Ok I know we are soooo bored

Pillow filling? :rofl:


It was a bit fuzzy and you couldn’t see the stitches. It was also not twisted enough, so the strands tended to separate.

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We have cactus, more than you can imagine.

This is a photograph of Saguaro National Park.


yes I do have cactus hedhehehehe, not that much though


image have a great & blessed day!


That is so cool I mean who doesn’t want to actually touch a cactus and see if it hurts or not.:):rofl: atleast me


Did you make that yourself?
Looks cute :smile:

Oh my!!!
I love it.


That is so cool I mean who doesn’t want to actually touch a cactus and see if it hurts or not.:):rofl: atleast me

Trust me! It hurts. Some cacti (plural of cactus) needles are much more painful than others.


Great topic for a horror movie! :scream::cactus::cactus::cactus::cactus:


Let’s prepare for Halloweeen! :jack_o_lantern:


Irène! Can I book another crochet lesson for next Friday night? (That would make a nice catchy song :joy:)

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no, I would love to make it though

It hurts, and sometimes you can’t get those barbs out either



What about tweezers or hot water?

(I had many red dots from applying eosin when as a child, I fell in a range of rose bushes while riding a bike (with 4 heels). All over my body :joy::joy::joy: I can’t compare with cactus barbs, never tried and not sure I want to LOL)


Cactus, well I got to “meet” a cactus when I was 9 years old and spend my summer holidays at my grandmother’s place. She used to live alone since my grandfather’s death. Normally she would open all the windows in the morning. By the window there was one cactus, I always must have overlooked it. So while the windows were open she put the cactus on the sofa and I liked to sit on the armrest of the sofa looking outside. When I saw someone walking outside, I wanted to look a bit more and reached behind me with my hand. Trust me, you don’t really want to get to know that feeling, I don’t even know how many barbed spikes my grandma had to pull out of my hand, but it really took a lot of time.
From then on the cactus would be moved to the table, it was a bit further away from the window and the sofa.


That must hurt as hell!
Was it a mini cactus?


as for that cactus, painful too

ok try this one ,sorry some of you may not know some of these, but try anyway(ps theres a couple I didn’t know either) yep sooooo bored!!

  1. Largest animal

  2. River after which a waltz is named

  3. David Attenborough’s documentary

  4. Working class

  5. Popular Cop, TV drama

  6. Wireless protocol

  7. Stilton

  8. Brooke Shields movie

  9. Optical disc format

  10. Elvis Presley movie

  11. River originating in lake Tana

  12. Well established company share

  13. Severely bruised

  14. Super hero Ted Kord

  15. Musical genre of Kentucky

  16. Levis or Wrangler

  17. Popular Las Vegas trio of performers

  18. IBM nickname

  19. It comes very rarely

  20. Dan Ackroyd and John Belushi

  21. Aristocrat

  22. Architectural drawing

  23. Beyonce’s daughter

  24. Popular Courier service

  25. Soldiers in Washingtons army

  26. A puritanical person

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Depends on what you call mini, around 15 cm high and from afar it looked a bit flurry but that was only because it had many thin spikes, if it only had been spikes like needles, but with those little hooks. I can still recall the pain 4 decades later, that is when it went en vogue that you got a cactus as a present in the 80’s all of these went to my mom, I am “healed”. No more cactus for me.


try to transplant one! I learned to use gloves now