Could be a full moon, I couldn’t sleep last night it’s common with full moon, it’s sort of a magic thing. But checking the full moon arrives in 4 days. There is some cosmic shift going on, anyway be all safe!
I couldn’t sleep either!
Four Emergency hacks for high blood pressure.
I’ll add a fifth✓ Allow your entire body to relax from head, to toe. First Breath in deeply through your nose, and exhale through your mouth, as you let everything go, and relax.
Sleeping Issues affecting the brain. Watch, and listen.
This is portrayed in the Asian dramas I watch, The Benefits Of Grounding, they do it the martial artist way.
also in the dirt ,walk barefoot.
I hope they don’t do that (walking barefoot in dirt) since now we have various ticks that are all over the world biting and making children and adults very sick.
We have now the Deer tick that has caused paralysis and even death.
Diseases Spread by TicksLyme disease** - is a bacterial infection caused by the bite of an infected deer tick. Anaplasmosis and Erhlichioisis - are tick-borne diseases caused by two different bacteria transmitted by the bite of a tick. The lone star tick causes erhlichiosis and the deer tick causes anaplasmosis.
Agent. Babesiosis is a disease caused by parasites that infect red blood cells . Most U.S. cases are caused by B. microti, which is transmitted mainly by Ixodes scapularis ticks, primarily in the Northeast and Upper Midwest and sporadically on the West Coast.
I didn’t know ticks are also in soil or on soil, I thought they were on branches of trees and shrubs. I always took a mix of vinegar and essential oil of lavender and tea tree oil and spray it over my hair, jacket and just clothing, apparently they dislike the odor… there are other ess. oils as well.
It’s because I was an avid hobby herbalist and did often my own products and have books and I used it when doing herbal walks. I had a huge backyard with old trees and had to mow grass, so when season came mowing under trees I used this spray, bugs also don’t like it. I also planted or worked in the yard and garden and we had the small biting ants. I’d put in summer coconut oil on my ankle and lower legs and my lower arms, they couldn’t crawl well on the oil…
didn’t think about that, and you are right
Wish I knew about the dangers of ticks back in 2016? or maybe even before that. My daughter was diagnosed with Lyme disease, and it has caused a lot of damage in her health. We spend thousands of dollars in all kinds of medicines (herbal included/acupuncture) but the damage is done. We used to go camping plus she used to go to rock concerts and sit in the grass. She wore shorts and sandals and one day she got bitten by what we knew was a tick, but Dr. insisted it was mosquitoes bite although it resembled a tick bite since no medicines were given to her and by the time she was diagnose with Lyme disease the damage in her body had progressed a lot. There’s also Thalia (married to Tommy Motola) that right now is doing really bad because Lyme disease is incurable if not treated on time. Thalia’s diagnose took a long time to be diagnosed, and I read that she was in the Hospital admitted for 3 weeks because she couldn’t even walk. I haven’t heard much from her health lately and I pray she’s finally recovering (her older sister died recently from cancer)…
PS. I will do the rosemary tick natural repellent since I have the ingredients. Thanks for sharing that article is very useful.
Two very sad cases.
What is it?Anosognosia, is a temporary forgetfulness, according to French Professor, Bruno Dor, of the Institute of Memory and Alzheimer’s Disease (IMMA), La Pitié-Salpêtrière, Hospital, in Paris.
He addresses the subject in a rather reassuring way:
“If anyone is aware of his memory problems --he does not have Alzheimer’s.”
- I forget the names of families;
- I do not remember where I put some things;
It often happens in people 60 years and older, where they complain that they lack memory.
“The information is always in the brain, it is the “processor” --that is lacking.”
This is “Anosognosia” or temporary forgetfulness.
Half of people 60 and older have some symptoms that are due to age, rather than disease.
The most common cases are:
- forgetting the name of a person;
- going to a room in the house and not remembering why we were going there;
- a blank memory for a movie title or actor\actress;
- a waste of time searching where we left our glasses or keys;
After 60 years, most people have such a difficulty, which indicates that it is not a disease, but rather a characteristic, due to the passage of years.
Many people are concerned about these oversights hence the importance of the following statement:
“Those who are conscious of being forgetful, have no serious problem of memory.”
“Those who suffer from a memory illness or Alzheimer’s --are not aware of what is happening.”
Professor Bruno Dubois, Director of IMMA, reassures the majority of people concerned about their oversights:
“The more we complain about memory loss, the less likely we are to suffer from memory sickness.”
- Now, for a little neurological test:
Only use your eyes!
