New Chinese Drama: My Love, Enlighten Me, subbers and segmenters

Hi all, I’m recruiting for a Chinese drama coming soon called My Love, Enlighten Me.
We are still looking to fill the positions of Chief Editor, Translator Editors, Chief Segmenter, English Moderators. Segmenters that are NSSA/SEG101 graduates are also much needed, as well as Chinese-English subbers. There are also a few other languages moderator position still open, for more information, please check out the channel page (

If you’re interested, please let me know either through a message ( or just a reply below, thanks!

22-year-old Nuan Nuan was forced to leave the women’s group, stumbled into the society from scratch, and encountered the young “super memory” genius visionary Han Che. In order to complete his grandmother ’s last wish, Han Che returned to China to undertake the project of “Reappearing Dunhuang”. The warmth of life’s resumption begins with the clothing store clerk. With his unique aesthetic talents and extra hard work, he quickly became a gold clerk in the store and was promoted into the head office. Nuan Nuan encountered various tests, but turned against the wind to enter the design department, all the way to learn to allow Nuan Nu to grow rapidly and gradually find a new life direction. Using its accumulated experience in dressing, Nuan Nuan has developed a collection of clothing for civilians, determined to make more ordinary people beautiful and confident. Han Che accompanied Nuan Nu along the way. Although the two experienced misunderstandings and challenges in their relationship, they also exuded warmth and sweetness everywhere. Together, they cleverly combined trendy clothing with Dunhuang culture, and displayed cultural treasures to the world in a gorgeous modern posture.


Interested! I haven’t been very active but wanted to start voluteering again. Chinese - Eng. Also, I have video editing experience so I’m thinking about getting that segmenting training, but not sure how to start/if it’s needed.

I’m interested to help. No experience but I am a fast learner and good a paying attention to detail. I can speak English, Bahasa Melayu and Chinese.