Hello, everyone! I was just notified that my channel for NCT (Neo Culture Technology) has been approved! I am recruiting for ALL positions except editors. If you would like to join us fangirls (ME), please let me know.
@rcoo Hello! I added you as a Portuguese subtitler because you are new to subbing, and I would like you to have some experience before becoming a moderator. Thank you for your interest in the group.
@park_min98 Hello! I looked at your profile, and I see that you are a QC with over 3k contributions. Would you like to be the Spanish moderator? I’m trying to give people chances to be a moderator.
Hi there! I love NCT a lot and would be delighted to work on this channel if you still need the help I would be interested in subbing from english-spanish if you still need it! Hope to hear from you soon!