Please Make Descriptive Titles for Your Discussion Topics

Hi, I’m a forum moderator here, and I help neaten up the discussions when I can, so sometimes you’ll notice your topic has been moved to a different category or the title has been slightly edited.

Right now, I’d like to make a simple suggestion for users making new topics, so that we stay a bit organized here.

###Before making a new topic, please search for any recent topics about the same thing.

  • This limits having a bunch of topics about the same thing
  • For casual conversations, it’s fine to comment in older discussions
  • For recent bugs/errors, it’s better to make a new discussion (say, if the last post in the topic is more than a month old or something)

###Please use descriptive titles for all threads.

  • The Project Board is technically the only category with posting guidelines, so please definitely follow them when you’re recruiting there
  • If you have a specific problem or question, consider using it as your title; this will grab someone’s attention better if they know the fix or if they have the same problem

Example: You have the weekend off after being busy for weeks, and you want to marathon a drama series. You log in and check the shows you’re following, but everything’s disappeared.

You check for recent bug reports about this - nothing. So you decide to start a new topic in the Bugs & Errors category. You could title it [New Bug], but that’s terribly undescriptive. How about [Problem with shows I’m following]? Well, what’s the problem? You decide to call your topic [Shows I’m following don’t appear on my profile].

Then you go to make breakfast, and thankfully, you recall the title of one of the shows you wanted to watch.


heyy when are we getting english subs for the drama far away love?/ dying to watch please help me out fellas ^^

estou assistindo um filme no viki pass quer ate o capitulo 20 tem legenda em portugues,mas do 21 endiante nao tem,fiquei mto triste tem como conseguir colocar legenda do 21 endiante para que eu possa assistir ate o final
maiden holmes e me waths me avise se puder me ajudar a resolver.