Questions about Chinese subs

First, why are there no Chinese subs for CDramas? Especially for shows that has a historical background, Chinese sub is seriously needed for Chinese audience, because no viewer can fully understand the Chinese these actors are speaking by just listening. I’m pretty sure Viki has them as the original source to translate to English, then to other languages, but why not make them public? If making them public is not a choice, can we have volunteer projects to add Chinese subs for CDramas?

Another question is, when I tried to create a sample video as a subber from English to Simplified Chinese, it only gives the choices of KDrama clips and CDrama clips. What’s the point of translating something that’s originally Chinese to Chinese? Is any moderator looking to see this when reviewing contributor applications?


I can’t speak for the Chinese moderators (@trangstar888 and others are better at that) but I think there are shows on Viki with Chinese subs. I don’t speak the language only know a few words that I “need to know” as a segger. I hope someone can help you.


Hello! Please ask trangstar888. She is always looking for and trains TEs and subbers. There are plenty of shows if you want to do simplified captions.


Hello! Please ask trangstar888. She is always looking for and trains TEs and subbers. There are plenty of shows if you want to do simplified captions. We know the demand is there but we don’t have enough qualified people to do the work. So SIGN UP! :innocent: