Nevertheless - Friends with Romance - Song Kang 💜

Yes, typos are more or less all I edit when I check my translation. And there is usually plenty to edit :see_no_evil:

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I think that all the player thing is just a cover

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I think that it’s because is not the usual image that we saw in dramaland, but I think that it’s your choice, if a man gets to flirt with you like that it’s your choice to accept him.
He’s not forcing her, he’s just flirting.
Although I think that he’s toxic, but not a stalker or sexual harasser c’mon!

BTW. He’s Song Kang hahaha


just don’t read it! that’s all (I’m talking about the other person :wink:)

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So you do see him as TOXIC - I don’t but I have not finished it yet! Let me know how you feel at the end. I actually think she is Toxic!


More than toxic, I think that both have things to heal, that’s why they are like that and it’s something that a relationship can’t fix, but it’s a drama haha


I think he needs to learn to trust and love! Definitely instead of just casual - she gets on my nerves so we shall see


I like the ending, it’s not going to be my favorite but it was good. I love him as a model in the art studio too
It’s Song Kang for god’s sake!! haha


I need to finish it! I know it was a very different storyline but ITS SONG KANG

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Exactly, and actually, I like to watch different kinds of stories, it doesn’t have the cute romance every time!

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