Please help

hey i remember watching this kdrama on ■■■■■■■ but i cant remember what it was or if its been removed from ■■■■■■■. its ■■■■■■■ canada btw. But yeah if yall can help me find the show cause its bothering me not knowing. From what I remember. There was a hint of corporate abuse… or maybe corporate revenge. Or someone trying to get their get back from being abused by a company. It also had a girl that died and sometime later, someone the looked exactly like the girl that died comes to the same workplace where the girl used to work and everyone thought she had came back to life. This supposed new girl was apparently a friend or best friend from out the country. The setting was basically a poor under developed part of the city surrounded by tall buildings ran by companies. Thats all I can recall from it. Please lmk.

Didn’t you already make this post with the exact same question?

It seems like people are already trying to help you there.


its old. dont reply if you not gonna suggest anything.

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You posted it this year in February. That’s not considered old here.
Please refer to the Viki Discussions Guidelines in the future.
You are newer, so you may not know (second point for example in the screenshot).

You can find the article here:

I did in your original post.
That’s all I will say.