Petítion to Adress Unfair Practices in Distributing Translation

Go back and read your own post. you said “Moderators”. OL moderators are also called moderators. So one can safely assume that when you said “moderators” you referred to all. You did not specify what moderators you were talking about. Aside from that is the fact that most dramas come presubbed already. TE, GE, and CE fix grammar and make sure that what’s being said matches the subs and that the subs are as accurate as they can be.

I find it pretty offensive that you are insinuating that OL mods and subbers have it easy because all we are doing is “translating” and that since, according to you, other people did “all of the work already”, we are just sitting there sucking our thumbs.

Now I ask you, OL subbers translate from English. Most use of English is neutral. There is no use of formal/informal words like in Spanish and other language. So do you think that we magically assume what “you” is meant to be formal and informal? Or that the “Original Language Moderator” messages everyone telling use when it’s informal vs. formal?

I find your aggressiveness interesting. Again, you did not specify. If you are not specific, your comment is open to interpretation. Especially since the original post is talking about current practices not old.

I agreed with you? So, yes, I see it and that’s why I am agreeing with you.


This response is not it.
Can we just talk without getting personal?


Movie gif. Leonardo Dicaprio as Jordan Belfort in Wolf of Wall Street rolls his eyes while muttering something and then leans over to bite his fist in frustration.


Thanks for sharing my channel <3
And here you can check my profile too
I don’t think that I get so many channel to be listed in such petition.
But I’m sorry if a create a problem or pain in this wonderful community.


No one should ever apologize for being selected. Ever.

Reading you breaks my heart because it could have been me if I hadn’t leave - I was selected as CM 7 times in about 2 years and a half and, perhaps, they would still choose me over others and it wouldn’t be my fault! By now, if I hadn’t leave, I might have been chosen for about 20 channels. How that would ever be my fault?

No one deserves to feel that way.

Never apologize for something you didn’t do wrong.


Nice profile :heart: