Petítion to Adress Unfair Practices in Distributing Translation

I really admire you because you have given so much information and suggestions that if the CEO/Owners and staff at this site read them and care enough (technical department?) they can find a way to resolve this issue because no matter how many if or but’s they want to mention here; I think is time to take the control out of the hands of volunteers/paid subbers that are selfish (hoggers), and don’t care if their actions are so unfair towards others in any given language, and worse yet, they’re even affecting the Quality that RVIKI shined for (many years back).

In my opinion, the way they reward at this site the volunteers through ‘‘contribution count’’ has to be changed. There HAS to be a better way to reward volunteers without having them becoming obsessed of ‘‘hogging’’ more projects so they can keep those numbers way up.

There has to be a way to stop/block people that are (hoggers) from preventing others to have a fair distribution of volunteer work to do here at this site. Like I always say; Quality and Quantity can work hand in hand, as long as EVERYONE has a fair chance to prove their worth as a volunteer.

PS. I use hog/hogger in my slang/Spanish translation: ‘‘Afrentao’’
Synonym of hog

  • (take greedily )
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If you were to take only the status quo statistics, you would miss out on a lot.

For example, I have only 3 projects as a Mod and am not a subber on any unfinished project. Looking at the snapshot of my active projects, one might think that I have capacity for 2 more Mod projects and a CM project on top of that. In reality I’m currently really low on time I can spend contributing on Viki, and these two out of these three projects have been on a standstill because of my personal and professional life. So, actually I don’t have the capacity/availablity to do any CM project at the moment.

Furthermore, I think someone already mentioned this issue. I apply for a project as a CM. Two whole months later I get a response I got the position. But, oops, I have a deadline at work and can’t deal with Viki now, I’m barely contributing lately. And I still have those two moderator slots available, making it seem like I’m good to go. But I’m everything but.

But let’s say we would like to see the past actions of a user to predict availability in the next week. We would have to take ca 3-5 snapshots over time:

  1. On the day of reviewing applications (Day 0).
  2. One week before (Day -7)
  3. Two weeks before (Day -14)

And then calculate the rate of contributing - how many contributions/episodes per week and how steady the rate has been over weeks.

Now, if I were sick for a week or on a vacation - that would show and diminish my chances as a CM candidate.

If I were a pure segmenter, the rate of contribution would seem so small compared to a subber or editor/moderator. So I couldn’t even compete for that position.


Thanks, I didn’t realize the waiting time to find out if your application has been successful can be so long. I’ve never applied to be a CM, I’ve always just wanted subbing jobs.


Thank you, but it’s just because I’m a bit autistic and love well-run systems.

Yes, I think if there is one thing most of us agree on here is that it’s always the same people who get to be CMs.


This is another variant. There are more than one type of hoarders!
And not only among CMs and moderators.

I know in the Italian community hoarder subbers, people who have more than 20 projects going. They have to keep a weekly calendar to mark the schedule of when they are supposed to finish which part of which project.
Of course they don’t have the time to watch the dramas they are subbing, so they don’t know the story, the characters, who is who, they don’t remember who is supposed to speak formally to whom and there’s no time to bother to look at the spreadsheet either, since they have to rush and then go on to the next project. As a result they make lots of mistakes, because of not knowing the context. As an editor, I am extremely pissed when this happens.
One example among many (not even from a drama but from a 2-hour film): a professor was mentioned, and was translated as a he in Italian, with all adjectives and verbs in masculine form. But if the subber had watched the beginning, where the professor had appeared in a couple of scenes, she would have known it was a female!
What’s more amazing, one of those ladies has quite a busy life, she works in a school and is also the carer of her elderly ailing mother.
But she’s not the only one, I know quite a few people like this.
That’s why I often say I would like to see the slot system for subbers too. Maybe a bit more than five slots, but still not … infinite!


The Wolf took over a year! It was insane :rofl:


Many here will give you the million and one story (in full detail too) as to why the same CM may get ‘‘picked’’ all the time, but have in mind that’s all in the control groups we have here in ALL Language. Once the ‘‘team’’ is made of these controlling groups of people they jump from project to project without giving any chance for newbies or any other volunteers outside of their group to be able to work in projects (dramas/movies/shows).

The good thing that some of these old controlling groups have been kicked to the curb by these new controlling groups, and now they feel the pain and whine all the time bc they don’t have as much work to do as they had in the past. The old saying ‘‘what goes around comes around’’ prove to be true.
But no matter what; the vicious cycle continues, and it needs to be stopped because it’s affecting a lot the Quality of the subtitles, and there’s no need for that to be happening. This site can have the best of both: Quality and Quantity. They just need to divide the work FAIRLY and EQUAL for all the people willing to provide their volunteer services whether is for FREE or as a PAID subber.

PS> …I came upon this by chance, and little old me don’t know how to added here so I resort to this. I don’t like to write things unless I can prove I was right. So the new controlling groups are taking over and some are feeling the pain of rejection now . Being rejected while HAVING all the qualifications is not a fair or justified thing to do. I hope the new controlling groups give others that are more than qualified a chance, and work towards a better QUALITY in the subtitles here at RVIKI. I refuse to watch dramas/movies/shows here; until this issue/unfair practice gets resolved.


Every now and then, I find myself watching shows with subtitles like these. They can be unintentionally hilarious, and when I’m fed up with just being frustrated with them, I figure it’s better to have a good laugh instead. It is abundantly cleat that the subber was not watching the show. The problem is, there is an “Editor” on these shows. Who obviously did nothing.


Sorry to continue to quote your writing, but like I said you always hit on point the things that are messed up in here.

In the case of the Hungarian Petition to address unfair practice …

This is a perfect example of Hungarian native speakers, writers, readers that ARE more than qualified to provide a better Quality work in translations, Editing as Editors, etc., and they are denied/blocked from doing just that.

In the English Language we have the same situation going on right Now; someone that has to work with translation tools for their Editing work are added in so many dramas/movies, and I can’t understand why that’s still going on in here.

In the past the Moderators when through extreme, and made spreadsheets on how we should address each character as we subbed, but in my opinion by reading the about is enough to know who has to be addressed as formal/informal. That amount of work requires ridiculous amount of hours for the Moderator, and time is of the essence for this profit making sites, and that is why these moderators are no longer ‘‘needed’’ here.
Their ‘‘method’’ had people waiting for subs for days at a time; creating frustration for the paying subscribers and even causing for some to cancel their subscription.

Their hogging and controlling tactics came back to bite them in the ***.

So with that in mind, I can assure that no matter how many Editors a drama may have, if they are not qualified enough, but are kept in the controlling teams; QUALITY work here has completely DIED, and we might as well BURY any hope of these wrong things to EVER change at this site… :cry:

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I never applied for the CM position in the past. As a CE, I used to look at the “Coming Soon” shows and message the CM of any drama that I wanted to work on. Now, if I don’t apply to be a CM, the CM is appointed and the CE position is filled immediately without anyone else getting a chance.

I see highly competent CEs like Jadecloud get rare CE jobs, while certain other CEs are always appointed. We CEs can look at a CM’s name and know exactly which CE will be appointed. It’s not like those specific CEs chosen have a good reputation for their work.

  1. The CM position should not go to one person more than three times a year.

  2. A CM must give at least three days for applications of Moderator roles before choosing the best candidate.

In Blossom: The episodes load in four days and the CM is taking applications. In Blossom | Watch with English Subtitles, Reviews & Cast Info | Viki


Given the amount of willing people compared to the number of projects available, I would say per year:

  • two series, independent of the number of episodes, and
  • three projects in total (counting in the movies)

And all co-CM positions should be included into this total number.

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I decided to do a fact check.

Lovely Runner: CM Applicant count: 148

How many times has this person been CM?

Missing Crown Prince: CM Applicant count: 143
Reblooming Blue: Applicant count: 92
You are My Secret: Applicant count: 125
The Witch: Applicant count: 134
Boys, Be Brave: Applicant count: 30 It’s a BL.
Phro Thoe Khue Rak Raek: Applicant count: 103

Hide: Hide | Watch with English Subtitles, Reviews & Cast Info | Viki
How many times has this person been CM?

How many times has this person been CM?

P.S. I Hate You: The drama loads today. P.S. I Hate You | Watch with English Subtitles & More | Viki
How many times has this person been CM?

The facts prove that some people often get to be CM, while others do not.


Let me correct you. While not every moderator has a decent document, a lot of us still do. And no, reading the about does not give you enough information to know who is formal/informal. That’s inaccurate information.The about section does not even give you information about all the characters. Even MDL sometimes does not have all the characters, adding to that is the fact that most of the time you don’t know the relationship between characters unless you watch it. As a moderator, watching and preparing ahead of time is the bare minimum. Now, going back to the topic at hand, it shouldn’t take hours and hours to prepare the document. It takes me about 1 hour to prepare each episode.

Unfortunately, it still hasn’t.

I cannot disagree with that point. =It’s sadder to know that some moderators defend those people.


Well, I don’t know if we are talking about the same thing, but being that you are a Spanish Moderator of course, it will take you less time to do the ‘‘document’’ since the Korean/Chinese/Japanese Original Language Moderator did all the work already, and all you have to do is translate it into Spanish for your Spanish team.

Unfortunately, it still hasn’t.

FOR YOU; it hasn’t because you are now dealing with the new controlling groups we have here now. I believe you are new around here, and that’s what you are dealing with the new controlling groups. I am talking about the old controlling groups which by the time you got here they were already feeling the bite in their ***. I saw time after time this same old controlling groups taking over dramas as CM/Moderators/etc., in Korean/Chinese dramas/movies, never giving many others a chance, and recruiting people in their teams that were less qualified over the ones that meet all the standard to give Quality work in the subtitles. Those are the one I’m saying that now are getting a taste of their own medicine: feeling rejected, unfairly treated by ‘‘viki’’ but when they were doing all the ‘hogging’’ it was all good.

@thaly 1209
I cannot disagree with that point. =It’s sadder to know that some moderators defend those people.

It’s in your face, and you don’t see it? That’s part of the controlling groups TACTICS; they DEFEND each other, cover for one another, and stand by their member of their controlled team, no matter how terrible they may be.

Now…who are we going to blame if this unfair practices continue to go on here at RVIKI in every/any given Language? Of course, not our dear ‘‘viki’’ not my dear viki… :pleading_face:

For all is worth; I believe the control is now in the hands of the Paid subbers. Hope is lost.

Go back and read your own post. you said “Moderators”. OL moderators are also called moderators. So one can safely assume that when you said “moderators” you referred to all. You did not specify what moderators you were talking about. Aside from that is the fact that most dramas come presubbed already. TE, GE, and CE fix grammar and make sure that what’s being said matches the subs and that the subs are as accurate as they can be.

I find it pretty offensive that you are insinuating that OL mods and subbers have it easy because all we are doing is “translating” and that since, according to you, other people did “all of the work already”, we are just sitting there sucking our thumbs.

Now I ask you, OL subbers translate from English. Most use of English is neutral. There is no use of formal/informal words like in Spanish and other language. So do you think that we magically assume what “you” is meant to be formal and informal? Or that the “Original Language Moderator” messages everyone telling use when it’s informal vs. formal?

I find your aggressiveness interesting. Again, you did not specify. If you are not specific, your comment is open to interpretation. Especially since the original post is talking about current practices not old.

I agreed with you? So, yes, I see it and that’s why I am agreeing with you.


This response is not it.
Can we just talk without getting personal?


Movie gif. Leonardo Dicaprio as Jordan Belfort in Wolf of Wall Street rolls his eyes while muttering something and then leans over to bite his fist in frustration.


Thanks for sharing my channel <3
And here you can check my profile too
I don’t think that I get so many channel to be listed in such petition.
But I’m sorry if a create a problem or pain in this wonderful community.


No one should ever apologize for being selected. Ever.

Reading you breaks my heart because it could have been me if I hadn’t leave - I was selected as CM 7 times in about 2 years and a half and, perhaps, they would still choose me over others and it wouldn’t be my fault! By now, if I hadn’t leave, I might have been chosen for about 20 channels. How that would ever be my fault?

No one deserves to feel that way.

Never apologize for something you didn’t do wrong.


Nice profile :heart: