QC Gift Winter 2023

Thanks so very much for the “reveal.” Because I live in an area of the US where I have everyday access to many snacks similar to those contained in the GQ gift, I didn’t select it for myself, but the packaging shows a lot of thought went into QC gift. It’s super nice to be appreciated.


Oh, the box is so cute, I can’t wait to receive it, for now I’m not emailed, I’m in France, all I have to do is wait.


@porkypine :hugs: :+1:
That’s very nice, very cute, and very thoughtful of Viki. :melting_face:
I bet it brings you lots of warmth and love as you unbox it. Enjoy the yummy goodies. :yum:
Thanks for sharing your joy with all of us. :slight_smile:

@mara_rod Thanks to you too! :+1: :slight_smile:


Hi everyone !

The box seems so cute ! ^^
I am currently located in France and have not yet received any emails. Is there anyone in France who has already received the box?

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Me too! I need detailed information (including brand, nutrition facts, technical info) for each product to get authorization. DHL already told me that after 10 days they could charge for storage. Thank you!


Hello everyone! We’re so happy the snack boxes have started arriving. Thank you for noticing the little touches we added to try and make the boxing experience unique and special. :purple_heart: :blue_heart: :yellow_heart:

Hi @sweethope and @hoshi_san85 - Viki has paid all shipping fees in advance so you should not be incurring any shipping fees but depending on the country you reside in, you may incur what is commonly known as a customs tax. If this happens, Viki will send you a digital gift card as reimbursement for your customs tax. Be sure to follow these instructions as we unfortunately won’t be able to reimburse anyone without proper documentation. Thank you!

Steps below:

  1. Save your payment receipt and any accompanying documentation
  2. Open a ticket through our Contributor Help Center here.
  3. Select “Contribution Tool Issues” from the menu dropdown
  4. In the ticket subject line put: “Customs Fees Reimbursement for 2023 Year-End QC Gift”
  5. Include all the proper documentation showing custom tax amount + payment. :receipt:

Hi @VictoriaRoma ! I see that the vendor has all the items listed on their website and you can use that to start your list for item + brand. Link here. You can also use the “common allergens” as the main ingredients and send them to DHL. Hopefully that will be enough. If not, I’m sure they will let you know immediately if they need more info. In the meantime, we’ll also reach out to the vendor to see if we can get the nutritional breakdown in case you end up needing that too. But as time if of the essence, I recommend starting off with the above. Hope this helps!


Thank you @brendas! I think I can start my list. But it would be perfect to have a digital version of the booklet that comes inside the box.


Hey @VictoriaRoma, let me know when you manage to get info about all 15 products. I’m still missing some on my list :tired_face:


That snackbox looks nice and yummy :slight_smile: I would keep the box and store something else in it when all the snacks are gone.


I still didn’t get an e-mail


Hi @VictoriaRoma and @unefleurdete and anyone else who is looking for more info on the items in your snack boxes. :wave:

We just received a screenshot of each items ingredient details and nutritional info. [hover over image and click on the opposing arrows in the bottom right corner to expand it]

Hope this helps! If you need the original image, please send us a ticket through our Contributor Help Center. Thank you!


I got an email telling me my package was held back in customs duty. But after giving them the detailed list i got from tokyotreat.com. it was approved and it will arrive soon… although i did pay a handling fee :face_with_monocle:


Oi gente. Alguém mais escolheu a caixa de petiscos como presente anual do Viki? Eu escolhi e fui taxada. Não pela Receita Federal mas pela transportadora DHL. Que me cobraram um valor absurdo. Eu não vou ■■■■■ porque tenho medo do Viki não me reembolsar. Alguém pagou e foi reembolsado?


Hi! I’m not from Brazil, however they said how to do the process to get the reimbursement, check this discussion

Hope it helps ^^


Hello, I’m from France and I received the box on Thursday, I didn’t get an email, and it was delivered by mail. If that helps, you can.


Hi @ladslove - Our vendor has confirmed your snack box has been shipped!


Hello @rribeiro05_178 - Thank you for reaching out!
Yes - the customs tax has been surprisingly and astonishingly high for some of you. We understand it has been particularly astronomical for those in Brazil. :sob: That said, we are doing our best to promptly reimburse anyone who submits a ticket with their receipts showing payment paid and amount. Please be sure to follow the instructions so that you can be reimbursed with a digital gift card as quickly as possible. Thank you!!
Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 4.10.32 PM


Anyone from Mexico has gotten their box yet? I am still waiting on that email. :melting_face:


Hi! Anyone in Turkey that still hasn’t received the box? I’m still waiting for an e-mail.


Hi, i’ve got the sms from the local post that package has arrived from Japan from Ota-ku, but i didn’t get any sms before, and i wonder, is this package from Viki o not?