this Ep many of sceans linked with CHY’s solo interview…I love that sceans… calm…strong…week…inner beauty…most complex emotions on the acts…great!!

Ep 21 is up NOT subbed though do I or do I not watch it…that is the question…hmm…

I still have class for 2 more hours. … this is like torture lol I wanna know what happened x.x

I have no idea what they even said but…

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I seriously love this drama the ending the actors and just everything . I will miss it so much


From beginning to end…


Loved every second of this drama, and I knew they would find a way to work in a happy (but not too perfect) ending!!

Here are some pics our Viki team made for you to enjoy and share :wink: