Did I miss out?
All discussion posts about this matter are closed …
This post says we should have gotten mail, however neither in my inbox, nor in my email-account was mail.
When was it sent?
I did sign out and signed back in again to see if the QC renewal was linked to that process but my profile still tells me that it will get its renewal on 8th January 2017 for another 6 months. But nothing happened.
My visible counter states 38371 subs, the non-visible 38666 …
Does it make sense to anyone else?


My counter is back at zero, so now it states that I have another 180 days to contribute the needed 500 subtitles.

BUT my visible sub counter is still at 38371, the non-visible at 38666

We got some mail about a temporary bonus something. I didn’t understand a thing, but wasn’t worried because I had waaaay more than 500 subs.
And on the invisible place in Profile Overview there was this:

Thank you for your contributions! Your QC status will be renewed for another 6 months on July 7th 2017.


That’s odd.

I got the message, but my invisible progress tracker hasn’t been updated

That’s odd, mine hasn’t changed at all.

Something changed but there is still some discrepancy left …
Have to wait and see in the next days/weeks, if there will be changes.