1- Find the C in the table below!
2- If you have already found the C,
Then find the 6 in the table below.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999969999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
3- Now find the N in the table below.
If you pass these three tests without difficulty:
you can cancel your annual visit to the neurologist.
your brain is in perfect shape, inspite of your age!
you are far from having any relationship with Alzheimer’s.
So, would you like to share this with your senior friends?
It can also reassure them.
@frustratedwriter, @jadecloud88,
About Anosognosia, here’s a recent article from The National Library of Medicine. A reply from someone I shared the above info. Keep in mind this article is focused on:
The condition in stroke patient’s right hemisphere.
Link: (*❛‿❛)→,in%20right%20hemisphere%20stroke%20patients.
Anosognosia is a neuropsychiatric condition in which one is in denial–unconsciously–and unaware of an apparent disability or deficit. The French neurologist, Joseph Babinski, first described anosognosia when highlighting the obliviousness of those afflicted with left hemiplegia, in 1914.[1] Anosognosia can manifest transdiagnostically as it is extant in both psychiatric and neurologic disorders. Most often, it precipitates in the setting of structural damage–from ischemic strokes–to the right parietal cortex. It also has utility as a psychiatric construct used to describe a patient’s lack of insight.[2]
If you’ve not had a stroke, this article is not applicable.
Here’s another gem of info. Foods that improve brain health.
and I took the test, wow so my mind/brain is in perfect shape!! thank you!! and yes I sent it to some friends too
Awesome! Me too!!
⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
Hard to say for what age this condition would affect, right? Or that it applies only to stroke patients? But yes, you’re right about that article’s qualifier.
My 40-something friend was “diagnosed” with this condition last year (and the first I’ve heard of it too), though she’s still not certain this is it since second and third opinions aren’t as certain to give such a diagnosis. I sure hope it isn’t as bad for her…
My oldest daughter who lives in Florida no longer can enjoy going to the Beach. There are more death than the Media is allowing the Public to know about, and that is why tourist keep risking their life (a young boy was the most recent victim) he had a small cut and the flesh eating bacteria killed him within hours.
excerpt: National Institute of Health
**Most ticks, and all non-nidicolous tick species, spend only a small fraction of their lives associated with vertebrate hosts, with the remainder spent in or on soils and other substrates.**Oct 28, 2019
What brings ticks to your yard?
Wild animals such as deer, raccoons, and small rodents can bring ticks into your yard. Birds transport ticks as well. If you have a bird feeder or bird bath in your yard, it can attract ticks as the birds will bring and drop them off, letting them thrive on your property.
What attracts ticks to homes?
American dog ticks, in particular, are attracted to the heat and carbon dioxide emanating from houses, and are sometimes encountered en masse literally climbing the outside walls and screened windows probing for a way indoors. Dec 20, 2018
7 natural remedies to ■■■■ ticks
- Salt: Regular table salt can ■■■■ tick larvae and eggs, dehydrating them until they fall apart. You can ■■■■ ticks in your house by sprinkling salt over your floor and furniture, applying a layer at night and then vacuuming it in the morning. If you have carpeted floors, leave a thick layer of salt on it for at least a week before vacuuming.
- Boric acid (Borax) Boric acid is available in supermarkets as the main ingredient in some flea powder products. It can be sprinkled on your carpets. Boric acid alone can only ■■■■ larvae (living in carpets or rugs)
- Eucalyptus oil: Eucalyptus oil acts as a tick killer as well as tick repellant. Spray a solution of 4 ounces of pure or distilled water with 20 drops of eucalyptus oil on yourself and your p
- Rubbing: Rubbing alcohol can ■■■■ ticks for good. Once you remove the tick, put it in a cup of alcohol and cover it up with a lid to prevent the tick from escaping.
- Water and mow your lawn Ticks flourish in warm, dry environments, which is why they can be found in thick grasses and wooded regions. Mow the grass outside your house to reduce the number of ticks in your yard that can potentially find a host in you or your pets. Keep your lawn trimmed short and properly hydrated.
- Detergent: You can ■■■■ ticks on your pet with any sort of dishwashing liquid. Apply a generous amount of soap on your pet (more than you would for a typical bath). Allow your pet to soak in the soap for 15-30 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and let your pet dry indoors. Keep in mind that this may irritate your pet’s skin and will not ■■■■ tick larvae or eggs.
- Bleach: Bleach contains powerful chemicals that can instantly k i ll l ticks. Place the tick in a small container that contains bleach.
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