The survey is ambiguous on some questions:
- If you had to pick one, which channel role do you consider your main one? *
1.Some volunteers aren’t able to pick one, have to be multiple choices:
Mods are automatically editors in some languages.
Reasons: lack of competent editors or editors
And as a mod, apart from subbing or editing, you could be bored if you don’t do anything.
(My pov: moderating, the word means what it means)
2.some cumulate subbing, editing, moderating (and other roles) on a same projectd
3.“Consider” and “main”, past or present or future?
The main in the past was subbing
The main in present is managing (main activity in term of time and work) but for that there was segment checking and subs checking in the process. The guidelines of a manager tasks are enough permissive to let freedom in doing that.
But it depends on the week: like if I’m busy, i sub a little or i don’t sub. If I’m not busy, I can sub so the main activity becomes subbing… I can’t predict this one, I’m free a s volunteer to sub many ep one week so I can focus on other activities the next week, and then come back 1, 2 or many weeks later to continue subbing.
The main in the near future: the end of this year => subbing, editing, moderating, checking segments considering projects I have until the end of this year (+managing if the fan channels are licensed or not restricted).
=>in fact, on each project, ppl could have different roles: project 1 you are A, project 2 you play B, etc.
So this question I had a little pause before answering it.
Main in term of time and/or quantity of subs? How do you evaluate? We could pick different criteria and in the eyes of different people, the criteria we pick are not what they would ahve picked for themselves or for us.
Do you design channel wall art?
Yes and no? Not my main acitivity and if I was asked I would say no, but if I had to do it because I have no designer, I’d make one (happned already).
So what to answer?
What is the primary language you use as a volunteer? *
=> to communicate in managing or on this forum: 99.9% English
=> when I’m not busy in real life and can sub: French
If checking subs: English or French
=> @irmar how did you answer all these questions? You speak many languages and so volunteers in many languages?
For other volunteers, they could be in the same situation.